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So how does your cat show you love

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:22 pm
by Didi
Just wondering as Bilbo has this habit when he is being brushed of purring and "chewing" on my arm ! It's not really chewing in so much as no teeth are involved he just sort of opens and closes his mouth on me.
It's a habit he has always had but just lately seems to be doing it more often especially when he is being groomed - up until the last year he resisted the brush and hated it but after a lot of patience - and treats as reward- he now loves it and jumps up on the bed when he sees the brush come out ready for me to brush him

So whatbother ways do cats show "love"

Re: So how does your cat show you love

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 9:50 pm
by Judy Barnett
I've always pondered this idea of cats loving, (well, anything except themselves)! :D I know my two certainly know which side their bread is buttered which makes them behave in a certain way that I like to think of as love. Unlike a dog, I don't think either of them would care very much if I dropped down dead. It would be a mild inconvenience, and as long as my husband was there to feed them it would simply mean more room on the bed. But I think that is what I've always liked about them. That cool, unconcerned aloofness in which they allow us to believe that we own them and are in control. And also unlike dogs, that if we are cruel enough to misuse would just whimperingly accepted, a cat would casually rip your face off and find another sucker to look after them. Love, I don't know. All I know is that my priorities in life are:-
Cats, Garden, with the church choir and my husband coming an equal third and that I could never do without my fur babies :lol:

Re: So how does your cat show you love

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 12:01 pm
by Lilith
I think they do love us, even if they don't always show it. My youngest cat was undemonstrative and very aggressive for a long time; the biggest sign of affection I would get from her was a leg rub - especially when there was food in the offing. Occasionally she'd permit her back to be stroked and gentle 'bottom-smacks' and even, on red-letter occasions, her ears. She wouldn't rub my hand with her face, but she'd wash me.

But wherever I was. she was, and I reckoned that counted for something.

Then a year ago the cats had to be fostered. (I was ill.) Emily and Mouse settled; Molly didn't. The cat rescue worker (who I'll call A) was amazed when, on her return here, Molly ran about like a friendly puppy, purring, headbutting everybody, and very obviously glad to be back. Poor A had the first friendly headbutt from Molly ever! I'd thought Moll would have enjoyed an outdoor run, cats of her own age to play with, far more interest for her than in a quiet house like this ... no. She got up on top of a wardrobe and growled all the time. I felt very guilty at putting her through the separation, as you can imagine. Cats do get attached to a place, of course, but she's been a lot more affectionate towards me since.

My Mouse also nibbles me in affection, she taps my hand for attention, and she washes me too, not always a good idea. A while back I noticed a tiny blister on one knuckle, the sort of thing a careless cook does to herself, bumping a hand against an oven-shelf. Mousey made it her especial care. Well, when you think of where cats put their tongues ... :o :shock: I did my best to avoid being 'nursed' but she'd start on it before I'd noticed and, put it this way, it didn't do it much good. Bless her though, she meant well :D

Re: So how does your cat show you love

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:14 pm
by bobbys girl
Purdy loves her daddy and Bob is a mummy's boy, let me show you....
and what's this if not love
Of course I have not photo's of me WEARING a very cross Gracie like an evil boxing glove, or Willow's 'Medusa' stare :shock: :?

Re: So how does your cat show you love

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:27 pm
by Lilith

Re: So how does your cat show you love

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:29 pm
by Mayday21
So cute. Yep Purdy & Bob definitely love you both. The past week I've been in turmoil re work & hence my decision posted on Mark's post about giving up work. TC hasn't left me & keeps looking up at me with a worried look - and I say 'he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer' but obviously emotionally in tune with me. Vivian

Re: So how does your cat show you love

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:46 pm
by bobbys girl
A big decision Vivian. All good wishes for the future.

Sue xx

Re: So how does your cat show you love

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:05 pm
by Didi
Aww what gorgeous pictures defiantly love

Re: So how does your cat show you love

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 8:49 pm
by Lilith

Molly let me brush her! :o :D

Gotta tell the WORLD!!!! :D

AND she purred!

Hey Mayday, all the best. I think sometimes you have to go with that gut feeling (cliche, sorry but only way to describe.) A friend of mine took early retirement and he never regretted it - it's true, you don't know what's in the future, so make the most of life while you can. Happy retirement! :)

Re: So how does your cat show you love

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 11:17 pm
by Crewella
Yes, happy retirement Vivian! :)

I thought of Gracie immediately, Sue, as I know how much of a daddy's girl she is. And I know Bob's a mummy's boy! :D

Most like us well enough but I agree a lot of it is knowing which side their bread is buttered, and liking a warm lap! I have had a couple who definitely loved me, my old cat Spook (RIP) would let me do pretty much anything, and when we moved she insisted on sleeping on my lap until she'd settled in and felt safe. Daz is now 'my' boy, he's not usually particularly needy and will go all day with just a quick scritch on his way out, but he hates it when I have a busy week at work. By the end of the week he starts coming for a cuddle and when I pick him up he buries his head in my armpit "where've you BEEN, it's been AWFUL". Once he's had his cuddle he's fine again! :D

..... and Go MOLLY!! :D