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Dog sitting while I have 2 cats

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:21 pm
by goldilocks3bears

I have 2 beautiful cats that are about 14 and 9 years old.

There are 2 small dogs that I love but aren't mine and sometimes their family want me to look after them even for one night.
I have to look after them in my house.

Anyways, the other day I bought the two dogs overnight (they aren't aggressive and they live and sleep and play with cats at their home all the time).
I put them in my room with me and closed the door but later left it open.

My one cat doesn't run away from them but she is suspicious of them while my other cat will stay in another room (where she usually likes being in and sleep in) and hardly come out.

Am I mistreating my cats when I bring the dogs home for a day or 2?