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Sad end

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:41 pm
by Sharpey
Dear all, I'm new to the forum and just now feel very low .. Yesterday the time came for our 18 year old kitten Cloe to pass on to the next life. She was struggling with all the old cat stuff, and after VERY long talks between us, we sadly took her to the vets. She agreed with our decision and indeed pointed out a few factors we weren't aware of.. As we anticipated Cloe became a bit stressed in the vets, so the vet gave her an injection in a muscle near her back end and left us with her to let her calm right down before her final jab. Within a couple of minutes Cloe began to grind her teeth, vomitted, wee'd all over the table. She bit her Mum ( my wife) badly, and died before the vet had time to give the last injection . You can imagine our horror and distress.. Does anyone have any experience of this or what the reason might have been for what happened? We are struggling to work out why she got into such a state from a relaxant jab... Any help gratefully accepted. If this post is in the wrong place I apologise, but I'm having difficulty making sense of things just now... Thanks

Re: Sad end

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:22 pm
by bobbys girl
That's awful! I am so sorry to hear about Cloe. It is bad enough losing a friend of 18 years, but how traumatic for you both to lose her that way.

I have no experience of this reaction, but I am sure there are others who have and will be along soon. You can talk to them.

Thinking of you both at this time.

Sue. xx

Re: Sad end

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:14 pm
by jillyvillyvoo
No idea what that was all about, im so sorry for the wee soul and you guys you must be traumatised. . Just keep it in your head that she live a full life and lived to a great age. She was loved, I know it's hard but try not to focus on that last hour but on the 18 years of her life. Many of us on here have lost our precious kitty 's so we understand your grief. Your vet is the one that needs to try and explain why this happened. You will eventually come to terms with your loss and this forum can help you through it, just by a chatting really. Paw prints on our hearts they leave , that's for sure. Love and hugs to you both x

Re: Sad end

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 11:13 am
by Jacks
I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your precious Chloe. You were doing the kindest thing for her and you must be so traumatised from what actually happened. From what you have said it would sound to me like she had an allergic reaction to the relaxant drug she was given. It's rare and can't be anticipated. I'm allergic to morphine, which is unusual, and when I was given it had to be administered an antidote post haste, as it gave me horrendous pain and my blood pressure plummeted. Fortunately of course the doctors were with me and were able to do this, and I emerged from the dark hole I was plummeting into. It sounds to me as if something like this happened to your girl - one of those freak things which you couldn't have done anything about. The trouble with relaxants is that for a few rare individuals they have exactly the opposite effect. My son had a 'soothing, numbing cream' put on his hand as an infant before they took some blood, and his hand swelled up, red, blistered and extremely painful. It couldn't have been predicted but it does happen.

I think Jilly is right - you need now to focus on the 18 wonderful years and understand that the last few minutes were only that, and they don't take away from the happy times she had. I know it's hard, but it's a reframing of what happened that's essential if you're not going to remain devastated by what happened.

Three weeks ago my father died. He had enjoyed 92 active, happy years and had recently said to my daughter that he was 'very happy with how his life had played out', and he'd never expected to reach 90, let alone 92. My parents had their diamond wedding anniversary in July and got a card from the Queen. Just a few weeks ago he caught pneumonia, and his last 7 days were a desperate struggle to breathe, whilst deteriorating rapidly, which in the end he couldn't recover from. I have to concentrate on those happy years, on the fact that we were were with him, telling him we loved him, and not on the awfulness of death, which is inevitable and will come to us all, human, feline and otherwise.

Get a nice picture of your girl, print it and frame it and have it somewhere where she used to love to be, or on a window ledge. Look at her and remember that you shared her whole life, and it was a good one, and nothing will ever take that love away from you - it's in your heart now, for as long as you live.

Hugs. xx

Re: Sad end

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 7:04 pm
by PeanutsFriend
Everyone had such lovely things to say. Can't add much more. But I do know we are enriched by the company we are elected to take care of. It is a true friendship, for the cats take care of us just as much as we take care of them.
No fun playing God with their living or not. But they know you are doing what you think is best for them. I think sometimes they are worried about leaving us alone. They know we need them.
Missing their presence, something I still do. Even as long as it been with a few of them. Their memory makes me warm.
Life is precious.