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Medicating Cats Problem/s?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 11:38 am
by catprofessional
Hi, we have had kind permission from CatChat to post. At Vet Professionals, we are carrying out research to find out what challenges cat owners face when giving medicine/s to their cat/s at home. Our aim is to help cat owners in the future and those designing medicines for cats (the study is led by Dr Sarah Caney, CEO of Vet Professionals, Dr Sam Taylor, Vet Consultant to International Cat Care and Prof Danièlle Gunn-Moore, Professor in Feline Medicine, University of Edinburgh). Thank you in advance for your time: ... ts-at-home

Re: Medicating Cats Problem/s?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 12:13 pm
by Mollycat
Done. I found it a bit clumsy in the earlier questions, I struggled with some answers because the answers are not the same for different medications, and for example the potassium capsules my cat has daily are capsules but contain a powder which I open and sprinkle on her food (her whole meal not a little bit of food) which she eats readily - but put that same potassium into a tablet and I would have to refuse it, or put something nasty tasting like Pro-Kolin or a wormer on her food and she will starve herself. So not enough room to answer properly sometimes.

Anyway - if the pharma companies would b=make a bit more effort to make medicines palatable, I'm sure more courses of meds would be finished and fewer cats go untreated. Thanks for the research I hope it will bring about positive changes.

Re: Medicating Cats Problem/s?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 12:25 pm
by fjm
Done. I agree Mollycat - the format of the medication is less important than its palatability. And everything depends on the cat - my Siamese 50 years ago would not take anything in any form ever! She was the one even the vet couldn't pill. The cats I have had since then have all been reasonably amenable, queuing up for the nice-tasting tablets and pastes (Virbac toothpaste is particularly sought after) and for anything that can be successfully hidden in food , but quietly absenting themselves when the time came around for less palatable dosing. The dogs are easier as they will swallow lumps of chicken without chewing; the cats chew every mouthful, so the taste is crucial.

Re: Medicating Cats Problem/s?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:14 pm
by catprofessional
Thank you for taking the survey and for your very useful comments - it's much appreciated.

Re: Medicating Cats Problem/s?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:35 pm
by Mollycat
Yes Snoopy watches me put his Yu-move tablets which he dislikes into his food and mix it up and gollops the lot, and anything else he watches me put into a sausage and he cares not a bit so long as there's sausage! I did have a cat once that took wormers as treats, that was novel. Molly loved pill pockets and I thought great I can use those if ever needed, until the day she saw me put a pill in it for Boo-cat and that was it she never touched pill pockets again. Too smart for her own good.