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Adopting a Cat

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:31 pm
by AndyMac
My black cat Jet passed away just over 7 weeks ago and I have posted on here about my neighbours cat adopting me and it has stayed a few nights. I have decided I think it may be time to get another cat. I went onto the local Cats Protection website in Belfast and found a cute little girl named Mia.

I visited the shelter earlier today and spent some time with Mia - she is 2 years old and has been at the shelter about 6 weeks as her previous owner could no longer keep her due to work commitments. She was a bit hesitent at first but after a while I got a few head knocks against my hand which lasted longer and longer. I am so undecided whether to adopt her - I want so much to say 'yes' but just cannot make the final decision to reserve her.

I just dont know if maybe it is too soon after Jet but she is so cute.

The link to her page is: ... cid=219930

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:56 pm
by Ruth B
She certainly is cute and if you got as far as a few head bumps on a first visit I would say that was a great start, a sanctuary is never the best place to bring out a cats friendliness.

In the end though only you can decide if it is time. Keep reminding yourself you are not replacing Jet, you are offering a loving home to another cat, and knowing how hard it can be to rehome black or black and white cats, particularly ones that are already adult cats, you would be doing her a wonderful favour.

It is a very personal decision, I am the type that will happily have a new cat days after one has gone with no regrets and no guilt, other people I know can take months or even years before they feel ready for another cat. Or as has happened to someone i knew when they had to have a cat pts, he swore he was never going to have another, it was too much hurt, a few days later we got the call to ask if we would like to meet his kitten, he had been taking some unopened cat litter back to the pet shop when someone was putting up a notice about a kitten needing to be rehomed, it was just meant to be.

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:01 pm
by Kay
my feeling in these situations is it's always good to get a cat out of rescue, because not only does that cat get a proper home, but the rescue space is freed up for another needy cat

you don't have to love the cat, and certainly not as much as the one who died, but time tends to sort that one out, and meanwhile you have a companion and the cat has a home - another plus in Mia's case is that being black she could be stuck in rescue for longer than most

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:07 pm
by Lilith
Aww Andy, I would go with your gut instinct.

When I moved to this house I brought three elderly cats, and after they went I swore, no more cats, it had been too painful. Then a feral community in the street noticed me ... and ...

If the time is right, I think the time is right.

It's a tribute to Jet, after all, how happy she made you :)

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 6:14 pm
by booktigger
I had the same problem when Buster died, it felt too soon but I hated an empty house, ended up going to 2 rescues as I wasn't sure. I'd actually seen Lucy on their Facebook page the day before I lost Buster so decided it was fate but that was after walking away and waiting 2 weeks! I'm normally the kind who goes out straight away though

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 6:17 pm
by booktigger
Kay wrote:
you don't have to love the cat, and certainly not as much as the one who died, but time tends to sort that one out, and meanwhile you have a companion and the cat has a home - another plus in Mia's case is that being black she could be stuck in rescue for longer than most
Not quite sure I agree with that, I adopted too soon once and it took months to bond with the cat and I felt guilty for preventing her getting a home where she could have been loved quicker. I wouldn't want to adopt to someone who is saying yes just to get them out of rescue, I want it to be the best home for them

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:40 pm
by alanc
I your position, Andy, I would take her on.

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:30 pm
by AndyMac
Thanks for your replies. I have decided to adopt Mia and hopefully give her a good start in life even tho she is 2 years. The house has been so quiet without Jet but I would love to give another black cat a loving/caring/quiet place to live and as you said Kay it is freeing up another space - when in reception the staff were on the phone trying to arrange accomodation for some kittens.

The adoption centre is closed tomorrow (Wednesday) so I will send them an email and hopefully bring her home on Friday or at the latest Monday.

To be honest once I saw her I kinda knew I wanted her and when leaving Mia was laying on her back looking attention - the staff did say she is a lovely cat and very affectionate so hoping it all works out - I will update you in the next few days. Thanks again.

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:39 am
by booktigger
Fingers crossed

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:21 am
by Ruth B
Fingers crossed and looking forward to the photos.

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:53 am
by Janey
I love black cats and Mia looks lovely, she looks like my Tasha. Best of luck, let us know how things go!

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:11 am
by Lilith
Sweet girl, hope you'll be bringing her home soon and that 'Aunty Jet' is watching over you both (oops sorry, how sentimental of me :oops: :lol: )

But a lovely continuity ... hope neighbour cat visits too and that you can keep in touch with him :)

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 2:44 pm
by AndyMac
Thanks again - I emailed the centre earlier and they phoned me back to say Mia is ready for collection. I will be bringing her home tomorrow afternoon. I got her a new bed and food bowls and carry case. I will go to B&M bargains and get a few cat toys and scratching post. I have got a few cardboard boxes for her to hide in - in case she is nervous when she first gets home.

The centre has been feeding her dry food only - Purina One so will have to experiment which food she prefers and try her on some wet pouches also. I will get her registered with my local vet and enquire about insurance. I have to keep her indoors for 4 weeks but was maybe thinking of getting a cat harness and introducing her to the garden in a few days.

Once settled I will hopefully get a few photos posted.

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:16 pm
by booktigger
How exciting

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:50 pm
by Alice
Good to hear that you'll soon have Mia home with you.

Before trying her on a lead in the garden I suggest you consider the type of garden you have. I once tried a cat on a longish lead in my back garden - he loved it, and soon ran around various bushes and shrubs, getting the lead wonderfully tangled :roll: I couldn't possibly follow him under the low bushes, so it was quite a challenge to sort it all out without him having the chance to run off into a neighbour's garden, or beyond.

I knew someone who used to attach her Ragdoll's long lead to her garden washing line, so that the cat could safely run and play on his own, but her garden was mainly lawn.

Another point to consider is that if you once take Mia in the garden she'll probably be desperate to go out again, even though you're trying to keep her in most of the time for the next few weeks. Personally, I'd resist the temptation, and keep her inside until the 4 weeks are nearly up, then perhaps try the lead as an introduction to the garden.

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:53 pm
by booktigger
Yes I agree. I know it is hard, but 4 weeks is nothing compared to the years she'll have to enjoy it

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:19 pm
by alanc
Glad Mia now has a home of her own. I would agree its best to keep her indoors for the 4 weeks, it will probably take her that long to get used to her new surroundings. Regarding insurance, you may find she comes with 3 months cover, so may not be any need to rush that.

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 7:50 pm
by booktigger
CP cats generally come with 4 weeks cover, never seen any company offer more than that

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:02 pm
by alanc
You could well be right, Booktigger. My knowledge of what cover comes with rescue cats is a bit old, but 20 years ago Honey came from the Blue Cross with 3 months cover. Insurance companies could well be less generous these days!

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:14 pm
by Ruth B
I have to agree that keeping her in for 4 weeks and then trying the harness would probably be for the best, or even forgetting the harness and just letting her out supervised after the four weeks are up. I don't know what accommodation she has been in while at the rescue, but I'm sure it is a lot smaller than just one room in your house, so going to a single room, then onto the rest of the house will give her plenty of exploring to do before she ventures outside.

As for insurance, non of mine ever have been insured, I just keep an amount set aside each month which will cover any of them, that way it doesn't matter which is ill the money will cover it. Mostly it has been dental work needed and according to the vet it probably wouldn't have been covered as most companies consider dental work cosmetic (I hope who ever made that decision gets a tooth abscess, they might realise it isn't cosmetic at that point).

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:43 pm
by Lilith
Ain't that the tooth, Ruth ...

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 8:43 pm
by Alice
I'm with Ruth on insurance; I've never paid it for any of mine, and am well in pocket, though it is a matter of luck, of course.

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:25 am
by AndyMac
Thanks Guys - she comes with insurance for 4 weeks.

My garden is all grass so no bushes to hide under but I have went off the idea of using a harness and will gradually introduce her to the outdoors. I will keep her in the dining room with access to the window so she can have a look outside and gradually let her wander around the house.

I noticed when at the sanctuary that none of the cats had collars - I enquired and was informed they did not recommend collars as they have had cases were the cat has tried to get the collar off and has got its paw/leg caught inside the collar which has caused injury to the cat but they did say if I did want a collar for Mia to use one that can easily open if it did get snagged in bushes.

I am nervous and apprehensive about collecting Mia but hoping she settles with me. I have the dining room all set up for her - new bed, scratching post, new litter tray, a few toys, food bowls and boxes to hide in. I will hopefully get a picture uploaded when I get her home and she gets settled.

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:03 pm
by Kay
you sound the ideal cat owner to me - Mia is a very lucky girl, and the rescue must be thrilled you want her

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:11 pm
by AndyMac
Kay wrote:you sound the ideal cat owner to me - Mia is a very lucky girl, and the rescue must be thrilled you want her
Thanks Kay - they have a few other black cats but Mia seemed perfect for me.

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:56 pm
by Lilith
You've nothing to be nervous about - so great that you and Mia have found each other :D

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 6:23 pm
by alanc
I think Mia has joined the band of mollycoddled, pampered and indulged cats that inhabit this site!

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:13 pm
by AndyMac
Well Mia is now officially mine. She cried the whole way home in the car which is not unexpected I suppose. I got her into the house and into the dinning room were she had a good look around. I put out fresh water and some Felix as the adoption centre told me she has been eating Purina One and Felix. I then tried her with some Dreamies - every noise seemed to startle her but I sat on the ground and she eventually came over and we bonded, she ate some dreamies and then about 5 mins later she was sick at least 4 times. I hope it was either from the car journey or the stress of coming into a strange place as she hasnt been sick since.

I intended keeping her confined to the kitchen and dinning room but forgot to close the kitchen door and Mia discovered a lot of new rooms to investigate and hide away from me. I just left her to rummage around the house and lay down on the bed - she came beside me and we slept for 30mins or so. She has been all over the house and there are times I think she has vanished or am thinking did I leave the back door open but then she appears. She will be in a room and if I go into the room she will run away and times she looks at me as if she doesnt know who I am - one time she hissed at me and ran away. I went for a walk earlier and convinced myself it was wrong to take her in and thought about contacting Cats Protection to bring her back.

As I am typing she is laying on the sattee and she does seem settled; I have kept the tv off tonight. I do understand it takes time for cats to adapt to their new environment. She hasnt eaten much, a few biscuits but I suppose with the stress of today it will take time for her to get into a routine. I dont like the thought of leaving her alone so soon but have to go to work tomorrow but will take a half day in the afternoon - Saturday I am usually away for 9 hours with my second job but will try to get that day off work also or else I will nip home at lunchtime as it is only a 10min drive away. I feel so stressed out worrying about her and so scared in case she accidently manages to get outside and wondering if it was wrong to adopt her but looking at her now she seems so relaxed and calm and hoping with time she will settle with me.

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:22 pm
by Lilith
Aww, you're fine, do try not to worry. Cats do puke for the slightest reason; it will have been nervousness I reckon.

I know how it feels, every time a new cat has arrived I've been panic-stricken - have I done the right thing etc. Cat's been dead laid-back. I suppose it's like bringing home a new baby (not that I've ever had that experience - would rather have a cat or a snake lol.)

Mia is very lucky - all the best to you both :D

Re: Adopting a Cat

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:35 pm
by AndyMac
Lilith wrote:Aww, you're fine, do try not to worry. Cats do puke for the slightest reason; it will have been nervousness I reckon.

I know how it feels, every time a new cat has arrived I've been panic-stricken - have I done the right thing etc. Cat's been dead laid-back. I suppose it's like bringing home a new baby (not that I've ever had that experience - would rather have a cat or a snake lol.)

Mia is very lucky - all the best to you both :D
Thanks Lilith - she has been trying to get on top of everything and am worried she will topple something and hurt herself. There is a festival in Belfast at the minute (Belsonic) and she can hear the music coming down the chimney and is trying to get into the fireplace but I have the fireguard up - I just had a dejavu moment there with that and it seems so strange that it happened before !!!!

I think when I go to work tomorrow I will keep her confined to the dinning room and kitchen. I have caught her nibbling at house plants and have had to put them in a higher place - but some are that large they have to be kept on the floor but I think we need to have some ground rules set out - no eating plants - no walking on the kitchen work surfaces in case she walks onto a hot cooker etc...