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Dear fellow cat lovers, help!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 2:57 pm
by stmaryscourt1313
I had a neighbour who owned a microchipped cat. The owner was in a hospital for 3.5 months and asked me to.look after the cat. The owner has multiple sclerosis and out of kindness of my heart I was looking after the cat for 3.5 years, buying practically all his food, the cat spent 80-90% of time at my place, I bought him a water fountain, igloo house, made a cat flap so that he could roam freely in and out any time as he pleased. The owner neglected the cat saying he was supposed to drink water from the TOILET!!!!, she never brushed him, didn't take him to the vet when he had fleas ...I have been de facto a primary carer of this intelligent, polite, adorable cat. 2 years ago I wanted to report the cats owner to RSCPSA but I was told by cats league that they will never give the cat to me. So I shouldered everything for 3.5 years and we absolutely love this cat as our family. Not only I was meeting most of the cats expenses but I was buying food and helped with laundry to this disabled neighbour. She never gave me a penny towards cats food or anything else. This woman with a disability has moved 2 weeks ago and her daughter reported me to the police that I stole the cat. The cat voted with his little feet and was at my place when they were moving. I am ill with grief, the cat is about 15 years old , very gentle and fragile. He will not survive long in neglectful environment. I can't give up on the cat. I have witness statements from neighbours saying the cat and I had a most close and loving bond. I am looking for a lawyer to.challenge the ownership on the grounds that for 3 years the cat lived with me, I was a primary caring person and I met all his needs and most of the expenses. It is making me ill and I am worried about the cat snatched from me against his will

Re: Dear fellow cat lovers, help!

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2021 11:47 pm
by Joe_Danger
I read this and it really upset me because my friend Danny just told me about something similar.
Danny takes care of, raises and feeds stray cats and kittens for years now, one day at his makeshift shelter they found a beautiful white persian.
Of course him and his friends thought of me first but Danny knew that with 4 cats and a small apartment I can't house a 5th one, mainly due to lack of space for guys know Persians are special to me :)

Fortunately Danny and his friends were able to find a home for the cat, it wasn't chipped or something.
All seemed well until it wasn't
Today I learned that the original owners saw the ads Danny's friends put up on fb a few weeks ago and now they want the cat back.
EXCEPT I don't think they deserve it back and neither do the cat's new owners.

Apparently the cat was thrown out by the original owner's brother
If the idiot did this to a cat once he is going to do it again
he is going to beat the cat probably as this is super common here, people believe beating cats is the way ti discipline them
he is going to mistreat the cat
and regardless of how much the original owner girl may love this cat, the cat does NOT belong in a household like that, that's mine, Danny's and Danny's friends' take on this.

Here's the poor cat, just dumped there, it has a good home now

I know I'm an elitist but if you can't provide peace in your house don't keep cats, period, or pets in general
it's selfish to keep pets, especially cats in stressful environments.

Re: Dear fellow cat lovers, help!

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:05 am
by Mollycat
I don't know if it's the same everywhere but I believe a cat's microchip registration is not legally binding ownership anyway.

As much as I'm against stealing and feeding cats that don't belong to you, cats can also vote with their feet where they want to live and if the cat is unhappy and would prefer to live with someone else then as far as I'm concerned respect the cat's wishes. We currently have a cat camping outside our block of flats, sleeping on a pile of dead leaves exposed to the elements. He has camped there for a few weeks now, even in the rain, approaching people for cuddles, accepting food and treats but not really hungry. No good a paper collar as he never goes home, we think we know where he might be from and will have to go talk to them, but if the cat is leaving home that isn't going to help much. He gets scared when the main door into the block is closed if he is inside, so it would be very hard to adopt him, but he seems happy.

My rule of thumb is if I'm not feeding the cat and he would rather starve than go home, he is never going to leave, so let him stay and don't be too upset if he moves on to the next house later.