Ooooops ...... one more foster!

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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by MarkB »

Sore point there. We were in Curry's on Saturday. OH has seen a 4k TV with curved screen - I said there is nothing wrong with the 8 year old Sony we have - especially given that neither of us has perfect vision.

But it isn't my £2000 to spend - just my view. I refused to get excited about it :)

PS - I THOUGHT I got a bargain in there £25 for a Cuisinart Chopper/Grinder - but when I got it home, I realised it doesn't slice carrots etc, just chops :( - so not really the bargain I thought I had.
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by bobbys girl »

MarkB wrote: OH has seen a 4k TV with curved screen - I said there is nothing wrong with the 8 year old Sony we have - especially given that neither of us has perfect vision.
Purdy has less than perfect vision (sight in one eye only) but she would LOVE a telly like that! Then she could really join in with the lion hunts. :roll: Mind you any bigger telly than the one we have and we would have to watch it from the drive. :lol: We had to get a new one when my favourite channel, NHK, went to HD only. I was getting withdrawl symptoms, and besides Purdy likes their wildlife programmes. He He!

Helen, sorry for hijacking your thread! Got a bit carried away. :?
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by MarkB »

Yes - Sorry Helen.

Clapton was like that. OH had only just adopted him when we met. The small charity said they had taken him to the vet, so the bad smell had been ignored. I took him to the vet pretty much the same day and he had several teeth out. No idea what caused it, but he needed several dentals over the years. He loved washing people and was offended if you moved your hand away (He would in you down to give you a wash :) )

Recovery from the first dental. I was told to keep him in for 24hrs but he got out straight away. Had a drink from the dirty pond and fell asleep on the wall :) ... G_1166.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... G_1170.jpg" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by bobbys girl »

Aww sweet!
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by Crewella »

I remember those lovely pics of Clapton! :)

I'm really busy at work for a couple of days, but will update at the weekend. xx
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by Crewella »

Pugwash is officially out of 'quarantine' so I can at least let him loose in the bedroom now. He's looking better, though he has a LOT of filling out to do and quite a dodgy tummy still. He's so friendly though, and (unlike most of my lot except Daz) likes to be picked up and cuddled. :)

Don't try to take his food bowl away, though - even when it's empty he tries to snatch it back!

He's definitely looking a lot better than he did this time last week. ... 030792.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 030794.jpg" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by Walesgang »

What a handsome boy <3

Well done! X
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by Kay »

I think you must have my Tosker's daddy there - even down to the white splodge on his chest
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by bobbys girl »

He's looking great Helen. Really pleased for him (and you).
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by MarkB »

What a difference already. The early photos reminded me of Laz when he arrived. Definitely turning into a handsome chap :)
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by Crewella »

He does look like your lovely Tosker, Kay!! :D

I only hope that I can one day post a pic of Pugwash looking half as happy and healthy as Tosker looks there. xx

I've found fostering to be hugely rewarding so far anyway, but watching Pugwash respond to some TLC has been just wonderful. The rescue don't think he'd have survived this winter if he'd not been brought in.
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by greenkitty »

What a difference, he looks so much better already :)

Keep up the good work!
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by JulieandBarney »

What a fantastic transformation already ! :D

He is becoming such a handsome fella, well done to you all.....x
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by Crewella »

A bit of a setback - Pugwash has blotted his copybook. Given the freedom of the bedroom, he opted to do a huge poo in front of the window on the carpet instead of in his tray. He also bit OH on the cheek (and drew blood) when he bent down to kiss him, so I think that particular love affair is well and truly over!

We're going to move him into the bathroom so we can still leave him out of the crate and hopefully get him to use the litter tray properly, but somewhere that causes less gnashing of teeth than on the new cream-coloured carpet in the bedroom! It's not so warm or comfy in there, sadly, but it's better than keeping him locked in the crate all the time.

As to the biting, he has bitten me a couple of times (but not drawn blood) before - he just suddenly goes for it when he gets a bit excited, especially when you do something like try to take his food bowl away. He's not a nasty cat at all, and he doesn't ever do it as a protest to being handled - look how good he was when we bathed him. My gut feeling is that he's been struggling on his own in a bit of a rough area for some time and it's perfectly understandable that he might bite first and ask questions later if suddenly surprised or feeling threatened. I suspect OH wasn't thinking and suddenly loomed in on him to kiss him and caught him unawares. You can do that to your own cats that know and trust you, but it's something to be wary of doing to cats you don't know well, especially ones with uncertain histories.

In other words, I've decided it was all OH's fault, and Pugwash gets the benefit of the doubt. This time, anyway! :D
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by MarkB »

Tough isn't it Helen? - I am still getting attacked by Dom, although the claws don't often come out now. They did tonight. Silly of me but I raised my slipper at him. He really cringed so I assume he has been kicked or punished in the past. Kylie wouldn't bat an eyelid as she knows me too well to know I would never hit a cat! :)

As for the pooing, who knows what goes through their little heads. It is a daily occurrence finding random poos with Laz - however, he rarely does them on purpose. They are usually ones that are stuck and happen to fall out later (Megacolon being on his list of ailments). was the poo hard? - it's just that if Laz is constipated, he very occasionally does a poo on the floor on purpose. Thankfully only in the lower ground floor which is all sealed solid wood flooring. I keep a supply of PAH Byotrol litter tray wipes for the purpose of cleaning up - He is usually sick on the floor overnight too, so quite handy.

PS - Dom has taken to presenting me with a big fluffy tum - There is an overwhelming urge to put my face or hand into it. I am ugly enough already. I don't need scars to add to it! :)

Amazingly. he did this inches away from Kylie on the bed last night.

Laz, however, is allowed to clamber over him to get to a food bowl without as much as a whisker twitching :) (despite him almost killing garden visitors)

I understand there are limits though.
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by Crewella »

It IS tough. I hate to think of what some of our cats have been through before they came to us. Daz had obviously been kicked and was very wary of feet when he first came and is still unnerved by loud laughter, especially male laughter. It breaks my heart to see him cower on the floor if I forget myself and shout .... he still does that occasionally, even though I know he loves me to bits and trusts me to the degree that he'll run to me for help or comfort if he's scared.

I'm glad Dom is getting less likely to go for you, with time I'm sure he will come to trust you and you'll see those claws less and less, but I suspect there will always be a memory buried deep that will never quite vanish, as with Daz. And who can blame him. He's a lucky boy to have found someone who understands.

Give him a scritch from me.

And Laz, and Kylie. xx
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by MarkB »

Thanks Helen and sorry for making it about mine - but you know what I mean. We are in the same boat, trying to deal with cats with issues. Not always easy for us to take everything with grace. we are entitled to let some steam off sometimes!:) x
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by Crewella »

I get it completely, don't ever feel you've taken over. It really is "good to talk" and get it off your chest.

Actually, in a strange way I'm kind of glad Pugwash is fighting back a bit. He was so accepting of everything at first that I'm hoping it's a sign that he's feeling better and is getting some of his 'mojo' back. We can cope with it, he will be forgiven everything, and hopefully it's a phase he'll get through.

Same applies to Dom, I'm sure. xx
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by MarkB »

Yes finger crossed for both of them to come round and realize that we are merely willing slaves and mean them no harm :) x

And on that note zzzzzzzz
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by greenkitty »

Is his eyesight ok? Just wondering if he can't see very well or clearly from a particular angle whether that might explain the sudden biting.

As you say best to blame OH :)
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by Jacks »

I think you're probably right with Pugwash. We tend to forget that we humans (especially men) can be pretty intimidating with our height and bulk and swooping down on a not completely socialised cat is not recommended. Still seems a little strange that Pugwash bit the looming face - I would have expected a recoil and claws in the first instance; it's normally dogs who bite in preference. Maybe he has endured some bad experiences, as you say. Mr Socks had a scare yesterday when a man came to mend the fridge - he was only a small man, but carrying a big tool case, and I suddenly realised Socksie was cowering by the back door with his eyes like saucers.

Let's give Pugwash the benefit of the doubt this time, as you say. Men are just scarier!
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by bobbys girl »

Sorry to hear of the setback. But, like you, I don't think it's much to worry about - I'm sure you've experienced worse!

greenkitty makes a good point. Sometimes Purdy will jump or spin round for no apparent reason. Then I remember she is blind in one eye. If someone approaches on her blind side and then suddenly appears in her line of vision it spooks her. (Really funny with birds - you can almost see them blowing raspberries at her).

When Tommy gets excited he grabs your hand with his grappling hooks. Hurts like hell but he doesn't mean it.

I can tickle Bobby's tummy as much as I like. If I try that with Grace I'd end up wearing her like a very painful boxing glove!

We just have to get to know their little quirks, eg don't upset Purdy or she will pee on the microwave. :shock: :roll:

Don't blame your OH too much. Pugwash is very kissable. :lol:
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by sarie »

Oh bless him, the difference in the photos already is amazing, you're doing such a good job with him! He's so cute, his eyes are full of character, I can see why your OH has/had a love affair with him :lol:
Sorry to hear about your setback, hopefully your OH recovers from his bite and he and Pugwash can be friends again :)
At his age you have to wonder what his life has been like. To get to his teens it perhaps hasn't always have been a bad life for him, you have to wonder what changed for him to end up in such a state, if only they could talk.
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by greenkitty »

How's Pugwash doing? Anymore incidents?
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by Crewella »

It's been a strange week. :roll:

Pugwash is doing fine, he's not bitten anyone this week and I can at last see he's gained a little bit of weight and his coat is starting to feel a bit better. I give him a bit of a brush every day, and he's starting to get the hang of it and let me do it - he's so excitable that it's hard to get him to sit still for long!

We had a sale on at work (I work for an auction house) this week, so I've been at work most of the week and OH has been doing the daytime cat duties. Apparently, OH had gone up to get his bowl and give him a run around (he's still mainly in the crate at the moment) whilst he did the litter tray. He put the tray back ....... and Pugwash jumped in it, did a poo ...... and then turned round and started to eat it.

This explains a lot - I was finding it a bit weird that some of his poos looked 'mushy' when I did the tray - I thought maybe he'd lost balance (he can be a bit wobbly) and trampled on it. It was also hard to work out why some of his poos were properly formed whilst others weren't - I'd though it was digestion problems because he had the runs when he first came, which is why he's on 'sensitive' food. It also explains some of the stinky breath!! :lol:

Nobody at the rescue has seen this behaviour before, though I've done some research and it's not unheard of for malnourished and starved cats. I'll do a post on it - hopefully someone on here has some experience, and he's due at the vets next week anyway so I'll ask them about it.

Poor boy, he's been through such a lot. Let's hope we can get him sorted out - at least he seems better generally. I suspect OH won't be trying to kiss him again any time soon, though .... he's a bit grossed out! :D
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by bobbys girl »

Crewella wrote:and then turned round and started to eat it.
Eewww! Thought it does explain a is progress - of a sort.

Good luck at the vets and do let us know what they say. Fusses to Pugwash.
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by Crewella »

I know - eewww has been pretty much my reaction too! :lol:

But ..... if ever there was a cat that needed help, I think it's Pugwash, so I'm glad he came to us and that we can, hopefully, turn things around for him.
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by greenkitty »

Oh bless him. But as you say he obviously needs help to overcome this issue, hopefully maybe in time he'll just realise that the food is going to keep coming and there's just no need to eat it. He's in the right place, if anyone can sort him out it's you. It sounds like he's making progress in all other areas though :)

Fusses to lovely Pugwash x
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by Crewella »

Apparently, as with pica, it can be a mineral deficiency that sets it off ..... so he might be reacting perfectly logically to a physical requirement.

In response to Julia's comment earlier, I do think his eyesight and hearing aren't too great as well. The other day I stood and watched him staring hopefully up at the wrong bedroom door (we have two doors to each room - the whole upper floor goes round in a circle), waiting for me to come in ........ when I'd come in the other door and was standing behind him, talking to him! Everything creaks in this house - I'd never manage to sneak up on any of the others like that! :D
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Re: Ooooops ...... one more foster!

Post by JulieandBarney »

Bless you for having so much patience with the lovely Pugwash ... :D

When we first took Barney in, he used to kick and bite quite visciously, which was why the centre could not find suitable owners for him, over time..and a few sore hands, he stopped using his claws quite so often, he only had one tooth after his dental before we collected him , but he made sure we had a good skinful of his tooth at first !! Our lovely placid Samoyed dog , Fi, is now almost totally deaf and reacts quite aggresively if someone creeps up on her, yet she is the most kindest,loyal an non aggresive animal you could wish to meet, and whatever Barney does, she just takes it on the chin, :o
It's difficult when you know little of their background and the behaviour can be challenging at are all doing an absolutely amazing job, well done..... come on Pugwash, be a good boy :D
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