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New here- Just lost my Coconut of 16 years

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:45 pm
by Jferraro01
Hello, I just lost my Coconut that was with me for 16 years. He died of chronic kidney failure. I feel a bit lost. I picked up his ashes today and it makes me feel better to feel like I have him at home but I also suffer from that first few minutes of waking up and it wasn't him that woke me up. He used to sleep on my head and eat my hair when it was time to get up. The vet was fantastic and we had actually contacted a vet in San diego for further treatment but he had a stroke during his last night and was in pain and suffering. He was a fantastic companion and loved me beyond belief. I just miss him so much.

Re: New here- Just lost my Coconut of 16 years

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:24 am
by Michelle08
Hi there, glad you found yourself here for support. I started to feel a little better because of the lovely kind words of the people on here.

Your lovely cat Coconut sounds like a cat also would bite your hair sometimes..I totally know your pain as I feel the same. My cat passed 8 days ago...can't get my head around the fact its been over a week. I am dealing with the grief a little better each day but the tears are still flowing daily, not as intensely as them first few days though. How long is it since you lost your beloved Coconut? My cat was an old dear too & had the kidney failure plus a stroke. Awful to see your something you love dearly suffer..

I know one day we'll be able to think of our furry friends & smile..take a look through some others posts on really helps to know other people feel the same.

Our cats had a great long life with limited day we'll see them again xx

Re: New here- Just lost my Coconut of 16 years

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:24 am
by Jferraro01
Thank you so much for your reply. He passed 7 days ago. He was my only kitty for so long and it is difficult to come home to an empty place. I used to swear he would hear my car because he was always at the door when I opened it, even during his last few days. I so appreciate your sentiment. I am so sorry for your loss.
What was your kitty's name? How old was he/she?

Re: New here- Just lost my Coconut of 16 years

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:23 am
by hgale
I'm so sorry to hear about Coconut.

I felt the same this time last year when I had to say goodbye to my Mischa she was (then) my last cat too, and it was so strange the first few weeks - not so much rubbish, no more cat food/bowls/litter tray to worry about etc.

Please both of you - give yourselves time - it does and will get easier and you will remember your pets with a smile. And when you feel ready - do think about adopting another feline friend! I was lucky - I didn't think I could get another cat (with my work arrangements they would be on their own and a lot of rescues don't like that) but I now have Denver and he is wonderful.

{Hugs} to you both from Helen

Re: New here- Just lost my Coconut of 16 years

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 10:37 pm
by Michelle08
They do get to know the sound of your old cat would come running as soon as she heard me coming down the road. Once I went passed the house to the bottom of the road to a neighbour & she followed the car down there!!

She was 19 not far off 20yrs old called Sooty. My son was 4 years old when we got her my others weren't born yet. When she passed she left a huge hole in all my children's hearts. My eldest son now being 24 was very upset along with my daughter of 18 & my youngest son cried for days..been a really difficult time. I always check my cats are in at night & my last check before bed would be on dear old Sooty to make sure she was ok. I just found myself about to do this..old habits die hard I suppose.

Be sure to share any stories about Coconut would be nice to read them

Helen thanks for your caring you now manage to think about Mischa & not get upset? I hope in time I'll be able to..& its lovely you've found a place in your heart for Denver..

Jferraro01 what do you plan to do with Coconuts ashes? x

Re: New here- Just lost my Coconut of 16 years

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:48 pm
by SarahT1 [PLLE]
I am so sorry to read of your losses, ladies. The pain will be so raw and there is so much to miss. Our routines are built around our furry babies. I remember well when Helen said she wouldn't have another cat after Mischa went to the Bridge, and I was so happy when she adopted darling Denver! I know I couldn't be without a little one to look after. I have three at the moment, so hopefully that moment won't come for a long time. xx

Re: New here- Just lost my Coconut of 16 years

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 5:25 pm
by PeanutsFriend
That is one we all know....the loss of a loved one. The empty feeling that you will never feel it again.
Not in the same way. For that is your lost ones gift to you. But you find all different kinds of angels in your life walk. We all have plenty to learn yet. Jill