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My best friend died today

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 6:53 pm
by gbrock98
Wiley boy, my buddy, my sweet little guy, he truly was the light of my life. Although I only had him for a year and 4 months, the love I felt for him was indescribable. He had seen me through some very hard points in my life, and brought so much joy to me every single day. I have never loved a cat as much as I loved him.

Today he was hit by a car. My mom was coming up our drive way and he ran out in front of her. I was there when it happened and got to see him in his final was not pretty. His neck was probably broken. His eyes were open and there was blood coming out of his mouth. He was still breathing and I have no idea if he was in pain for those final moments. I looked into his eyes and that’s when his tail started twitching..I don’t know if he was already gone or if maybe he could see I was there. I’m devastated. What’s done is done and I know he is gone, but i’m going to miss him so incredibly much. All the sweet snuggles, his ever playful disposition, his fluffy coat and loving eyes...all gone in a second. Does anyone have any advice on how to make this rough time go by a little easier

Re: My best friend died today

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:22 pm
by Kay
how awful for you, and your mum too

there really is no way to hurry the grieving process, though I have found it helped to search out a special plant to mark the burial place, and to put together a collection of photos - looking through them brings happy memories to at least temper the bad ones

the life spent together is always more important than the last moments, so concentrate on trying to push those final memories away and let the good times in

Re: My best friend died today

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 7:51 pm
by gbrock98
Thank you Kay, that is really helpful. We were thinking about planting something but now I definitely think we will. You’re right—the good times and sweet life mean so much more than the final moments. It was a terrible experience but i’m hoping with time i’ll be able to think of it less

Re: My best friend died today

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:00 am
by Kay
I know only too well how it is - the mind plays over and over again those final moments - or hours or weeks if illness is involved - like music on a loop

a sudden death is always a bigger shock, but there is the consolation of knowing there was no suffering - watching a slow decline before the end and feeling helpless to halt it is no fun

I have had canvas prints made of my lost ones - so important to have lots of pictures to look back on - and one of your Wiley boy in pride of place would be nice - I hope it will be the first of many, because us cat lovers can never be too long without one by our side, even knowing the pain of losing them