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Our Star died hit by a car, is horrible!!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:23 pm
by Lacra
Is so hard losing a pet, we just lost Star, Friday evening, and the pain is unbearable, she was so young, is not fair at all, life is so unfair sometimes. We took them last year before Christmas, Dot and Star. We were so happy, we live in the countryside, lots of fields and forests near by, we thought is the perfect environment for cats. Yes, there is a road passing by, not a busy one, and with the lockdown was almost empty the last few months. We tried everything we could to keep them away from going the road direction. But unfortunately Star started to go that direction, cross the road and go in the forest. Till last Friday evening, when she ran straight into a car, the only car passing that fateful afternoon on the road, in front of my partner’s eyes. We feel both so guilty, thinking we should have kept them indoors only, they were sleeping indoors on nights and be outside otherwise when they wanted. Her sister Dot, we are afraid to let her out now, even she is in front of the door, miaowing, sometimes. We don’t know what do to. Where to move where are no roads around!? We see Star everywhere in the garden, in the house, is just unbearable the pain. She was such a joyful soul, climbing all the trees in the garden, all the fences, once she tried the roof of the shed even, such a kind cat, with such a personality. We loved her so so much!!!!

Re: Our Star died hit by a car, is horrible!!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:45 pm
by Kay
I really feel for you - I live in West Wales in a similar situation, only the draw is a farm opposit rather than a forest - don't blame yourself for wanting Star to enjoy the great outdoors - she chose her path, with tragic results, but her choice

I lost a cat on a rural road outside, which isn't busy but that makes the cars speed all the more - I think this is more dangerous than a very busy road where the cat is naturally put off by the packed passing cars

I ended up putting a fence up around part of my garden, and several cats have been safe, and satisfied, with this enclosure - it cost money but the peace of mind has been worth every penny - is that an option for you?

the only other precaution is never to let Dot out between dusk and dawn, as cats naturally hunt during the hours of darkness, and get confused by headlights

Re: Our Star died hit by a car, is horrible!!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:22 pm
by Lacra
Hello Kay,
Thank you so much for your words. John, did put a fence around yesterday, part of the garden, actually double fenced. We let Dot yesterday out, and kept a close eye on her, Star was the adventurous one, Dot use to stay more in the garden, surprisingly she just crossed that road and straight into the forest. Was to much for us, we decided to keep her indoors for now and look for a place to move, we hope to find a place a bit more secluded, even there are dangers all over, we are to scared now not to lose Dot as well.

Re: Our Star died hit by a car, is horrible!!

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:44 pm
by Kay
Dot may be looking for Star - perhaps they went over the road together without you knowing

spayed female cats tend to stay in a much smaller area than toms, so you may find you can find a garden easy to make cat-secure - not much consolation but it will help that you know what you are looking for

as you say, there are dangers everywhere outside, though I think perhaps being at the top of a quiet cul-de-sac might be the safest situation

Re: Our Star died hit by a car, is horrible!!

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:31 pm
by taram
If you have the money there's a fence you can get installed round your garden