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Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 2:35 am
by Crewella
Thanks again everyone, just the support I needed. The rescue are basically supportive, but I'm just a bit wary of throwing my weight about as I'm still a relative newbie. I'm also very aware that I already have Basil and Pugwash now as permanent foster cats and tried to keep Baxter recently - I am indeed in danger of heading into 'collector' territory! The vet I spoke to was OK, but did feel the need to underline the fact that however low, there was still a chance of spreading the virus. Mainly just to cover their backs, I suspect.

I am going to let the fates decide, especially remembering how happy Baxter now is with his new dad. If Greebo finds himself the perfect home, then that's wonderful ..... but in the meantime I'll start introducing him to the gang ..... just to see how it goes ..... just in case. :D

I've had a busy week at work so OH has been on cat duty, and Greebo's much more relaxed with him now too and was apparently rolling on the floor at his feet! OH thinks he's a sweetheart too. ;)

Great article, Mark, thank you!

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 12:13 pm
by Cussypat1974
You probably know what I am going to say..... Keep him! Lol

But I do understand your concerns. When I took on Ghostie, she was the first cat I ever had tested and came out positive for FIV. The vet (not my own vet) said she would have to be either killed or homed as an only cat, or with other FIV+ cats. I was so upset as she was feral and in an awful state. She would never have coped as an o ly cat. I only got one offer of a home, where she would have spent the rest of her life locked alone in a caravan and fed once a day......

I found catchat and the rest is history! Ghostie is still with me, still pretty feral and has beaten cancer twice. I now have many other FIV+ cats too. My own vet at the time went nuts when he heard what the other vet said, and asked if we would start culling HIV+ humans next! He said half the cats in Ireland have it, and that his own cats probably have it! She is spayed and has all her teeth but is certainly not a fighter. Other than the cancer she enjoys good health, but is prone to ear infections which is a struggle as she is so feral still.

The chances of Greebo infecting your gang are minute..... FIV survives less time than even HIV outside the body as far as I am aware. I was very concerned at first, like you are now, as I knew NOTHING about FIV. It has become a bit of a crusade for me now, as so many cats are killed needlessly because of it (although of course this isn't an issue here!)

FeLV is a different matter, as it is transmitted much more easily, but there is a vaccination for that at least! Vets DO have to make you aware and as you say, cover their backs these days in case of legal issues later on. My old vet knew me well enough to know that wouldn't be an issue with me but my new vet (since I moved house) is very cautious and follows all the "rules". Even though she knows I have loads of FIV cats, she still gave me the spiel when Lozzie was diagnosed last year.... Sure I told her I knew she had it from the start and didn't really need the test at all ha ha! Lozzie was VERY sick and it was done to eliminate the possibility of FeLV, as the test does both.

Also, I totally agree about the older feral tomcats turning into cuddle bums! The only other type of cat that becomes so affectionate in my experience are hand-reared kittens!

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 6:40 pm
by bobbys girl
Cussypat1974 wrote:Also, I totally agree about the older feral tomcats turning into cuddle bums! The only other type of cat that becomes so affectionate in my experience are hand-reared kittens!
Yes and no (well not always) Ex feral Tom IS a cuddle bum, my darling wussy puss, who runs to meet me when I come home and loves being brushed.

Bob was a tiny kitten when my OH picked him out of the gutter. He's my baby. He's been through an awful lot in his short life (he was 2 last week) and he has done it all with style and great courage. he is a real sweetheart.

When I found Willow in the road, she was about a week old. I was the first living thing she saw. I fed her, nursed her, all the stuff a lot of you are familiar with. She's a princess, a Prima Donna. She 'allows' me to fuss her, but only for so long. If I don't pick up the vibes (the slow tail wag and the look of murder in her eyes) then I'm in trouble! :lol:

Helen - I know you will do what is right for Greebo. I don't think you are becoming a collector. It's just that you have a special gift for the really sad cases. Cats who wouldn't find a home any other way.

If Greebo does find a forever home, I hope they keep in touch with you. Then you can let us know how he is. :)

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 8:03 am
by nannymcfee
Luca Montalbano is a cuddly thug too...although this morning i placed his food in a different spot further away than usual, as he has been pinching Phoebes ( her lack of front teeth makes her eat slower, she slurps , he only has one tooth missing and a broken one) as soon as he had finished his...

so my legs now look like i have been dragged through a blackberry bush backwards ...he grabbed me to say STOP MUM!!!! its :lol: my own fault ...

ps still undecided on Greebo for his name...i think a poll is needed :D that is if he is staying

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:01 pm
by Crewella
I 'got' that some people weren't keen on the name, which is why I've not changed his records. He's got enough problems as it is, I didn't want to further impede his chance of getting the perfect home by saddling him with an unappealing name!

However ..... Greebo is what I call him, and if he stays, he's stuck with it!! :P

Not great pics as he's got gunk in his eye and wouldn't sit still (food was on the way), but you can see he's pretty perky these days - in the first pic he's standing up on the chair with his feet on my chest!
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Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:42 pm
by nannymcfee
Greebo aka Fred :D looks like a moon gazing hare, on the last pic, he's trying to catch as much of them sun rays as he can..

His fur certainly looks thicker now..

well done again !

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 6:41 pm
by bobbys girl
Whatever his name, he is looking SO much better. (I still think he looks like Greebo :D )

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 7:50 pm
by Lilith
Aww bless him, he's looking so much happier and more confident :D

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:04 pm
by MarkB
Love that old teddy bear face. Reminds me of Laz :)

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:41 pm
by Crewella
Ooooops ..... we've had a setback.

I was pottering around in the garden and saw Greebo watching me from his scratching post perch, so I popped in to give him a fuss and Pugwash toddled round after me, as he usually does, on the offchance that there's any food around. When Greebo'd had his fuss, I went back out of the pen and accidentally 'bounced' the door back open as I tried to shut it and Greebo took the opportunity to try to follow me out. I wasn't too worried, as that had happened before and he was easy to shepherd back into the pen, so I didn't hurry to get him locked away and stodd fussing him for a minute just outside the door.

BIG mistake ...... with absolutely no warning whatsoever, he suddenly launched himself at Pugwash, who was just sitting quietly under the tree, watching us. It was a real full-on attack too - he knocked Puggy onto his back and all I could see was a screaming ball of black and grey fur rolling around on the ground. Thankfully, as I waded in, yelling, they broke apart and I managed to herd Greebo back into the pen and then went to look for poor old Pugwash, who had retreated into the house and was hiding behing the sofa, growling.

Thankfully, as Greebo has no teeth, there seems to be little harm done, but it doesn't bode well for his future here. There was so little warning, I'm not sure I'll ever have the confidence to let him loose with the rest of the gang again. :(

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:26 am
by Lilith
Oh no - so sorry to hear.

BUT (and I know it's very easy for me to just say this) Greebo's very recently neutered and the testosterone will still have the upper hand. Plus he'll see his pen and the immediate area as 'his' patch - and Pugwash was on it. Poor Puggy!

I had a lot of aggro with my two feral lads at first. Finn arrived in 2003; Ali Kat a year later - and Ali would have liked to KILL poor Finny. However, believe it or not, they settled down together, with 3 girls (spayed of course) in this very tiny house.

Things might be different when Greebo has to approach Pugwash on Pugwash's territory (though this wasn't the case with Ali and Finn I know, but usually the new cat has to mind his p's and q's as you'll know - so Puggy might get his own back lol.)

There's one good thing in all this - the poor sad Fred has become a confident Greebo - though perhaps a bit more confident than you'd bargained for!

Do hope you manage to keep him and that Puggy gets to put him in his place lol :)

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:28 am
by nannymcfee
Oh no,..

Our Spike is so loving but once Luca wandered into the hallway...i really thought Spike was going to kill him...i couldn't seperate them...

Nearly a year later, and things are no better they are kept seperate all the time , ( I have to carry Spike outside just so he doesn't attact the other 2 when they are sleeping under radiator by door, its a blooming pain being on guard all the time !) ,so maybe trying to find Greebo a home might be best, poor Puggy after feeling safe for all that time.

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:21 am
by bobbys girl
Oh poor Pugwash! Is he OK now?

I see your point of view completely. At the same time I agree with Lilith. I really hope it was a one-off.

Last night my lot were mooching around outside and I was having a (well earned) cup of tea. Suddenly all hell broke loose, yowling, snarling and hissing. I rushed out as Gracie rushed in. Just outside the back door Tom strolled out from under the caravan (a big static, I use as studio/dumping ground), Bob hopped out with his tail all bushed out and Purdy trotted around the corner to see what was happening - and put a stop to it!

I don't know who started it or why but they meant business. Later on they are all sharing a sofa together. :roll:

I just had to break off their, 1 to answer the 'phone and 2 to remove a tick crawling across the 'pooter screen. :shock:

'Phone call was from OH. He has been in hospital in Derry. (went in for tests, kept in for stents!) I have to drive to Derry and pick him up - wish me luck - I hate city driving.

Helen tell Greebo he's a naughty boy then give him and Pugwash a fuss from me. :)


Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:30 am
by nannymcfee
Hope OH goes on ok BobbysGirl...

PS i avoid roundabouts at all cost, and hate motorways/tunnels...

so good luck with the driving ! and you may swear if need be :D

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:36 am
by MarkB
Hopefully it was a one-off and he will begin to accept 'family' - I know how disheartening it is though.

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 10:26 am
by meriad
Good luck to your OH Bobby's girl - hope he's OK? And hope you managed the drive OK?

Helen, I agree with the others. Greebo has finally found somewhere that is safe, warm, dry and he's being fed and given TLC and then along comes this old other cat and intrudes in HIS space; so yes - he is 100% going to defend what he has. Who knows what happened to him in the past but defending what is his has become 2nd nature and it will take a bit of getting used to sharing by him I'd suspect.

I'm hopeful that if you had to move him out of his safe space (once the testosterone etc has left his system) and into everyone else's space he'd be very different and not quite as defensive? Do you have a large dog crate you could confine him to when the time comes to do very gradual intro's? Ie move him into the crate for feeding times so he associates the others with good things and then once they're all fed leave him in the crate for an hour or so and see what happens?

Don't give up on the situation quite yet - set backs like this always knock for 6. But you'll get there

fusses to the furries and (((hug))) for you; cause I think you can do with one

PS: on a different not and not wanting to hijack this thread, but interesting to read your post Bobby's girl - I had a cat fight in my back garden a few weeks back as well; its a secure garden and I just couldn't figure out if there was another cat involved because if yes I don't know how they got in or out. I very much am suspicious that something set two of mine off against each other which obviously is a bit of a worry; but again - no idea what, or who or why. It thankfully hasn't happened since and fingers crossed it doesn't again

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:28 pm
by Crewella
Thanks guys, it was my fault - I should have been more on the ball.

Pugwash is fine, we saw him munching on a bunny leg in the front garden earlier, courtesy of Daz I'm sure, and he's now fast asleep in the sunshine.

It's almost 3 weeks since Greebo was neutered - I'll give him a few more before I think of doing anything else. My gang do have the odd squabble, especially when they all hang around waiting for dinner, but I've not seen a full-on rolling-on-the-floor fight like yesterdays.

Hope your OH is OK, Sue, and that the drive was bearable. xx

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:26 pm
by MarkB
I had always read to allow a few weeks for hormones to settle. With Dom, he only began to calm down after about 12 weeks. Even then he had a couple of scraps with interlopers. I never thought I would see Kylie and Dom sharing the sofa, but they did last night and again this morning. - although one at each end - still a minor miracle. I think sometimes they need to sort out the hierarchy between themselves.

Dom is upstairs on the bed with Ingrid right now :) - I think he accepts that the girls are the top cats :)

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:02 pm
by bobbys girl
Well we're back, in one piece. :D OH is tired but OK. We think the stent will do the trick - so that's good. Came back 'the long way', through Omagh and did some shopping. bought some goodies for the cats. They think OH has been on holiday and bought them some pressies. They are all over him.

Nanny, I know what you mean about roundabouts - it's like Ben Hur's chariot race! There was a fatal crash on that road yesterday, so I am right to treat it with respect.

Meriad (Ria?) I'm pretty sure Grace was the cause of the fight. She is a terrible tease and she likes to bully Willow. Just like most bullies she is a coward at heart. Tom can take so much then he really gives her what-for. I think Bob just got caught up in it. I have been known to lob slippers at them or more often at Gracie's fast-receeding bottom! :lol:

Helen, The owner of the stables, where I went riding, bought a recently-gelded Shire X. He was some boy! It took several months for him to settle down completely. Then he was like a (very large) pussy cat. Hopefully Greebo will settle, fingers crossed.

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:23 pm
by meriad
bobbys girl wrote:Meriad (Ria?)
yup ;)

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 9:46 am
by greenkitty
I hope Puggie is ok Helen, I can imagine that gave you both a fright :( Give him a fuss from me, I have a real soft spot for him x

Things will sort themselves out one way or another, what's Greebo like when others approach him in the pen? Any signs of aggression?

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 10:19 am
by Crewella
No, that's what really took me by surprise - Puggy often goes round there and I've even seen them touch noses through the bars. Most of my gang have followed me round to his pen at some time or other and I've never once heard Greebo hiss or growl at any of them or do more than look mildly interested.

I think 'Puggy the thuggy' has met his match, as when I went to feed Greebo he only followed me as far as the corner yesterday so he could see me but not actually have to approach the pen. He's fine, though. Bless him, he's not really an affectionate cat, but last night when OH got home Pugwash got up from the sofa he'd spent the evening asleep on and came and sat behind OH on our sofa. :)

ADDED: I think Daz must have felt sorry for Puggy (he witnessed the fight), as they seemed to go out together yesterday, and later on I found Pugwash munching happily on a bunny leg by the front door. There's not a chance that Puggy can catch bunnies, so it must have been donated by Daz!

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:01 pm
by greenkitty
Perhaps as Daz hasn't found a suitable girlfriend he's decided that it will the cat equivalent o a boys night out....

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:48 pm
by Crewella
Quite possible, he's a sociable sort of cat, is Daz. :)

I'm never sure if he's a bit dotty because of his age, or if he is just utterly fearless where food is involved, but Pugwash obviously doesn't hold a grudge - he tried to follow me into Greebo's pen when I took his tea round last night!

Greebo didn't react at all. Strange.

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 1:12 pm
by bobbys girl
Crewella wrote:Greebo didn't react at all. Strange.
Maybe the little set-to was just them sorting their boundaries? Hope so.

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 2:49 pm
by Kay
Greebo may have felt an old territorial urge to fight because he was outside his pen, and inside it he feels secure because he hasn't had to share it

there's a general tendency to assume shutting up ex-strays in pens is cruel, but I think it probably relieves many of them of all sorts of anxieties, especially the older and feebler ones

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:05 pm
by Crewella
I think that's a good point, Kay. When we think of rehoming Greebo, because of the FIV+ the 'accepted' view is that he should become an indoor cat, but he's so outdoorsy (now that the nights are warm he's not even sleeping in his little house) that I really do believe he'd much rather be out in his pen than roaming 'free' in a house. We're lucky in that it's quite a big pen (9' x 6') and there's a good view of the fields and river so there's plenty to watch.

I'm sure he would like to come in sometimes, though - he does love a lap to sit on. ... 050949.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 050946.jpg" onclick=";return false;

For the moment, we're just waiting for his hormones to calm down, and in a few weeks I'll try bringing him indoors and see how it goes with the rest of the gang. There's no hurry, he's perfectly happy as he is!

Oh, and I stumbled across this ...... remind you of anyone? :lol: ... edbare.jpg" onclick=";return false;

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 4:35 pm
by SarahT1 [PLLE]
I am completely in love with this boy!

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:29 pm
by Lilith
Aww look at those great big pawses! I bet he digs in with his clawses too lol.

His hair colour's just like mine lol! I don't cut or brush my hair and although I do dye it from time to time the front won't take (too grey) so now that's rusty auburn...what you might call a Greebo surfie do - no bald bits though lol.

He might enjoy 'Staying Out for the Summer' - do you know that Dodgy track link below - but I bet come winter he'll be snuggled up with the rest of the gang in front of the fire. Lots of love to him and the rest of the gang x" onclick=";return false;

Love this! :lol:

Re: Fred's Greebo ...... or Greebo's fred ......

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:41 pm
by nannymcfee
Goodness he does remind me of a cat version of a cross between Kate O' Mara and ...errrr a chinese emperor...

bet he would rather be" onclick=";return false; Lilith !