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Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 12:44 pm
by madhouse
hi all i'm looking for a bit of advice one of my neighbours is complaining my cats have scratched his range rover now i'm at a loss at what i can do to stop them climbing and sitting on cars i have a cat flap which does not have a lock do you think buyingh a new one with a lock so i can restrict the amount of time they go out will work?

Re: neighbours

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 3:17 pm
by meriad
a) can your neighbour prove it was your cats?
b) could you cat proof your garden so your cats can still come and go, but would be restricted to house and garden only

But - and hopefully someone here can say if I'm right or not - as far as i know your neighbour has no legal powers so cannot ask you to be responsible for whatever damage may have been caused. This is because, unlike dogs, cats are not considered property in this country. A dog owner is legally responsible for all actions of their dog but a cat owner

Which in itself is a bit of a catch 22 really - because in instances like this you as a cat owner are "sort of" protected from any claims against damages caused, but on the other hand should someone deliberately injure a cat then the law can't be as powerful (not that it is anyway) as it would be should a dog be deliberately injured.