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Cat stopped eating wet food, not as relaxed

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:25 am
by butterbean
Hi fellow cat lovers,
I adopted a rescue boy 3 months ago and initially he settled in well. However recently he has stopped eating as much wet food, despite me trying to tempt him with different brands. He often seems hungry and has lost weight. He eats dry food but I prefer not to feed him that 100% of the time.
He goes in and out all day long, never seeming to settle well, and has started being a bit scared of loud noises/ my partner coming down the stairs (who loves him dearly and is always affectionate).
I'm fed up of throwing so much food away and concerned he is not happy. Any advice?

Re: Cat stopped eating wet food, not as relaxed

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:22 pm
by fjm
How old is he? I would suggest a vet check, just to be sure there is nothing wrong physically. Older cats in particular are subject to a number of conditions which can be well managed if caught early, so an examination and blood tests if the vet advises them could be well worth it.

Re: Cat stopped eating wet food, not as relaxed

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 11:50 am
by butterbean
Thanks, he's 4 years old. I did a video vet consultation and she recommended giving him some bland food e.g. chicken for a couple of days and using a Feliway/Pet Remedy to calm him down. That seems to have done the trick as he is eating and more relaxed again, though still very fussy with his food brands. Will keep an eye on him and take him to the actual vets if anything changes (dreading getting him in the basket though!)