Mitzi`s Kitty Corner
Rehoming Cats & Kittens: Devon
Mitzi is very busy caring for 'Special Needs' Kitties who have needed a great deal of time and veterinary treatment eg Esme who needed her front leg removed to save her life (now in very well and very happily rehomed) and Tango whose sight was safed by 'state of the art' eye surgery (again, very well and happily rehomed). With each kitty having a longer more intense stay with us we have not been able to take in as many as usual. Some like Nancy are not quite ready to present to you for adoption.
Nancy's story. She came to us as a stray in February. She was so tiny and thin that the cat lover who found her and brought her to us thought she was a kitten! We took her straight to Dartvale vet practice for treatment. Her size had been deceptive and on examination she turned out to be about 2 years old.
Her coat was in a dreadful state and despite being so thin her tummy was round - pregnant or worms or something worse. Most immediate was to treat her fleas as she had a dreadful flea allergy.
She was taken home by foster mum, vet nurse Clare, who has been nursing her. Nancy has made excellent progress. Clare thinks the tummy problem was caused by worms so we haven't had to scan her. She is a dear little sweet natured girl but he really doesn't like Clare's other cats!
As she has progressed so well and requires less treatment she moved on to foster mum, Sally on Saturday. Sally says she is quiet a character, hard to photograph as she is a bit scatty, but settling in well. I attach some pictures from the weekend. It is lovely to see how much better she looks with her fur beginning to grow back. You can see how very beautiful she is.
We have other special needs kitties who we will preview shortly.
  • Status:Homed
  • Gender: » See description
  • Fur colour:» See description
  • Fur length:» See description
  • Age(When Added):2 Year(s) Old
  • Neutered/Spayed:Neutered
  • Indoor/OutdoorAccess to Outdoors
  • Can live with children: No
  • Can live with dogs: No
  • Can live with other cats: No
When contacting us, please mention that you found us through our Cat Chat Homing Page - thank you!