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I Have the Best Cat In The World Because ...

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 8:41 am
by Mollycat
Just a bit of fun - everyone has the World's Best Cat, but why? (Just one reason per cat if you can, to make it really tough!)

Mine is the best cat in the world because she squeaks at me when I'm stressed to make me stop and relax with her.

Why is your cat the best cat in the world?

Re: I Have the Best Cat In The World Because ...

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 6:52 pm
by booktigger
Lucy is good at making me relax - if I tell her we are having a sofa day, you have to make sure you have food and drink at hand, as she will lie on you for hours (normally I have to make her move when my feet start burning). Also love when she lies gazing at me lovingly.

No idea about the girls though!

Re: I Have the Best Cat In The World Because ...

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 7:31 pm
by fjm
...because Tilly told me she is. And there's no point in arguing with her because she always wins!

Re: I Have the Best Cat In The World Because ...

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 11:01 am
by Ruth B
Because she chose to accept us.

Maybe a bit of an odd reason, but every time Freyja comes demanding some fuss it makes me reaslise how happy we are to have her and it is a real boost to my self esteem that she is happy to come to me and not to run away (most of the time)

As for my boys, they are just my loving, nose biting, homicidal on stairs kitties and i love them for it.

Re: I Have the Best Cat In The World Because ...

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:15 pm
by susand
Harvey’s the best cat in the world because he seems to think I’m the best cat-parent in the world and is always so excited to see me when I come home (even if I’ve only been out for 10 minutes!). He follows me round the house looking up at me adoringly and it’s so nice to be appreciated.

That last paragraph is entirely true, EXCEPT one time when my friend Ros came up from Oxfordshire for a visit one weekend. He then immediately switched allegiance in the most blatant way imaginable, always choosing her lap over mine when we all sat down together and didn’t spare my feelings at all. As soon as Ros left it was back to “Oh you’re such a lovely mummy, here, have some nose kisses.” :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: I Have the Best Cat In The World Because ...

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 7:28 pm
by booktigger
Ruth B wrote: Thu Jul 14, 2022 11:01 am Because she chose to accept us.

Maybe a bit of an odd reason, but every time Freyja comes demanding some fuss it makes me reaslise how happy we are to have her and it is a real boost to my self esteem that she is happy to come to me and not to run away (most of the time)

As for my boys, they are just my loving, nose biting, homicidal on stairs kitties and i love them for it.
That sounds like a lovely reason :D

Re: I Have the Best Cat In The World Because ...

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 4:50 am
by Mollycat
Agreed, but perhaps it's not a coincidence that our most traumatised and interesting are also the ones we are most grateful for and most in awe of. After all, they are our greatest teachers, and give us our proudest achievements while at the same time keeping us humble.

Molly now sometimes gets up from the end of the sofa snuggles against the arm, and takes the few steps towards me with arched back and tail up to ask for strokes, then settles within easy reach for me to keep going with her ear turned slightly to me. Her tail still lashes a bit to remind me how much it has taken for her to manage this much.

Re: I Have the Best Cat In The World Because ...

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:20 am
by Ruth B
Well adjusted, cuddly cats are easy to love. I love Saturn and Teddy, it is great to have a really cuddle cat again, Tiggy was always happy to have a cuddle, Saturn will have one when he wants one, not necessarily when i want one. Teddy, typical Ragdoll, is happy for a cuddle anytime as well.

Cats like Freyja and Molly are harder for people to understand why we love them. Why we can love them when they don't seem to return the love with cuddles, but those of us that have had them know that the love is returned, just not how many would see it. Freyja coming to have her ears scritched may seem a small thing to many, but i know just how big a step that was for her, they make us appreciate the small things, and to reaslise that what may appear a small thing, can be a massive achievement to the individual involved, this doesn't only apply to cats and other animals, but to people as well. Just because you find something quick and easy, doesn't mean everyone does, and a little patience and understanding can go a long way to help both people and cats.

Re: I Have the Best Cat In The World Because ...

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 6:39 pm
by booktigger
That is so true, Ruth, one of our directors was asking me how many cats I have the other week and when I told him I have two untouchable cats, he was like 'why would you want cats you can't touch' - obviously it wasn't a choice, but I couldn't abandon them, and there are little things that mean they aren't that bothered by me, like last week when I got up in the middle of the night and walked past Coco, who was curled up on the part of the sofa I sit on, using my blanket as a cushion - of all the places in the house, that is one that will smell very strongly of me, so she clearly doesn't mind that. And this morning Chanel stayed curled up on the floor when I walked past her and sat on the sofa

Re: I Have the Best Cat In The World Because ...

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:15 pm
by Mollycat
Agreed, and well put Ruth. Booktigger, you remind me of the first times I was able to walk past Molly without her bolting under the bed. It's taken me all this time to understand that cats can hide emotional pain just like they hide physical pain, and at least for Molly a step into trust is accompanied by fear and anxiety. These days it's a flicking tail and the odd hiss, but it comes at the same time as allowing me to wipe her eyes, or coming to settle closer to me on the sofa, or even letting me help free her snagged claw.

We adapt so much though, more than we even realise. The way we move and speak, habits, routines. Because we're so attentive to the slightest progress maybe we get so much closer to them emotionally and tune in to subtle signs. Molly is able to "tell" me she wants grass and I can't even tell you how she is telling me.

Re: I Have the Best Cat In The World Because ...

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 7:27 pm
by Cybercat
Because she cheers me up when I'm sad by burying her nose in me...