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Best option for adding another cat

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:27 pm
by twynklebell
I wonder if I could get some advice. I have 2 approx 8 year old neutered males. They are rescue cats who have been with me for 4 years but I know very little about them from their earlier life apart from that they are indoor cats and have been brought up together. They now have supervised access to our garden and seem very happy just to potter around and lie in the sun when it suits them. They are quite laid back and very affectionate but lazy!

I would love to add to my little rescue brood but i don't know what the best option is. Its been suggested I go for a male kitten -but ideally, having lost cats on the roads in the past, I'd prefer to stick to indoor but with the garden so close at hand - I'm not sure how easy it would be to limit access to a kitten.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar dilemma or had any advice on integrating either a kitten or an older cat.

Thanks in advice

Re: Best option for adding another cat

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:42 am
by Themogfather
I would go for a older cat for two main reasons. The first is that a kitten might be to livley for your cats especially as you say they are lazy. With the kitten wanting to play all the time it might iritate your two cats and lead to conflict.
The second thing is that you wont know the temprement of the kitten. By this i mean you wont know if the kitten will be happy as a indoor cat with acsess to the garden or if it will be more of a roamer.
With a older cat the rescue will be able to advise you on a suitable cat that fits what you want.
Also lots of rescues only adopt kittens to homes with garden acsess or on non busy roads.
Dont know wereabouts you are but recommend Wonky pet rescue. I have adopted 3 older cats from them and they are very good at fixing the right cat to the right person.

Re: Best option for adding another cat

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:26 pm
by ajstepnitz
Hi there,

I wonder if you'd consider a 5yr old female cat? She's mostly indoor and only likes a little potter here or there in the garden as she can be quite shy. You certainly wouldn't have to convince her to stay inside, that is where she chooses to be.

We had a lovely new home set up for her (we are moving to America) but it fell through at the last moment. More details here: ... =988#p7108" onclick=";return false;

Do let me know if you might be interested :)


Re: Best option for adding another cat

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:12 am
by twynklebell
Hi - thanks for the replies and sorry for slow reply. Glad to see your little girl has found a new home!

Quick update - my cats bumped in to their first neighbourhood cat in the garden last night. My boys were obviously unsure but one of them exchanged a very brief touch of nose with the strange cat, a quick hiss and then backed off very slowly.. Obviously a bit unsure but more curious and what the hell is that than any territorial aggression.

Its definitely given me more to think about in terms of trying to integrate an older cat. We have a couple of good rescues around here (London/Kent) so I'll start to get in contact and see if they have anyone suitable!
