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Scratching everywhere

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 3:08 pm
by celinesmummy
i have jsut moved into my new home. my cat will not stop scratching the edge of the bed ti the point the suede is now falling off and is getting worse each day. i have tried putting a scratch pole at the edge which hasn’t stopped her and it’s got a circular bottom it dosent cover the exact spot completely so she developed a workaround where she leans on the side to scratch it. she’s picked 2 stairs i have 2 flights towards the top to scratch the fibres are now coming out more everyday and i’m having to trim down everytime i clean up but scared there will be chunks missing soon. please help how do i get her to use a scratch pole i have tried picking her up and putting her paws on it but she was annoted when i did that and walked off with no interest and hadn’t gone near it since. i’m desperateeee!!!

Re: Scratching everywhere

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 5:35 pm
by booktigger
The only thing I can think of is experimenting with scratching posts - I tried a new one a few years ago and Lucy hated it so much she started scratching the sofa, but when I got an identical one to the previous one she was happy, I haven't dared try a different one since, I just keep getting identical ones (luckily you can get replacement posts so I don't need a new one every 6 months!)

Re: Scratching everywhere

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:01 pm
by Kay
I have found the easiest way to deter a carpet-scratching cat is to tack some offcuts on to a bit of heavyweight chipboard, and let her get on with it

cheap to do and easy to replace the carpet

Re: Scratching everywhere

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:04 am
by celinesmummy
thank you booktigger so i’ve never tried a scratching post before this is her first one, so i haven’t changed it at all? do you think it’s worth if i spray some citrus based scents on the area as i read it will deter her from that part. or possibly double sided tape i just don’t want her hurt herself with that i keep imaging her paw stuck

Re: Scratching everywhere

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:06 am
by celinesmummy
Kay wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 6:01 pm I have found the easiest way to deter a carpet-scratching cat is to tack some offcuts on to a bit of heavyweight chipboard, and let her get on with it

cheap to do and easy to replace the carpet
that’s a good idea shall i just lean it against her normal scratching spot and hope she dosent develop a workaround for it? how do i secure it the stairs i don’t want it to fall onto her

Re: Scratching everywhere

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:09 am
by celinesmummy
booktigger wrote: Wed Oct 13, 2021 5:35 pm The only thing I can think of is experimenting with scratching posts - I tried a new one a few years ago and Lucy hated it so much she started scratching the sofa, but when I got an identical one to the previous one she was happy, I haven't dared try a different one since, I just keep getting identical ones (luckily you can get replacement posts so I don't need a new one every 6 months!)
sorry still getting used to how cat chat works and realised i need to reply to your suggestion directly
thank you booktigger so i’ve never tried a scratching post before this is her first one, so i haven’t changed it at all? do you think it’s worth it if i spray some citrus based scents on the area as i read it will deter her from that part. or possibly double sided tape i just don’t want her hurt herself with that i keep imagining her paw getting stuck :(

Re: Scratching everywhere

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:18 am
by Mollycat
You don't need to reply to people directly, most regular contributors check in regularly and I don't think anyone gets email notifications, I could be wrong. Anyway - I have indoor cats because with no access to outside it's all I can offer. In a small flat less than 50 square metres I have a cat tower tree, a small cat tree in each room, all with at least 3 scratch posts at ground level and more on higher levels, one wall mounted scratch post, a horizontal cardboard scratcher which is only used as a seat.

I would approach this from several angles at once. Discourage scratching the wrong things, encourage scratching the right things, and take a long hard look at your home through a cat's eyes. Discourage - you can use citrus scents or vinegar spray but whatever you use, use sparingly. A cat's nose is not as good as a dog's but it is still many times more sensitive than ours. Overdoing something unpleasant can result in cat either becoming scared and intimidated or going on a destroy mission. Encourage - catnip spray everything you want your cat to enjoy freely including scratch posts but also places to lie and relax.

The hard part is adapting your home to a cat's perspective. You're on the right track with putting a scratch post in front of the bed where she scratches, you might want to put a scratchable patch of sisal matting or something to cover that corner of the bed itself. I know it's not ideal aesthetically but now the habit is there it's damage limitation and retraining. Scratching is instinctive and important, it not only helps strip the dead blunt layer of claw to reveal the razor sharp layer underneath, it also keeps muscles toned and tendons and ligaments in tip-top condition, but I think the most important here is it's a marking behaviour.

You just moved house? Cat didn't scratch like this in the old house? She could be establishing her territory and if she is, scents to put her off places will not work, you will need to figure out for each place where she scratches what replacement scratch post she will accept there. Sometimes an item of clothing you have worn can be enough to signal a familiar home smell and reduce the impulse to mark. Are you a very clean person, do you wipe down and vacuum daily? It might be worth letting things go a little for a while if you can bear it, to let it start to feel more like her home, and see if that helps. Scratch posts can be put as near as possible to strategic places like doorways and once she gets in the habit of using them, moved gradually, a few inches a week.

I would try and get to the bottom of why before thinking about deterrents. If she is upset and trying to make your new home her home, or if she can smell a previous cat there or cats outside, deterrent sprays and tape will make her even more distressed and potentially progress to urine marking, destructive or aggressive behaviours or just withdrawing and intense anxiety. The why is what makes the difference with cats. Where she scratches the most - is her corner of the bed the corner nearest the door, or a window, for example. It's not just what she's scratching, it's where, that leads you to why, that helps you solve the problem by understanding it.

Re: Scratching everywhere

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:09 pm
by celinesmummy
Hi thanks for the advice. I am going to try a citrus based spray in the hope she stops scratching.
we haven’t had celine long we adopted her back in april she used to scratch the same bed when she was in our old home i guess because we never got her a scratch pole until i noticed the suede was peeling off the bed at our new home i guess it’s her favoriate place to scratch as she’s used to it.
I’m not sure if she is responding to any previous cat smells as our home is a new build so no one has lived here prior to us. I think i will use the citrus sprays first and purchase a couple more scratch poles putting it nearby her old scratching spots and using some catnip on them to entice her to use them. Fingers crossed.