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Unbearable grief

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:39 pm
by Lynneandrea1
I got up on 13 January to find Harvey, my cat had collapsed and couldn’t use his back legs. I knew it was serious. I rushed him to the vet and after being examined, the vet said that he had a blood clot. He had turned up in my garden in May 2007, so I know he was around 16. There was nothing that could done for him. I am devastated, my heart is broken. I miss him every minute of the day. I can barely eat, the pain is unbearable. He had been fine the previous day, playing like a kitten. He was very distressed after collapsing, but he didn’t suffer for long, which I’m so grateful for. I know it will take a long time for me to feel better, but it feels like it never will. How long does intense grief last? When will I stop crying? I know no-one can tell me, but other peoples experiences may help me

Re: Unbearable grief

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 7:11 am
by Mollycat
So sorry for your loss, it sounds like Harvey chose you and made a good choice. Losing him so suddenly like that with no warning and no time to prepare your mind for that possibility, in many ways that makes it so much harder. I lost my Henry to a mouth tumour 4 years ago, he was 14, no warning. It still hits me again every time I drive down the road where the vets surgery is, I still feel he was ripped away from me too soon. Thankfully once I managed to calm myself with knowledge of his condition that there was nothing I could have done, that helps. But the nature of grief is not linear, and questions and anger and sadness and especially tears can still slap you out of the blue months and years down the line. Sending virtual hugs. Let your grief have its time with you.

Re: Unbearable grief

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:25 pm
by Lynneandrea1
Thank you for your kind words.

Re: Unbearable grief

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:36 pm
by Clairec
I saw the title of your post and it immediately jumped out at me as that is exactly how I am feeling. We found smudge in our dustbin at 5 week's old and have just lost him 16 years later and the feeling is unbearable. We said he would never suffer and we know we did right by him allbeit the most difficult thing I have ever done but nothing helps we are lost.and broken and my heart goes out to you and I hope you find peace and happiness again soon