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litter tray problem!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:54 pm
by laura1959
one of my two cats are still using the litter tray ,not a problem but she seems to be missing the tray all of a sudden not sure why and a bit concerned any ideas what I can do please??? :? :? :?

Re: litter tray problem!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:58 pm
by Marla
Is she squatting in the tray but the wee is spraying over the side? Our boy used to do this and high-sided litter tray really helped.

Is she otherwise healthy? No limping or arthritis that might keep her from squatting down?

Re: litter tray problem!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 3:50 pm
by lilynmitz
I'd echo what Marla says. Keep a careful eye on her - this may require a vet visit. Is she doing lots of little wees? If so, it may be cystitis.

Lily does "high wees" (ie not squatting properly so it goes over the edge) when she's stressed about something, so this needs thinking about as well. As she is a rather stressy cat, despite this being a quiet household, I found using covered trays at least contained the wee and prevented the mess on the floor. But you do need to think about the underlying causes and try to address that as well.

Re: litter tray problem!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:09 pm
by laura1959
Marla wrote:Is she squatting in the tray but the wee is spraying over the side? Our boy used to do this and high-sided litter tray really helped.

Is she otherwise healthy? No limping or arthritis that might keep her from squatting down?
I don't always see her but yes she does squatt to my knowledge .,she is only 18months old and very healthly.

Re: litter tray problem!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:14 pm
by laura1959
lilynmitz wrote:I'd echo what Marla says. Keep a careful eye on her - this may require a vet visit. Is she doing lots of little wees? If so, it may be cystitis.

Lily does "high wees" (ie not squatting properly so it goes over the edge) when she's stressed about something, so this needs thinking about as well. As she is a rather stressy cat, despite this being a quiet household, I found using covered trays at least contained the wee and prevented the mess on the floor. But you do need to think about the underlying causes and try to address that as well.
I have noticed it the last week or so ,so I positioned the tray in a different postion but still a puddle this morning.

Re: litter tray problem!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:15 pm
by Marla
If it's just a matter of missing the tray and not a health issue, the Van Ness High Sided Cat Litter Tray is very good. It comes in different sizes. We went for "giant".

Re: litter tray problem!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:15 pm
by Marla
Have you changed the type of litter or anything else recently?

Re: litter tray problem!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:42 pm
by laura1959
Marla wrote:Have you changed the type of litter or anything else recently?
no same litter ,like I say the other cat Ouzo has been going out for a while they are both the same age,and to be honest though both females the other Fix is more of a tomboy so thought she would start going out ,but it seems not as she is the one that is still going in the litter tray or at the moment isn't ,I am a bit concerned really.

Re: litter tray problem!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:46 pm
by Willowgill
Daphne does this sometimes - she goes in the tray in the bathroom and never misses but for some reason she occasionally decides to christen the fire at the side of the tray in the conservatory and will rise up as she's p'ing and spray over the edge. i've no idea why as she's perfectly all right - I keep the trays on either sheets of kitchen roll or the puppy training mats which are really useful. I just think she's marking her territory like males do as she can smell Mr B sleeps in there some nights. If it keeps happening all the time though i would take her to the vets just to check she doesn't have a UTI

Re: litter tray problem!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:09 pm
by laura1959
Willowgill wrote:Daphne does this sometimes - she goes in the tray in the bathroom and never misses but for some reason she occasionally decides to christen the fire at the side of the tray in the conservatory and will rise up as she's p'ing and spray over the edge. i've no idea why as she's perfectly all right - I keep the trays on either sheets of kitchen roll or the puppy training mats which are really useful. I just think she's marking her territory like males do as she can smell Mr B sleeps in there some nights. If it keeps happening all the time though i would take her to the vets just to check she doesn't have a UTI
thank you I will keep an eye on her ,there is a tomcat bothering both cats maybe this is upsetting her ,.but thanks for your advice,and tips.

Re: litter tray problem!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:41 pm
by andybriz
We had a couple accidents over the edge and also one of ours used to always lean all his weight on to one edge of the litter trays when going for a wee so ended up flipping the litter tray over and causing all sorts of mess!

We changed to ones with a lid and a flap (although we removed the flaps) which stops the problem and they also don't get distracted when going now. They used to get sidetracked with what the other one was doing and jump out half way through!

Re: litter tray problem!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:57 pm
by laura1959
andybriz wrote:We had a couple accidents over the edge and also one of ours used to always lean all his weight on to one edge of the litter trays when going for a wee so ended up flipping the litter tray over and causing all sorts of mess!

We changed to ones with a lid and a flap (although we removed the flaps) which stops the problem and they also don't get distracted when going now. They used to get sidetracked with what the other one was doing and jump out half way through!
I bought mine from argos classed as large, has a lid that is raised at the black ,she isn't a large cat and isn't fully grown yet , really cant understand it ,not sure that I want to get one with a hood I think it would confuse her ,I bought an igloo type bed and she wont go in that so don't think she would go in a litter tray with a hood.

Re: litter tray problem!!

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 7:37 pm
by meriad
What you could do to see if she'd go in one is get a large cardboard box from somewhere and cut a hole in the one side so there's an entrance and then put the litter box in there and see what happens. If that works then buy a proper hooded tray, but the cardboard box won't cost a penny to give it a go

When I first got cats I had a regular large litter box but soon changed to a covered one and I never had a problem at all. But I've had to take the flap off them all