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Cat Blog!

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:52 pm
by chloekitty
I want to start a blog about my cats. No idea if anyone will read it but we've just got a new one from a rescue shelter and she's quite the character and I thought it would be fun to try.

Does anyone know anything about starting a blog? I've had a look online and seen this kind of thing well as wordpress, but I don't really know the difference, so if there are any tech experts out there, please help :)

Re: Cat Blog!

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:56 pm
by KittyWitty
I use BlogSpot and find it VERY user friendly!

I would definitely read your blog, my boys have a facebook page and I was thinking about making a old blog of mine a blog about them so let me know how you get on!!!

Re: Cat Blog!

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:34 pm
by Shelly and Dora
That's really interesting because I'd love to do something similar with Dora!x

Re: Cat Blog!

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 10:30 am
by chloekitty
Thanks! I'll have a look at blogspot. It seems that people blog about literally anything so I figured blogging about my cat isn't too weird ;)
Once I've go **** up and running I'll let you know.

Re: Cat Blog!

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:41 pm
by Lyn from Australia
I don't understand a word you are saying, but please let me know details when you've all done something! I have seen the Facebook page, but I'm not very good at that either. Ladies, don't get old, it's too hard on the brain. :cry:

Re: Cat Blog!

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:59 pm
by bobbys girl
I'm with you there Lyn! What's BlogSpot when it's at home? I can barely keep up with emails. I don't do Twitter or Facebook either. If you Google my name you get a professor in Scotland, HA! Sometimes it's nice to be 'invisible'. Hubby 'Facebooks' because of his kids (only way he knows what 3 of them are up to!) He keeps getting requests to be a friend of people he has never heard of. I think I will stick with the friends (2 legged and 4) that I've got.
All that aside, I could write a book on my lot and I haven't even mentioned The Car Park Cats - the the strays (too friendly to be feral) we keep an eye on. I did start a book - working title 'A Tale of Nine Cats' - but there were only 7 at the
But you are right, I have 'wasted' many an hour watching kitties on You Tube. I would love to read what your cats are up to. Cats are endlessly fascinating. Go for it!