Cats In Need
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  • Mobile: 07804 742246
  • Registered Charity No: 1042283
Rehoming Cats & Kittens: Leicestershire & Warwickshire
Marley was a long term stray fed by various neighbours who became concerned about his deteriorating condition and requested help for him. Marley is very much a Victor Meldrew of the feline world, grumpy, ungrateful and prone to grumbling. He was staggered after being trapped to find himself neutered, some teeth removed and to add insult to injury almost entirely shaved. He wa quite happy with all his mats thankyou very much. Marley has obviously had a very rough life for quite some time but bit by bit he is learning that being a house cat is not so very bad and neither are people. We would love to find grumblepuss a kind understanding home to help him continue his journey.
  • Status:Homed
  • Gender: Male
  • Fur colour:Black & White
  • Fur length:Longhaired
  • Age(When Added):10 Year(s) Old
  • Neutered/Spayed:Neutered
  • Indoor/OutdoorAccess to Outdoors
  • Can live with children: No
  • Can live with dogs: Not Sure
  • Can live with other cats: Yes
When contacting us, please mention that you found us through our Cat Chat Homing Page - thank you!