help 1 year old adopted cat

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help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by haydee »

hello everybody, I am new to the forum.

I adopted a 1 year old female cat less than one week ago. Since I adopted her she kept hiding inside the couches (not behind but right inside) and is not possible to take her. few days ago she got stuck and I had to free her, she reacted violently, scratched me and went to the bathroom. At that point I moved all her stuff in the bathroom where she lived for the last 2 days, coming out only at night when everybody was sleeping. I even bought Feliway pheromones to help her and yesterday I feed her and she came out of the bathroom and came back to the living room, hiding again inside the couch. Now it has been a day, I tried to spy her but she moved and went inside the other couch that I have. I moved the pheromones in the living room but it is not working.
My biggest fear is that she will never get out of the couch but she will live there and go out to eat sometimes.
any suggestion? what can I do?
Thanks everyone
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Lilith »

Hi there and welcome.

Sorry to hear she's so shy but this is very typical of a newly adopted cat and the remedy is time.

Right at the moment she needs a bolthole to size up this strange place she's come to (she may have had a rough time so far and be very afraid) and if you let her hide away and have a breathing space, she'll come out in her own time and realise that you are a good person and the world is not so bad after all :)

Just put her food and water as close as possible to her chosen place and her tray too, and give her chance to come round (although she might be slow to eat at first; some of them are.) If you're nearby, talk to her reassuringly.

This is very normal behaviour on her part; hopefully she will soon start to come out and explore and then you can help her to build up trust; it's a case of slow but sure.

All the very best with her - keep in touch :)
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by haydee »

Hi Lilith, thank you for your reply.

The problem is that I can't understand which place the cat consider safer. For the last days she's been in the bathroom but then she came out and now she's under the couch again (just like the first days). All her stuff is in the bathroom and I'm not sure if is better to bring all her stuff in the living room once again or leave in the bathroom so that when she needs she can go there. At the same time I don't know whether to leave her inside the couch and wait to see if she goes back to the bathroom or bring her in the bathroom and let her stay there.

Anyway I'm sure it's gonna take a lot of time, my only concern is that after all this she will never trust the new owners
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Lilith »

Worry not - she will :)

In situations like this I'm a great believer in leaving it to the cat to decide (well, this is what's worked for me) and if it's feasible, I'd bring all her bowls, tray, as close as possible to her. Personally, if she's decided on the couch again, I wouldn't move her.

I realise you'll be feeling frantic at the moment and wondering if you've done the right thing (I'd be feeling like it myself and cats have been owning me for decades.) You must feel like a mother with a new baby.

Talk to her and give her lots of reassurance - and get yourself a glass of wine and take some time out and look after yourself too. It IS nerve-wracking, but it's early days yet - and she WILL come round, it just takes time :)
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Kay »

absolutely agree - time and patience every time

all she wants at the moment is to go unnoticed - that is the basic survival instinct for any animal who feels vulnerable, so the more you pretend to ignore her the quicker she will start to feel safe

I can so understand you want a proper bond with her, but the pleasure you will get over each little step she takes towards forming that bond will be enormous, and more than make up for having to wait now
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Crewella »

I absolutely agree with Lilith and Kay, just give her time. At the moment she feels very scared and just needs to be left to relax and come to terms with her new situation. You cannot force these things, and trying to will only make her feel even more vulnerable. Let her choose her own hiding place, cats like to feel in control, and try to establish routines like always putting her dishes in the same place and saying the same thing every time you feed her, so that she can start to predict what you'll do. As has been said, this is a very common reaction in cats - she WILL come round, she just needs time.

It's a good idea to sit and talk to her, or read aloud, so she gets used to your voice - timid cats that come to my house get Harry Potter read to them for at least half a hour every day. Good luck, it's so rewarding when they do start to trust you. It will be worth the wait, I promise! :)
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by haydee »

hi guys, thanks to you all for the reply.
I will leave her in her special couch-bunker.

Yesterday she cried for the whole night but every time I went to check how she was she escaped again inside the couch, this morning I found pee and poo on it.

I assume the litter was too far, now I moved it in the living room again but I left the food in the bathroom because she still goes there to eat.

I will tell you how the whole thing evolves!
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Lilith »

Good luck - it's good that she's venturing out and eating - a good sign.

Urrgh, the accidents, they will happen, yuk, but hopefully she'll learn, bless her.

Sounds like she's crying for attention from you, then chickens out - she'll begin to trust and love you with can be a very slow process but you'll both get there.

Did the rescue place you got her from give you any details about her background?

Yes, please do keep in touch and update - good on yer for rescuing this girl :)
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by haydee »

she doesn't come from a shelter, lilith. I adopted her from a couple who didn't want her anymore (she was born with only three legs, the mother is the cat of the owners and the couple kept the baby for one year until now). I adopted her so maybe she can have a lovely family for more than one year.

The owners didn't tell me a thing, they were very happy to leave her. I just know that she used to live in Ilford, London and that she's not been neutered yet. From the picture that I have I assume she used to live in a house with a small garden or balcony.

yesterday night she cried to the window, so I opened one and she slipped outside on the cornice (I live at the second floor) and leaned out and meowing for at least 30 minutes. my fear was that she could have tried to jump or go to the neighbours' window.

I will buy a net for the cornice but still I'm not sure whether it was a good idea or not and if I should try to do that again. (she's not been neutered and I am sure the neighbours have a male cat)

thanks again for all the help, people. I will also post a picture when she gets out of the bunker :P
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Lilith »

Poor little devil! I'm afraid it does sound like they kept her until she started 'calling' ie coming into season and then gave her away because they didn't want to pay for neutering (which is so sad because if they were on a lower income they could have applied to Cats' Protection for a generous subsidy.) I also wonder if they've lost patience with her persistent crying and that is why she's now afraid of people.

it also sounds as if she's calling again; females drive themselves frantic in this state, especially when they can't get any satisfaction, and that is why you're getting all the crying and trying to get out. Naughty little madam! They always do stuff you don't expect! Last night my 3 year old Molly jumped up on to the ledge of the open bedroom window transom - my heart was in my mouth! Think I too shall have to screen that in future.

I'd strongly recommend getting your girl spayed asap. She can't be done while she's calling, but once that's over, getting her spayed will calm down her hormones and save her (and you) a lot of bother and may well improve her jittery temperament. Some females in call also forget their housetraining temporarily - could be why she's being dirty.

All the very best with her and look forward to seeing her pic :)
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by haydee »

hi there, time for updates.

I spoke with the previous owners and they told me she used to live in a house with a garden ( I hate them, initially they told me she was an indoor cat), so yesterday I bought a soft net and put it on the perimeter of the cornice, since she keeps crying at the window at night, maybe tonight I will open the window and let explore further with the hope that she doesn't jump or else.

However, this morning she came out while I was in the living room just to go back to the bathroom and hide under the cupboard once again. I don't know if is the case to move again the litter and the food in the bathroom, she keeps changing hiding spot every two days and she's still scared of us.

Again, yesterday she tried to go outside from the window but we have double windows and only one was open, so she got stuck between the two. She was scared of us when we tried to open the whole window and let her out, but it was a good occasion to catch a glimpse of her on camera.

Here's an out of focus picture of that little devil :D
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Lilith »

Aww she's a beautiful little lass :D
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by booktigger »

Please don't let her out, she may be fussing to go out because she is in season and trying to find a mate, and it is best to keep a new cat in for at least a month and preferably at least 6 for nervous cats
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by haydee »

Hi, it is always me with our sweet little three legs cat ( we adopted her March 12, she is 1 yo) . She keeps hiding under the sofa, going out just when she has to eat her food. she cries every night, loudly and she has a huge appetite. Few days ago, she got out to eat while we were in the room and she seemed having gained some weight. Today we tried to cuddle her a bit ( always under the sofa of course :| ) and we noticed her nipples are a bit big (?). Is that a sign of her being in heat? could she be pregnant? couldn't she? :o :o :o

here some photos of the little monster
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Lilith »

Hi, love the pics - I scrolled straight down without reading your post and I'm afraid that was the first thing that struck me - the nips!

Either she's had kittens before and her previous owners haven't told you, or (worst case scenario) she could be pregnant, I'm afraid.

(Oops - edit - and as explained in a later post, it never sank in about her coming to you in March; I got my timescale all wrong and she couldn't have been pregnant when she came to you as it only takes 9 weeks to knit kittens lol :oops: )

It's a great shame just when she's settling in, and also unjust to you, because you won't have bargained for this, plus the expense, but I really would take her to the vet if I were you and get her checked out. At best, you'll find out she's not pregnant and can be spayed straightforwardly; at worst, they might still take her in and abort the kittens and spay her; I'm sorry to sound so brutal; it is awful, but in view of her disability I do feel she would be better off not having kittens. It's distressing, but once she's over that, if it has to happen, or even just an ordinary spaying, she'll be free to start her new life with you and you'll find her a much more settled and placid girl who's ready to take an interest in you instead of s-e-x lol.

All the very best with her and keep the updates coming, she is beautiful! :)
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Crewella »

It does look like something might be up, good luck with her trip to the vets. She's gorgeous, I love that nose!
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Lilith »

Ooops! Sorry! :oops:

I was so busy focusing on your description of her that it never sank in about your adopting her in March!

Unless she sneaked out on to the tiles one night(unlikely in your flat) no she can't possibly be pregnant! If she had conceived before she came to you, she would have had kittens by now...

Sorry about that - I'm not the sharpest nail in the box right atm!

Let us know how you go on :)
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Crewella »

I didn't spot that either!
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by haydee »

We didn't adopt her in march but 3 weeks ago, on may the 12th. as far as I know she was born in march 2014 (1 year ago). I wrote to the previous owners who told me that she hasn't been pregnant before and that she rarely went out that's why they didn't neuter her. they also said that is not impossible that she did manage to get outside sometimes unsupervised.

Considering that, she might have sneaked outside one or two weeks before the adoption and if she's pregnant is still not that visible :?

of course I'm hoping is just my silly imagination :cry:

what do you think, people?
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by booktigger »

I think you need to take her to the vet to be checked, and if she isn't, get her neutered asap - there are health reasons why indoor only cats need to be neutered.
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Lilith »

LOL - I THOUGHT you hadn't had her that long but then thought it was me (my maths are not my strong point!)

Given the fact that her previous owners don't seem to have given you much helpful info, yes, I'm afraid she could well be pregnant, especially with those nipples. Do you get the chance to watch her sit up and wash etc - if pregnant she may well be swelling out into a little pot belly, what I call the 'vase' shape, depending on how far on she is.

I agree with the others, it would be best to get her to the vet's and make sure - all the best with her :)
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by haydee »

yesterday I played the game of the secret agent and left a camera to record for three hours.

As a result I got back a frame of her stealing 2 slices of chicken breast, several meows at the window and 17 (!!!) minutes of toilet and general self cleaning process.

here a couple of frames, I really need expert eyes to give me a feedback and advice from you people.
I called the vet and he said that if she's not evidently pregnant (massive belly) I can bring her to him and book an ecosound for 200 quid ( I'd prefer to save that amount of money and wait a further week or so to see if she's pregnant with bare eyes).

I am perfectly aware of all the health risks that she's facing while we procrastinate the visit to the vet but I think that since at the phone he said that he would not be able to make a diagnosis is she's not heavily pregnant, I see the trip to the vet pointless. Additionally, she still does not trust us: to cuddle her is extremely difficult and rare, I can barely imagine how many scratches I will win if I take her, put in a pet carrier and bring her to the vet. I will bring her next week for sure, hoping she will be more settled and wouldn't hate me for that.

In the meantime I can just hope she's eating a lot and gaining weight. :roll:
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Lilith »

I agree - to take her in for an ecosound is going to cost a load of dosh and, worse still, distress and unsettle her and not solve her problem, whatever the result - if the vet thinks it's still safe at this stage, why not simply book her in for a spay with possible pregnancy in prospect?

Other members might have different opinions of course - this is just my personal feeling.

I have to say, when I saw that first frame - oops, bump under her pinny!

Hope I'm wrong though.

Grrr those owners, offloading her on to you - if she is pregnant I bet they knew, and it's all through their neglect (sorry for rant!)

Glad she's got you now - all the very very best with her and fingers crossed - I'm sure she'll be fine :)
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by booktigger »

Personally I would book her in with a different vet, and physically take her. I've been able to tell a cat was pregnant at around 4 weeks and I don't have that much experience, so bearing in mind that you can see possible signs, I can't see how a vet can't and I've never heard a vet say they can only tell with a scan. It is easier to tell if you stand over her and take a picture from above her.
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by haydee »

hi guys, I've been silent for the last weeks, busy with university and family but guess what? The monster delivered 3 healthy kittens yesterday night while nobody was at home. Now they keep meowing in the bathroom but is impossible for us to come close to them even to give the mother some food (highly caloric food for kittens) because she starts blowing at us. the bathroom of course stinks and we are afraid to have a shower as well.

Any suggestion?
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Crewella »

Oh bless her! Well, that definitely answers the earlier questions, and also explains her appetite!!

My only experience with kittens was a long time ago, but I think you're kind of stuck with things as they are for the moment. Perhaps if you set up a nice snuggly box for her where you'd LIKE her to put them and then just carry on using the bathroom as usual, she might move them if she's disturbed by your daily routine. It might also be an idea to not give her access to the couch whilst you're not around - you really don't want to come home to find kittens in your couch!

They're lovely, by the way .... and I know it's a hassle you didn't originally bank on, but I'm just a little bit jealous!
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Lilith »

OMG! :shock:

I'm amazed as she certainly didn't look heavily pregnant in those pics. Hence the sofa - she was making a nest!

I agree with Crewella - and if you can obtain two largish cardboard boxes, one to slide inside the other, cut a square out for entry a few inches from the base (to stop small kittens crawling out) you have the ideal 'kitten cave'. Line it thickly with newspaper; personally I wouldn't bother with a blanket or towel as these just get rucked up and kittens can get trapped in them; ok if you've got a cat who lets you straighten the bed but in Madam's case she's obviously protective. Or failing that just a decent cardboard box will do, again with the entrance square cut out in the same way - you COULD try putting it in the bathroom overnight and even try putting the kittens in if she'll let you get that close to them...I realise this might not be possible though. I was just thinking, that with kittens in the box you could move the box and she'd follow. However, some girls can be very obstinate - they want their kittens where THEY'VE put them.

I have found, though, that girls generally move their litter after 10 days to a fortnight. But I do hope you get the use of your bathroom back before then!

It's between her and you of course, and her feelings are going to be very primitive at the moment, but I'd be a little bit firm about the hissing; I wouldn't push her boundaries, but I'd talk to her gently and tell her that it's all right...I mean, you can't go much longer without a shower!

I'd also ring round the rescue societies in your area, explain the situation, and get those kittens' names down well before they're old enough to leave Mama. Like getting kids into school lol. It's the kitten season and the shelters will be full but to get them on the waiting list while they're tiny could be a good idea.

Well, congrats! Although you must be in deep shock! They are quite enchanting and once you've recovered you'll probably find this a fascinating experience, but at the moment it must feel like chaos!

All the very very best with them - and hope you get a shower soon! :D
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Re: help 1 year old adopted cat

Post by Crewella »

Yes, mine moved the kittens after about a fortnight as well. It was a long time ago, this has brought back some memories - mine was also an unexpected litter (little madam escaped before we mannaged to get her spayed) but I was lucky in that Giddy was very people-orientated. So much so, in fact, that she literally insisted that I held her paw right through the labour and wouldn't let me leave her side!

As Lilith says, don't push her boundaries too much, but this might be a good opportunity to bond with her, and as they get more independent it will be good for the kittens if they get used to you handling them, if she will let you.

Good luck!
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