Coco and Chanel dilemma

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Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

For some reason, I can't find my initial thread about them, despite using the search function!

I’ve had them 8 months now, so Chanel will be 1 year old. I’m really not sure they are going to come round much more, even though I had a good day the other week with Chanel allowing herself to be stroked and picked up, she hasn’t allowed it since, and even been reluctant to eat from my hand. I had a long chat with Coco last week, she has such a funny expression when you talk to her, never seen a cats eyes move so much, like she is really taking on board what you are saying – even though I can talk her from ears flat to her head to a normal position, I’m just not sure she’s going to be able to break that barrier. Just not sure how easy it is going to be to home them – I think they would need indoor only with an enclosed outdoor space.

I was away overnight this weekend, so my neighbour looked after them, I came home to find Coco had gone into hiding because of it, so my neighbour thinks I should keep them. Obvious downside of this is that Lucy is intolerant of other cats, so keeping them here would mean keeping them in the one room (its around 8 feet wide and 11 feet long), which I'm not sure is fair, but my neighbour thinks if we add a couple of things like shelves in the room and have a similar enclosure to hers built outside the window, so they could have some fresh air, it may work. The plan would be until Lucy is no longer here, then they would end up with the whole house. Main downside of this is that it is the only room I can use for cats (I used to use the bathroom for occasional stays, but can't with Lucy), so I wouldn't be able to foster, although technically I am, as these aren't mine. I need to think about this before I suggest it to the rescue, as it is quite a big step
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Ruth B »

It is a big step and in the end it really is a matter of whether you want to keep them, it sounds like they have come along way in your care.

I will say, that while they might have gone into hiding while your neighbour was looking after them, I do think they would adapt to a new owner and home in time. I mentioned that one of my cats, Freyja, is very nervous, and was when i got her, three years on and i can only fuss her when she is in certain places in the house, mainly stretched out on the bed, try and reach out to her at other times and she runs off like I'm the devil incarnate. I also have friends and some family that visit irregularly who are half convinced she is a figment of my imagination, they have seen neither hide nor hair of her when they are here, but I do have some friends who are round every week or two and she is getting so she will come downstairs when she hears them and sit on the stairs to watch us, and if we all sit very quiet and still she will run for the cat flap between our legs if that is where she wants to go.

I'm sure Coco and Chanel would do very well in the right home, as long as the people adopting them understood that they wouldn't be cuddly lap cats straight off (you never know what they will be like in 5 to 10 years). I can also understand you considering keeping them, you have put a lot of time and effort into getting this far with them, and one room and an outside run wouldn't be too bad an option.

One of the reasons i don't think I could foster, even if i had the room, is that I would end up with a houseful of foster failures and never rehome any, so I can understand your dilemma and think you have done wonderfully so far.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Kay »

these two are just the sort of 'project' I would love to take on, if I didn't have two cats already, and a couple of outdoor cats on my own personal waiting list! But the challenge of bringing round a couple of scaredy cats would surely appeal to an experienced cat lover, someone older and living alone, and preferably home all day, with ideally no current cats

perhaps the challenge is thinking of the best way to locate such a person, and with you able to wait until and unless such a person is found - I think if it was me in your position I would be chatting up people on my next CP collection day, as that can be a good opportunity to sound out potential fosterers/adopters - perhaps print off a special leaflet to hand out, as they do photograph well
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

I wouldn’t mind keeping them – not because of their looks, but because of their personalities. There wouldn’t be that much difference realistically, at the moment I provide their food and the rescue pay for their litter (they have RC Calm biscuits and calming treats) and then I would adopt when I can. The main issue would be not being able to foster. Coco stayed in the open popping at my neighbour, it was when I got home they were hiding and Coco was popping at me even though she couldn’t see me. When I Went to sit with them, I read her some blog posts and she calmed down, curled up and went to sleep (she really enjoys being read/spoken to)!! Any visitors see the growling side of her, not sure how many people are willing to take on a hissing, growling cat. She prefers to hit my hand to take dreamies off me, but regularly draws blood doing that, so it’s more than just being timid and hiding, they are still semi-feral, I’d probably need to trap them to catch them. I just don’t want them being confined so long to be to their detriment. They have never tried to escape, I think Coco is glad of having somewhere safe and warm, with 3 meals a day, and Chanel hasn’t known much different, we think she probably spent at least the first 8 weeks outside, the people who asked us to take Coco initially kept Chanel but rang us 3 weeks later asking us to take her too as she was wild, she spent 4 days at the rescue then came to mine.

I’ve actually been really good fostering, I’ve done it for 14 years at the end of this month, over 250 cats/kittens, and only kept 4, 2 of which weren’t out of choice! I’ve actually adopted quite a few while fostering, as I go for oldies – Lucy only hit 2 of my 3 ‘preferences’. I wanted a 12+ year old female who had been there over 12 months, I got an 8 year old!!

That is the kind of home they would need Kay, I have been trying to figure out how to locate such a person, both vets I’ve spoken to about them just think I should look for a farm home for them, the rescue did suggest splitting them last week, neither of which I want to do. My issue with advertising them is I suspect as soon as people see their photograph, they will want them without reading what kind of home they need, plus finding homes where there are no other cats are incredibly hard, always has been. We do have our annual fun day next month (I actually foster for an independent charity now), I’m doing our information stand, so that might be an option to find a potential home for them.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Kay »

what breed are they? I was just wondering if they are pedigree if there is a welfare section specifically for the breed

when I had Russian Blues I belonged to the Russian Blue Breeders Association, which was open to owners who did not breed, and whenever a new home was wanted for a Russian an association member invariably stepped up
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Lilith »

That's odd - I can't find the Coco and Chanel thread either; how come that's disappeared?

This is a dilemma. I wish I had the right conditions to take them myself; I don't mind a challenge or a shy cat but yes, if advertised in the usual way, their appearance would attract a lot of misguided and inexperienced attention ...

I feel that your room is a refuge for them and a great relief after their time on the streets (however they got there) but a huge shame if you have to give up fostering.

Good luck x
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Kay, we can’t say for certain, we were told Coco was a ragdoll, which she clearly isn’t, I think she may be a Balinese, she’s a bit too chunky for a Siamese. Chanel could pass as a ragdoll, but not as fluffy as I expected. I have had mixed results with pedigree rescues, they tend to be stricter about them being actual breeds, and Chanel was born outside, plus most people who go to breed rescues still expect sociable cats, not semi-feral ones, confirmed by someone who has more experience with semi-ferals than me, her comment is ‘folks will be thinking sweet Ragdoll rather than claws and language becoming a marine’. She also pointed out a farm wouldn’t be suitable after being used to being fed for so long and with their coats.

I honestly don’t know Lil!! We still get the ‘appearance’ thing with my neighbours semi-ferals, one is ‘prettier’ than the others, but she’s the feistiest, but everyone is drawn to her, even though it is the other two who will allow a stroke. Yes, I’m sure Coco is relieved to have the security.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Ruth B »

Could you have them as long term fosters. Have them available if the right home comes along but not pushing to get them in to just any home. Anyone who takes them on would be doing so because they want to help the less rehomeable cat and welcome a challenge, not because they want a cuddly lap cat that looks like a pedigree. I remember when I said I would take Freyja, the people at the rescue admitted that they had thought no one would take her because who wants a cat they can't view properly and is always hiding, they fully had expected her to be a long term, if not permanent resident.

I don't think a pedigree rescue would be the right place for them, just rehoming them as domestic long haired cats would be better, i am assuming they haven't any paperwork anyway. If their coats are anything like Blue's was, they do need to be somewhere where they can be groomed and while he was fine outside, I don't think a farm or similar would be suitable.

I think it is a time when no matter how attractive they might look to prospective adopters, you will have to be firm that they aren't going to be going to someone who just wants one that looks pretty.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Perfect solution Ruth, I have come to a decision, which will be to keep them as long term fosters, so they would still be up for homing if the right home came along, but in the meantime I will do everything I can to try and integrate them and make things better for them. My neighbour isn’t convinced they should be up for homing, she doesn’t think it would be fair on them, and that I would find it hard to let them go. I will run it by our manager tomorrow, can’t see her saying no, as my neighbour pointed out, what else can we do with them? We are doing a Zooplus order tomorrow, so will buy some more toys, and maybe do a Purrs order too. Then I will speak to our local handyman about getting a mesh door like my neighbour did to gauge Lucy’s reaction, and look at having an enclosure built so they can have fresh air – not sure Coco would use it, but looking at the paw prints on my window, Chanel would. Now just to decide whether to advertise them or leave it for people to offer a home for the challenging cats.

I remember when I went to pick Lucy up, the assistant manager was on and assumed I would be fostering her, so was visibly shocked when I said I would be adopting her. Well, I couldn't home them as long haired cats, Chanel is but Coco isn't, Chanel was born outside so definitely no paperwork!!
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Ruth B »

Glad you've come to a decision and i'm glad you are keeping them for the time being at least.

I do remember the photos you put up on the original thread and thinking that one of them had the look of a Ragdoll which was why I said domestic long haired. In the end it doesn't matter what you call them, unless you have paperwork they are just moggies that might look a bit like a pedigree, that is all we ever told people Blue was, except official paperwork like vets and microchip people when he was an allegedly a Ragdoll.

You will have to get some more photos up so we can see how they have come along. I also vaguely remember something happening to the forum at one point, your original thread might have glitched then and got lost in the ether.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

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This was a couple of weeks ago
This is Cocos body language when she's out - I'll post a bit about how they interact tomorrow
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Chanel was playing peek a boo with me Tue night, Wed night I was reading their bedtime story and Chanel started playing around, which distracted me, Coco started staring at the book in my hand, as if to say ‘why have you stopped?’ and she relaxes a lot when she is being read to, so they do interact, just not in the normal sense, and both know their names and nicknames (coco bean and cheeky lamb). I rummaged in the wardrobe last night looking for my fabric tunnel, it appears I’ve thrown that away, but did find a cat tent, so put that up last night for her, and I’m contemplating taking the plastic dog bed they don’t use out of there to make more space and replacing the small scratch post with something a bit more interactive, shame as Lucy has an unused one, but it’s a bit boring, it’s just a wave.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Lilith »

Aww! They're getting bolder :D

What's their bedtime story then? A Tail of Two Kitties? :lol:
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Yeah. Not sure I got the timing right with the rescue, she didn't seem overly enthusiastic and wanted me to wait a couple of months till things have settled down (we are still finishing our move, just finishing building the cat pens), but hoping that was more because she didn't want me to spend money rather than being bothered by me keeping them. She did again suggest splitting, but I'd rather say I was keeping them than let that happen. I've just done a very expensive Zooplus order, new scratch post and toys for them, and will speak to the builder over the weekend - even if it doesn't work out with these, or something amazing comes up, I've always wanted to put an enclosure outside the window for the foster cats, just never thought it was possible.

Sadly not, the last book was Ginger the Gangster cat, this time it is a crime thriller!!
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Lilith »

Lol, I have two ginga gangstas! I ended up reciting Blake to Molly this evening; if she's in a giddy mood she chases me downstairs and when she sees my hand on the doorframe, she hits it. With claws in, which is an improvement. So I turned round on her and waved a 'paw' and went - Tyger! Tyger! Burning brrright!' And she averted her gaze and went all submissive so I had to reassure her and tell her she was a good girl ... never known her do that before.

I reckon your two are a species of Siamese ... but that's only a Surmise ... a wild Surmise?

Love to the two wild Surmise, and Lucy too :D
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by bobbys girl »

I too think that Ruth's idea is the way to go. Splitting them up, to my mind, would be a step backwards and as they are very pretty cats, putting them up for 'general' rehoming would not be in their best interests.

For what it's worth I think you have made the right decision.

As for temperament, I can pick up, cuddle, tickle and brush all three of my boys. Grace, who we have had from a tiny kitten has to be approached with a whip and a chair! She tries to bully the boys and when that fails she takes it out on poor old Purdy. That's just Grace, we can't change her and we wouldn't give her up (no one in their right mind would have her!) So we just have to make sure they all have enough space. Then everyone gets along OK.

I hope it all works out for you all.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Thanks guys - for some reason, since explaining the dilemma to Coco, she actually seems to be slightly better with me. This morning they'd kicked the blanket off the windowsill, Coco hissed when I went to replace it, so I told her there was no point, I'm only doing this to make things better for them, and she stopped with her mouth open, like she had to contemplate this, then shut her mouth. I'll have another chat with the rescue when we aren't quite as under pressure fundraising wise, but I don't want to wait that long to start putting things in place, it wouldn't be fair on the girls. It will be hard giving them all space with the layout of the house, but I'll try my best. Aww, poor Molly
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Mayday21 »

Hi Desley I think keeping them is the right decision as well as keeping them together. I’ve also discussed the situation with Harper & TC who both agree. :lol: Keep us posted. Vivian & the Famous Five from Oz. Btw Bossy Boots Oriental Pebbles is still with me & Snow Girl detests her.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Spoke to builder, my enclosure will cost more than my neighbours as he will need to hire an access tower, and I want stronger mesh than she went for, but he said he’d clean out my gutters for free while he was doing it!! Just debating at the moment whether I can get a cat flap installed in the window. Most of the toys, the new scratch post and shelf have arrived, but I Want to clean the room before putting them in. Just waiting for the stuff from Purrs now, so Sunday’s job will be re-arranging things in the room for them.

Thanks - I keep trying to explain it to Lucy, but keep getting growled at when I get to Coco's name.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Woke up really early, so spent an extra 10 mins with the girls, Chanel was responding well, didn’t want to be touched, but did purr!! Just a shame she moves when I get the camera out, she has some hilarious poses.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

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Obviously not where they are going to stay, but this is the majority of the new toys for Chanel
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Lilith »

Wow - pampered!

I bought a thingy for Molly from the Catchat store on here, called a wigglywaggler, or a wigwag - it looks like a long thin knitted banana with braided strings hanging from it, and it's catnip treated. She loves kicking hell out of it; she has an upstairs one on the bed and a downstairs one that she takes into the garden - useful when she's feeling wicked :)
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

And it's not everything! There is a Purrs order coming this week. I must post a pic of the den, so large it was built in the room! Ooh, forgot about wiggly wagglers
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

The den is too large to get it all in one photo! Still got a few cat tree toys that need screwing, and a shelf on the wall for them. Forgot there is also a window sucker toy, she hasn't bothered with that! She has barely bothered with the toys or new post. Might have to shuffle things round
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Had a great time with the girls this morning, went in and Coco was on the windowsill, she stayed long enough for me to de-fluff the place she normally sits, then I spooked her but rather than run to her safe place, she went the opposite direction and ended up on the floor, Chanel run to her, and Coco actually laid in a relaxed position, then I got the rainbow cord out and actually got her playing for a bit! Will post pics later. That’s at least the 3rd time this week I’ve gone in and she hasn’t been in her safe place, but it is the only time she hasn’t ran to it, so think we are getting somewhere. Putting her shelf up this weekend and a few more toys! Chanel doesn’t look as fluffy, wonder if it is the heat? Coco is actually getting darker, I knew Chanel would as she got older, but surprised with Coco.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Here are the pics- I nipped into poundworld on Fri and ended up with an igloo bed for £2.10! We have put the shelf and 2 of the cat tree toys up, think I'll do a third tonight
1530379928383.jpeg (82.54 KiB) Viewed 265421 times
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Lilith »

£2! :o :o :o

What us recluses miss, not going out shopping - congrats lol.

They look very relaxed. I think I once mentioned a kitten I bred - it took YEARS to get near her ... some cats just are like that and to photograph her was an achievement.

I think they're doing really well - if only we knew their story.

Also wish the powers that be on the forum could rescue your original thread from the Inky Void - it made good reading, hint hint :)
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

Well, I thought it was £6 with 30% off, turned out to be £3 with 30% off, wish I'd bought more! They are relaxed, Chanel was very loud at 6.30, not sure what with! Shame her relaxedness doesn't translate to being touched!
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by Ruth B »

They are certainly a beautiful pair. Possibly some Ragdoll in there (the one in the foreground particularly, sorry i can't tell which is which), but really it doesn't matter, they are pet moggies at the end of the day.
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Re: Coco and Chanel dilemma

Post by booktigger »

They are Ruth - we were told mum (the one at the back) was ragdoll, but she is shorthaired. Kitten however could easily pass as a ragdoll. It is a shame their looks will go against them if we tried to advertise them.
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