Cats In Need
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  • Mobile: 07804 742246
  • Registered Charity No: 1042283
Rehoming Cats & Kittens: Leicestershire & Warwickshire
Poppet was found as a tiny kitten in a garage workshop all alone. She was extemely cross and frightened and was clearly a feral kitten who had soimehow she got separated from her family. She was taken back to foster care and after a few days decided she was very lonely and needed lots of love and so became a little poppet. She is still a tiny little girl for her age but has now started her vaccinations and is ready to find a new home. She is extremely cuddly and fussy, she needs a home where she gets lots of attention. She has lved with other animals, she would be fine with children as long as she is handled sensibly. 
  • Status:Homed
  • Gender: Female
  • Fur colour:Black & White
  • Fur length:Shorthaired
  • Breed: Moggy
  • Age(When Added):10 Week(s) Old
  • Neutered/Spayed:Not old enough
  • Indoor/OutdoorAccess to Outdoors
  • Can live with children: Yes
  • Can live with dogs: Yes
  • Can live with other cats: Yes
When contacting us, please mention that you found us through our Cat Chat Homing Page - thank you!