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Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:32 pm
by Joe_Danger
The problem with telling her that this lady wanted Marco first is that I already told her I wasn't happy with anybody else who called regarding Marco, but I did tell her earlier a close family friend's cat died and she wants Marco now.
I don't really know this girl, she is a different year from me, but it would still be awkward since I'm very well known there and considered one of the best students so I don't want to have conflicts with anybody, of course Marco's welbeing comes first.

I texted her and asked her if possible to decide today on whether she wants Marco or not and explained the situation saying this lady is a close family friend, but she has yet to respond and I texted her right after I made that post here so hopefully they've been thinking about this.

As for cats, female ones dying after spaying pretty much all cases I heard about in the past year had the cats die 2-3 days after a supposedly successful surgery.
I'm sure the vet could have done something if he I dunno did x-rays or something to see if there's internal bleeding when this lady said her cat isn't feeling well and isn't eating...but you know how experienced vets here refuse to do anything other than verbal advice without lifting a finger, so that's exactly what happened here.
She was given the same "advice" my previous vet gave me when Anastasia was about to die from his BS "she will eat when she is hungry, she needs a few days to stablize just keep giving her water with some sugar" and of course didn't want to examine the poor cat further let alone see what's going on inside her....and keep in mind this is a brand new vet I've never heard of until now, so most are the same. The poor woman is devastated :(

Hopefully that girl from college contacts me soon so we can figure all this out

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:56 pm
by Joe_Danger
Marco found an AMAZING home :D I let that lady have him and they took him today, it's ok, Marco was pretty much fully independent and barely nursed
These people are absolutely wonderful, the whole family came over with their little girl who is 5th grade, she cried because their cat died but absolutely fell in love with Marco and quickly cheered up.
I could have kept him for a while longer but the girl really needed a new kitten, she fell in love with him, loved his name too, absolutely perfect.
I hope all is well and I hope Marco lives a long, happy life I couldn't have asked for a better home.

I'm a great judge of character and I was genuinely very very impressed with these people

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:21 pm
by Lilith
I'm so glad your instinct led you to this home - they sound ideal :D

I expect Casper's gone by now and so you're left with Milla and Kala. Milla will be happy to keep a kitten, but it must feel very strange for you after the whole gang dashing round the place.

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:30 pm
by MarySkater
When Kala grows up, you might have problems telling her and Milla apart!

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:24 pm
by Joe_Danger
Medo and Kala are left, they're picking Medo up on Saturday and I have half a mind to tell them to ....let's not use bad words here...even though they're very acceptable people by my standards.
I'm terrified of losing Medo too, parting with Marco and Casper took its toll on me big time, I try not to show it in real life but it did and now I'm letting Medo go, too much is too much.
If we could only keep 3 cats, but we can't :(

I can't part with Kala, people are selfish and want a kitten that is a toy to them, Kala is NOT like that, she hates being touched, she hates being petted, she hates sitting on your lap and I can't lie about her personality because people need to know exactly the type of new family member they're getting and so far nobody wants this.
She plays a lot but simply isn't an affectionate cat, she likes sitting next to you but doesn't like being touched, she won't lash out or anything but it makes her feel uncomfortable.

She was handled just as much as everybody else and with just as much love, but that's the way the kitten is and that's fine by me, she still wants to be around me, she still likes falling asleep next to me just prefers her personal space.

Telling Milla and Kala apart is already somehow confusing :D I can't explain it but when you see either of them at a glance initially there's some time before your brain processes who it is you're looking at or who just zipped by in a gray/cream/white blur.

Kala really proud of me finally getting physical versions of two rare and expensive games...they're bootlegs but hey, they work great
(as a collector I shouldn't be getting bootleg games like that but don't tell anyone)

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 10:53 pm
by bobbys girl
She is SOOOO sweet and just like her mommy.

She sounds very much like my Willow. When I found her she was a tiny kitten. She has never known anything but fusses and kindness. She will sit next to you and head but you for attention. Then, without warning, she'll take a swipe at you. A real princess - just like Kala. :D

As for your games, I won't tell if you don't. :lol: Enjoy!

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 11:29 pm
by Joe_Danger
Thanks :)
Maybe she will come around and beg for attention too, at least a little bit like her mom, for now she doesn't like being touched

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:55 am
by Joe_Danger
Sorry guys, imma do a bit of whining here because I dunno
If you think I'm weird, well it won't be the first time people online think I'm a tad touched in the head

so tonight I went to bed and Medo came on top of me and even though I'm a grown ass man I couldn't help but start weeping like a kid, I can't part with him too, the pain is too strong for me to take all this. I can't just up and cancel on the family I promised him too, but maybe I can...but what if I can't sell Kala? Nobody wants her even though she is amazing to me too
I already lost Casper and Marco, I try to be strong and try to act like a man in front of my friends, I talk big game about selling the kittens and making cash because that's the only thing some of my dumbass low life friends will ever understand in their miserable emotionless lives but my closest friends and family know that I'm nowhere near as tough as I present myself as in front of some people....far from it :)

Today I had a bit of a bad experience in general, you see I entered this illustration contest despite not wanting EVER to do anything with contests and I spent a whole month working on the project for the contest, delaying my studies and my work for an entire month. Everyone was telling me I had that thing in the bag, I couldn't possible not win, even the people holding the contest themselves were very positive believing that I would win for sure.
The thing is, the winner gets over 3000 euros and as childish as that may be I had planned to spend it all on some very expensive old games and consoles, a Vectrex with some games I like and a TurboGrafx16 with some games I like. I never had those particular systems growing up and hey, for once in my life I was sure I had this.....riiight should've seen it comin, I ended up placing 2nd and while that guarantees me future projects with the company as was officialy stated, dude, I get illustration work all the time, I needed this to finally get those old systems and games :(

So losing Casper, losing Marco the other day, being about to lose Medo too was way more than I could handle to be honest.
On top of everything I remembered how a lady I was with is now dating some douchebag I could wipe the floor with twice over and I was almost ready to text the people I'm selling Medo to to forget about him, but then I remembered how that girl kept texting me about how they're preparing from him, always talking about him and all and I couldn't do that to them...but they didn't see him grow up from birth, he doesn't come to them every night to sleep with them, he doesn't lick them or play with them

I have no idea how to deal with any of this

Anyway, I'm not sayin I had a bad day lol but losing these kittens, seeing their food bowls disappear one by it's more than I can handle, I have my limits ya know

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:47 am
by Mayday21
Hello you're experiencing grief over losing your extended family. Have you considered asking if you can be kept updated on how the kittens are going. As for not winning the competition may be a blessing in disguise. You may attract something better. Try to think +Ve no it's hard but as my dad used to say "When 1 door shuts, another opens." Vivian

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:55 am
by Joe_Danger
hey, thanks

man Medo just woke me up...I don't know how this is going to play out to be honest
Guys, I MUST know, of course we're getting Medo fixed as soon as the vet will allow, but I must confirm, a male cat has no higher chance of eliminating inappropriately, right? Because when I was a kid we had a male who kept peeing on the touch, not marking, but peeing, he wasn't fixed but he would go outside to mate all the time, this was the early 90's and fixing cats wasn't popular at all here. Since then we have only been getting female cats and never had any problems hence why we decided not to keep Marco or Medo, if we do keep Medo do you think there's a higher chance he will pee outside the litter box than a female cat? Again asking about actual peeing on a horizontal surface not spraying/marking?

As for the art thing, I probably took it harder than I normally would have due to the stress with the kittens in all honesty, I mean it did open up new opportunities and they guarantee I'll be working on illustration projects for them, I just got upset because I keep losing everything I love and I just wanted some quick cash to get a whole bunch of old, rare and expensive games and systems without spending money from my paycheck

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 8:11 am
by booktigger
Spraying depends on what age he is neutered, and if you get Milla neutered, as her coming into heat will affect him

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:28 am
by bobbys girl
Hi Joe,

Remembering my days as a commercial artist, I can really understand what you are saying. Some folks here might not, but I bet that most of us here can take a week's worth of cxxp in their stride, then one more little, silly thing happens and you either burst into tears or explode! It's called 'the final straw'. We have ALL been there.

I could never breed cats or even foster cats - I'd never be able to let them go.

Vivian's suggestion is a good one. You say they are a nice family, they may be only too pleased to keep in touch and let you know how Medo is progressing. You can but try.

Life is far from plain sailing for me, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, I love it here. If I hadn't have been made redundant from my last, long-time job, I would never have had the opportunity. Chin up, something good will come from all of this. ;)

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:50 pm
by Joe_Danger
So I tried calling that girl to cancel for Medo and try to keep both Kala and Medo but she got super sad, said she'd totally understand if I don't want to sell him and all but she'd cry a lot and her voice already started trembling, she wasn't faking it either, she showed me how she's had him on her phone's wallpaper for two weeks and all and my heart just melted and I felt bad so I told her I'm going to man the...heck up and let her have him, she couldn't be happier.

The girl did EVERYTHING I asked from day one, from reading about cats and actually learning about them a lot, to buying litter and cat proofing the house.
So, I didn't have the heart to take Medo from her even though he is extremely attached to me.

So I guess Medo is going tomorrow too :(

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:19 pm
by Mayday21
Hello Joe I'm sure she'll keep you updated on Medo as she obviously recognises how much you care about your kittens. Let's know. And I can relate to Sue's comment about 'what I call melt downs'. I've had a couple in the last few months. Vivian

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:16 pm
by Joe_Danger
I'm not sure how happy I'd be if I see how amazing Medo turns out and he isn't mine, I mean it's painful you know.
I'd be happy for him but not having him around would be terrible and I'm a weird guy who doesn't know how to let go of things, maybe it would be best if she doesn't keep me updated who knows.

Anyway the family who got Marco consulted several vets on when the best time for getting him fixed would be and even that one highly advanced vet I always praise said after complete sexual maturity so 8 months and up which directly goes against everything and anything I read on the internet, it's as if these vets purposely don't want to keep up with medical knowledge I dunno, it won't hurt Marco but damn, why can't I ever find a vet here who is up to date on this stuff, even the one vet I thought was turned out to simply share the same backwards opinions as the rest.

It confuses me since information and knowledge is easily avaliable to anyone nowadays, especially medical people.

If my grandpa who is in his 90's can keep himself up to date on the latest medical breakthroughs and discoveries, if he can read all sorts of things and despite being in his 90's not be senile in the least, same goes for my grandma I'm sure a young vet close to my age could do the same.

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:58 pm
by Lilith
Hi Joe - I'm SO sorry to hear about the competition! :(

It looks as if circumstances have taken the decision re Medo out of your's awful parting with them, but you've given him a great start in life and taught him to love people...I know Kala is more standoffish but some kittens just are like that; their attention is often centred on their mother, but I notice even she comes and sits with you. It's a start.

I think 8 months is late for neutering, but I think I mentioned the Siamese boy who, because I was showing him, didn't get neutered until 9 months (wouldn't do that again) but he was good as gold, despite living with an un-neutered female. And a feral tom once moved in with me (Not ginger Finn, who sprayed at first; this was Ali Kat) and I got him neutered of course, and he never ever sprayed, once, and he wasn't a young chap.

Do hope you manage to cope with the handover of Medo; he's obviously going to be so loved and cared for and that again is down to your influence. You can be proud of these kittens and yourself. All the very very best :)

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:45 pm

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:52 pm
by Joe_Danger
Medo is now gone, the girl couldn't be happier, poor kid she was scared I'd cancel at the last minute :)
I'm not happy I gave Medo away, happy I raised him well alright, but not happy at all I gave him away, on the other hand I would've been even more devastated if Kala went away so since there was more interest in Medo he ended up going.

I'm very impressed with how much she learned in such a short time, also her boyfriend's brother is a professional registered dog breeder who is registered both here and abroad and he absolutely ADORES both dogs and cats, he was telling me stories about how he personally goes to inspect people's homes and what not where his dogs go, how he took several dogs back and he went on a rant about how terrible vets are here. Supposedly a couple years back a vet gave one of his puppies an expired vaccine, fortunately the puppy was fine, the vaccine was 2 months after its expiration date so the guy ended up hiring his own personal vet.

Overall I'm more than happy with these people

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 6:35 pm
by bobbys girl
Sounds like you could not have asked for a better home for Medo. That's a comfort.

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 6:36 pm
by GitaBooks
Its wonderful to know your animals go to good homes, even if its hard to give them up.

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:06 pm
by Joe_Danger
So for a while I won't be able to look at pics of the other kittens, but I can post a few of Kala and Milla :)

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:02 pm
by Mayday21
Peas in a pod!! Like mother like daughter. Both gorgeous. Vivian

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:38 pm
by Crewella
They do look gorgeous together! :)

I'm going to miss my fix of kitten pics now they're growing up and leaving home, but I wish them all long and happy lives.

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:51 pm
by bobbys girl
She is a real little character, you can see it in her eyes.

I second Helen's remarks. But it would still be good to see photo's of Kala as she grows.

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:37 pm
by Lilith
It only seems yesterday that you were posting pics of the newborns - and now Kala's a proper little cat almost!

Gorgeous pics, yes, please do keep them coming :)

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:05 pm
by Joe_Danger
Kala is doing great and Milla is in heat lol
Kala is sooo confused by Milla's behavior, she ended up jumping on her mom's and grooming her to calm her down, or at least it looked that way, bur she was sitting there for a good few minutes, arms around Milla's neck and carefully licking the top of her head...and Milla did calm down

I aced one of my exams, the professor was blown away by my illustrations tho it wasn't illustration that's on Thursday so I have very high hopes for that too and on Friday is one of my hardest exams History of Animation, granted I know the gist of it but boy do I HATE history and memorizing names and years...we'll see how that goes.

Next month I got two more exams and I'm done with exams for the semester, startin work on stuff for my new semester once those are done.

Now I know y'all are going to get upset about this, but my mom doesn't want Milla fixed just yet, she too got extremely scared with all the recent deaths from cats getting fixed here and my vet is also suggesting we don't get her fixed just yet as it would be a shame to fix such a great cat, so we'll see how that goes.
It was smooth sailing with the kittens and if anything Milla gained weight over the whole thing instead of losing weight so we'll see.

It's not about the money either, I only made 50 euros from the kittens which is nothing and that's going back to food for both, we are simply reluctant to get her fixed given recent deaths from that very surgery, we'll see.
Whatever we decide we're giving these cats the best life possible.
We can't do anything now that she is in heat anyways.

I'm also not very good with handling loss of pets so if I willingly take the cat under the knife and something does happen...well I won't be well to say the least and it won't be an easy recovery. There's also the fact that no vet would fix before sexual maturity except that one bad vet but he doesn't care hence why he did it for Anastasia, so regardless if we fix them or not the chance of breast cancer isn't eliminated since they we can't convince a vet to fix Kala at 4 months now.
As you can see they won't fix the boys before 8-10 months, hence why I gave Medo away :(

All I know is this
Kala is doing great, though she won't touch dry food and is VERY picky about her food...reminds me of Anastasia bless her
Milla is doing great too, they're both taken care of like queens :)

Again please don't hate me for this, we are thinking about it
Also Milla's heat doesn't seem that bad this time around, maybe because Kala is here who knows.

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:15 am
by booktigger
Breast cancer isn't the only reason to neuter females, the earlier risk is pyometra, which is a womb infection that can be fatal if not picked up soon enough, and the only cure is neutering but it's higher risk when they have it. I do appreciate it's hard with vet standards

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:49 pm
by Lilith
Back to the dilemma re hope you reach a happy solution.

It's also possible that Kala's picky about her food because she's still swigging mother's milk - though that may dry up now Milla's in heat again.

Whatever, I know they have a lovely life with you. All the best :)

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 7:18 am
by Joe_Danger
Thanks :) We'll see how things turn out

For now both are doing great, Milla's heat is pretty weak this time around so she spends most of her time sleeping or playing with Kala and the occasional calling but it's no big deal, she sleeps through the night...of course she reacts to my voice like she did with her previous heats and its hilarious since she doesn't do this to other people's voices.

Kala is great, she eats a lot except won't touch dry food.
I did notice something off about her poop though, it's very dark, black almost which I've read in the past suggest bleeding and such but she shows no signs of any discomfort, her appetite is great when she is given food she wants and she is nice and active.
They eat the same wet food with Milla since Kala hates any and all Jr. variants of food and dry food she won't touch. Dunno where that dark almost black stool is coming from the food they eat isn't dark kind of light brownish.
It's probably nothing considering she is doing very well, could be because she is nursing less now though Milla still calls out to her when she gets milk but it nursing lasts a minute or two at best now and Kala loses interest, there still seems to be milk though.

Overall I'm very happy with both, I also aced all my exams so it's all good.

Re: Milla had her kittens

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:01 am
by Joe_Danger
I think I may have an idea of what's causing Kala's black stool and it's probably just that since she is perfectly fine otherwise.

Since Milla gave birth we've been giving her some minerals and vitamins the vet suggested, the minerals contain iron among other things.
She likes them so she clearly needs them so she is still on them. Why this hasn't manifested in Kala or any of the other kittens' stool until now I don't know, but since Kala mostly drinks her mom's milk and eats wet food and rarely drinks water unlike her brothers that might be it.
She went to the bathroom twice today and both times her stool was black and firm, though she shows no discomfort passing it or any other signs of something being off inside her, so it's probably the minerals her mom is taking.

I'm going to stop with the minerals for a week and see if Kala's stool returns to normal.
Sorry if I'm being annoying, first time seeing black poop in a cat :) I'm not super worried or anything but it is something to note and keep an eye on

EDIT: Reading online on this makes it sound terrifying to be honest, I dread the thought of once again dealing with vets and asking them to do things they will refuse to do as always, I hope it's just those minerals Milla is taking.