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My kitten died tragically.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:11 am
by Kat39
On the 5th of January I had to have my 5month old kitten euthanised during an emergency CT scan.
We decided to bring Monty into our home for my daughter who is home schooled due to severe depression and anxiety( shes only 13years old).
He was the most mischievous, fun, unique ( bat shaped marking and ink dot tail tip) beautiful kitten I have ever known. We loved him so much, he gave my daughter confidence, purpose and made her laugh again.
He was extremely feisty and pounced on everyone and everything. We had been slowly introducing My dog (border collie cross) to Monty supervised and kept them separated when we weren't there as his energy was too much for the dog at the moment. Unfortunately he found his way into the living room and when we weren’t looking the dog snapped at him. His injuries from the one bite to his head were internally devastating ( i ll not give details). We got him to and emergency vet ( ours were closed) within 30mins for pain relief and any treatment possible but due to the severity of the injuries seen on his scan the vet called to advise euthanasia.
The grief, regret and loss i’m feeling is unbelievable. The house has lost its sense of life and I wish with every bone in my body to change everything that happened and I cant. Im currently struggling with COVID and can barely eat but slept for the first time in days after taking medication. I also have mental health issues due to an MS diagnosis and general life issues and this is too much to take.
It wasn't the dogs fault (previously had 3 cats up to 19years old and free running rabbits in the garden she sits with) and if I could change anything that led to this I would but things will never be the same. I miss the life we had and can’t see past what has happened. Ive been to the blue cross for support and they were lovely. We miss Monty so much. Sorry for the seriously long message, I've never posted anything before and really couldn’t beat myself up any more than i already am if anyone chose to reply with any harsh/ mean messages.

Re: My kitten died tragically.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:02 am
by Kay
this was a tragedy indeed, and I can totally understand how traumatic it was for you

have you been able to look forward at all? do you plan at some stage to get another cat? one older perhaps, with experience of living with dogs, and putting them in their place

nothing can bring Monty back, or change the way you lost him, but that doesn't mean the good he brought to your household goes for nothing, or that the lessons from his short life can't be taken forward when you are ready

Re: My kitten died tragically.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:50 pm
by Kat39
Thank you for your reply, i’m just too heartbroken at the moment to think about anything. We’ve lost precious pets before to through old age and illness etc but this hurts so much because he was so young and such a character and valuable part of our family.
I need to try and be there for my daughter but feel awful regret and guilt are the worst feelings possible.

Re: My kitten died tragically.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2022 3:12 pm
by Three_amigos
So sad to hear about you losing Monty. What happened was a tragic accident. Please be gentle with yourself.

We lost our dear Bobbi Sox to an accident this month. She too had a very unique, bright spirit -- she loved life so much. My husband and I keep doing the "What ifs ..." There are no answers. It hurts so much. I'm really struggling with losing her.

I feel I don't have the right words for you right now but had to reach out to send you support. You are a caring, empathic person. Give yourself all the time you need. Monty will return to your family in some new way.

Sending you a big hug across the 'net.