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how safe is rehoming?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:45 pm
by deedee34
My kitten (7months) is due to be rehomed this week, i have looked after him since April for my sister and she refuses to take him back as she's moved to a private property, anyways she has giving me permission to rehome him, i can't keep him as my cats hate the sight of him and bet him at every opportunity. I'm just worried sick about who is going to buy him, you hear all these horrid stories about dog baiting and abuse, how can i be sure he's going to a nice home once he's out of foster home? I sadly have the view that the world is a cruel place, i don't have much faith that someone kind and loving will adopt him, all i have is horrible thoughts, i couldn't bear the thought of giving him up just for him to go to a life of misery....has anyone had any experience with rehoming? are the people properly checked out?

thank you.

Re: how safe is rehoming?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 5:55 pm
by Lilith
Hi there and welcome :)

Is a cat shelter/rescue organising the rehoming? If so they should be doing a home check. They usually see to inoculation/microchipping, even neutering vouchers if any of this is still needed. They will charge a fee for him to cover expenses.

Or are you selling him privately? Nothing wrong with charging a price - the 'free to a good home' kittens/cats are the ones most targeted by the dealers/dodgy people. But if you're selling him, you have a right (in fact a duty) to insist on vetting the people and home he's going to, which is daunting. If I had to part with a cat/kitten I confess I would want an experienced cat rescue worker to do this for me; I'd ask if the kitten could go on their books even if it was staying with me meanwhile.

Sorry to ask so many questions but it's in his interests and not meant to get at you. You're very clearly concerned about him, that comes over loud and clear. Your sister has left you 'holding the baby' and you want to do the best you can for him and good on you.

There are a lot of people on here who do cat rescue/fostering and they can advise you further, but hope this helps for now; all the best and do please update/ask more questions if needs be, good luck :)

Re: how safe is rehoming?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 6:01 pm
by Janey
Hi and welcome,

As well as getting a rescue to do a home check, another good thing to do is ask if they don’t mind you contacting the vet they use. If everything is ok they won’t mind that. I always say to a rescue here are my vet’s details if you’d like to check with them.

The information here has lots more info on rehoming:

Re: how safe is rehoming?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:34 pm
by deedee34
Thank you for the replies, yes he is being rehomed with new beginnings cat rescue that I found via this site, I'm donating £70 to his foster carer as I feel it's only fair to help with some of the costs he needs nuetred so hopefully £70 will go some way to helping with the cost. I suppose my heart doesn't really want to let him go, I wish my cats were more accomedating but they are set in their ways and just see fit to use him as a punch bag as it were, quick jabs and hisses every time he dare passes, he's a lovely kitten and the lady who is helping me rehome him assures me they vet people etc, I was just worried about after he gets a home, will he be loved and cared for or will they give up and pass him on too :( he just wants a cuddle bless him.
It's my heart ruling my head I know but I suppose everyone who has to rehome a pet feels the same. I feel more happy knowing a bit more now though, thank you.

Re: how safe is rehoming?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:19 pm
by Crewella
I foster cats for my local independent rescue, and if it helps the vast majority of people who have taken on cats I have cared for have sent me pics and updates of the cats in their new homes. All looking very happy. As has been said, just make sure that a home check is done. Most rescues also require people to give the cat back to them on the rare occasion that things don't work out.

Re: how safe is rehoming?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:22 pm
by Lilith
Hi, DeeDee, that sounds fine, you've gone to a lot of trouble (not to say expense) and I don't think you could have done anything more to ensure his safe adoption. I'd tell that sister of yours to cough up some brass towards that very generous £70! :)