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more death....

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:07 pm
by Cussypat1974
Mammy Muffin was euthanised on Monday. she just went downhill very fast on Sunday. On Saturday she had a very good day and ate loads of boiled chicken breast. Sunday she was wobbly on her legs and I stayed with her through the night. Monday she was worse and could barely stand. I had to help her to the water dish and litter box (sweet little thing still wanted to go in the proper place). It was time. i have no regrets but still miss her. RIP Mammy Muffin. you were VERY MUCH loved.

Re: more death....

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:48 pm
by lilynmitz
OH no, so sorry to hear you've lost another. What a tough time you've been having. RIP Mammy Muffin. You were obviously very much loved. Take care. xx

Re: more death....

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:23 pm
by Crewella
It's the hardest part of taking on all-comers and helping the needy as you do - you get more than your fair share of heartbreak. (((hugs)))

So sorry to hear this, though it sounds as though you did exactly the right thing, as always.

Rest in peace lovely Mammy Muffin. xx

Re: more death....

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:44 pm
by bobbys girl
Sorry to hear that. No matter how right it is and how prepared you are, it is still such a wrench. The little battler is at peace now, RIP Mammy Muffin. Hugs to you. Xx

Re: more death....

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:48 pm
by booktigger
Sorry to hear this RIP little one

Re: more death....

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:22 pm
by Mayday21
What a beautiful name Mammy Muffin. My heart goes out to you. I envy you staying up with her all night. I still feel guilty that I didn't get up to check on my Mayday. And they love so unconditionally which is so profound. Take care & as others have posted hugs from Australia.

Re: more death....

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:02 pm
by Cussypat1974
Thank you everyone. She had a good life with me, and also a good one before I found her under a car in a carpark. there were no houses around but I did put up posters etc to try to find her human. she was already spayed and was in excellent shape. I dont know how old she was, but she sure wasn't young. her blood tests showed kidney failure and also possible liver failure. It was just her time to go I suppose.... i hope I don't sound cold when I say that I am GLAD when they go due to old age related causes. i miss them more the longer they have been with me, but it means they have had a good long life eh? i find it far harder to deal with when they die young from accidents or poisonings etc. THAT makes me almost lose my mind..... I just keep telling myself that death comes to us all really, and that the best any of us can hopefor is a good long life full of love and good food! Mammy Muffin had both, and was not allowed to linger, suffering, at the end.

Re: more death....

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:06 pm
by Cussypat1974
on Sunday night she was curled up fast asleep on the armchair, and I said to hubby "I wish she'd just die now". He knew what I meant..... it would have been nice to avoid the stress of the vet trip, but the alternative was a lingering death. Unlike Locky wo DID die on the same armchair a week or so beforehand. the vets for him would have been just AWFUL as he was still feral with strangers and only trusted us.