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Temporary accomodation for my friends cats

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 10:08 am
by Scott Harbison
Hello everyone. My friends have to move house unexpectedly and they have 2 cats, brother and sister. I am the only option for temporary shelter but I live on the 2nd floor of a council complex. The flat is private, and the local council are very flexible so no problems there; I have known them since they were kittens and they adore me so no issue there either; the issue is that I can't let them outside for safety reasons and I am worried sick that they will be super stressed by being cooped up (they come and go as they please currently.) The owner is able to stop here a couple of nights a week (they currently live literally round the corner) but I can't stop worrying about the mental health of the cats. They have already been uprooted twice and I would give anything to make them happy. Has anyone been in this situation that could maybe offer me some advice on how to make it easier for them? I am so worried about this. Thank you in advance.

Re: Temporary accomodation for my friends cats

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 3:25 pm
by fjm
I think they may settle more easily than you think - my cats have spent several weeks in well run catteries and been very happy, despite much less space than you will be offering. I would plan on making everything as familiar as possible - beds, scratching posts, trays etc from home, plus throws from home over the furniture if possible. Provide several high perches - cats feel safer high up - and if possible some windowsill observation posts. Then give them time to settle and don't rush them - they may want to hide under a bed or similar for the first few days.

Do think about how to prevent them escaping through the front door - you may want to consider shutting them into a room in the flat when you go out, just in case.

Re: Temporary accomodation for my friends cats

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 6:18 pm
by Lilith
Hi Scott, no matter who provides the temporary accommodation, the cats must stay in for several weeks, otherwise they could stray and become disorientated; it takes quite some time for them to learn new territory. So I think you would be fine boarding them during your friends' move - all the best :)

Re: Temporary accomodation for my friends cats

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 5:53 am
by Mollycat
The cats will be stressed from being in new surroundings, not from being confined. If anything they will settle quicker by having a smaller space available to them. If you keep them in one room at first then let them have the run of the flat once they get confident in that room and want to explore, that will help too. And give them places to hide away.

Does anyone else remember the old wives tale about putting butter on your cat's paws when moving to a new home? Supposedly to stop them straying or to help them find their way home? Obviously it's complete nonsense, but like all old wives tales it does have a bit of logic hidden deep. Cats don't have a proper wash when they are not settled. They might have a nervous wash and clean the essentials but they need to feel relaxed and comfortable to really settle for a whole face behind the ears and all over wash. Putting butter on a cat's paws (don't put butter on a cat's paws) makes the cat need to clean it off (and possibly enjoy it) and gives the false impression that the cat is settled, when really, it isn't.