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Bathroom Cuddles

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 11:23 am
by lilynmitz
Does anyone else have cats who are obsessed with sitting on your lap when you're on the loo? Several of mine have done this in the past, but Ziggy has taken it to a new level. Luckily he's a very small cat, (it made my legs go numb and left red paw prints on my thighs with bigger cats!), but when he knows I'm in the bathroom he barges his way in or destroys the carpet till I open the door for him, then hops up onto my lap and flops down and curls tightly into a blissful little ball purring his head off. Which of course means I end up spending ages in the bathroom (well, it would be a shame to break the spell). My OH thinks I'm reading War and Peace in there! :lol:

Re: Bathroom Cuddles

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:18 pm
by MarkB
Ingrid tries this sometimes, but doesn't shred the carpet if I lock her out. If I forget to shut the door and she does manage to get on me, a quick flush usually sees her off :D

Re: Bathroom Cuddles

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 12:53 pm
by Janey
:lol: this made me lol!

Re: Bathroom Cuddles

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:04 pm
by MarySkater
My cats follow me into the loo and rub round my ankles, but I wouldn't let them on my lap when I have other things on my mind :D

Re: Bathroom Cuddles

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:32 pm
by bobbys girl
This is probably too much information, but when OH goes to the loo Gracie likes to sit inside his trousers. I really wish you could hear the lop sided conversation that happens on the other side of the bathroom door. 'Gracie get out of there', 'eeyow'. 'Gracie shift, I want to get up', 'eeyowww', and so on.... :lol:

Re: Bathroom Cuddles

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 7:45 pm
by Lilith

I've had it all - not just the BIG cuddles demanded by affectionate cats when I stagger sleepily out of bed to go to the loo in the 'wee' hours, but cats wanting to be sung to and having their tails held, cats on lap, naturally, lying in the bath with a damp and happy Siamese on my chest, being perved at in the bath by a ginger tom on the edge, another Siamese eating the end to it really.

The only thing I really did dread was aforementioned ginger tom waiting until I was comfortably in the bath before using his tray and stinking the place out.

I suppose I ought to be thankful that Molly, who is death to kitchen roll, has never (yet!) discovered bog roll...

And what about those videos on youtube of cats squatting on the loo seat and ...errm, obliging... Wish I could train my lot to do that!

But yes, what is it with cats and bathrooms?

Re: Bathroom Cuddles

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:42 pm
by Crewella
Yep, our Grumpy Nellie is a 'bathroom cat', to the extent that she now thinks of any time spent time in the loo as 'Nellie time'! :D