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my older cat is crying every night

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:23 pm
by karen65
My 16 yr old female cat is crying every night, for the past couple of months. She has been checked by a vet. blood work came back perfect. She crys after waking from a daytime nap. She seems generally happy and is playful.Any tips on reducing night time crying? Tia.

Re: my older cat is crying every night

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 6:04 am
by Lilith
Hi, Karen, I've heard that this can happen with elderly cats who are becoming deaf - I had a little old cat once who did the same thing, and read an account in a cat magazine about a cat who, the owner reckoned, was adapting herself to a newly-silent world and had developed 'an early howling system', as if to compensate; her way of announcing her presence in case anyone didn't realise she was there. Apparently she too would wake from a nap and start crying.

My Mouse, who's nearly 13, has a mad gallop every evening, punctuated by loud howls, but she's just daft, bless her (gets it from me lol.) I often do end up going to make sure nothing's the matter with her though - well you do don't you?

I don't think there's anything you can do to stop the crying - she's obviously healthy and content though I imagine it's inconvenient if you're trying to sleep. Could be interesting to observe if she is taking as much notice of noises nowadays - whether she answers to her name if she can't see you etc. Sounds to be doing well for her age bless her :)

Re: my older cat is crying every night

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:27 pm
by lilynmitz
Check her sight as well. My blind boy Mitz used to do this. Has she been checked for Hyperthyroidism (you said her bloods had been done, but did that include for HyperT?)

Re: my older cat is crying every night

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:40 pm
by Crewella
My old girl Minnie did this in the last year of her life as well, as her hearing started to go. We worried about it at first, but then realised that, if left, she usually just yelled for a little bit and then went back to bed.

I've recently taken on an elderly stray who's around mid teens and also not got great hearing - I've heard him shout a few times in the night too, but not for long. His blood tests have come back fine, so unless he really starts wailing, I'm ignoring it for now.

Re: my older cat is crying every night

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:41 pm
by Kay
cats do get dementia, and the fact that she cries when she wakes up sounds to me as if she's disorientated - just calling out to her when she does it may be enough to reassure her

if nothing else works, you may find confining her to a small area with her dishes and tray overnight helps, as she may actually feel more secure in a small space

Re: my older cat is crying every night

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 9:40 am
by lilynmitz
Lily recently went through a phase of shouting at night shortly after we went to bed, and sometimes at around 7.00. She just wanted to know where everyone was. She usually stopped fairly soon if we ignored her, or if I went down to reassure her. She is getting a bit senile now, so that might be the reason in her case.