8 Lives Cat Rescue
Rehoming Cats & Kittens: Derbyshire & South Yorkshire
Nocka & Walter
Nocka & Walter arrived in rescue the same weekend, each from different local towns.   They'd both been found straying and living rough for a while, and each has their own sad tale to tell.   Poor little Nocka (named by her Polish finder .. it means "little night") was only about 6 months old and was heavily pregnant.  Sadly her kittens didn't survive and Nocka was poorly too following the birth.  Walter had fared a little better.  He'd befriended some neighbours who set up a little tent for him in their garden and fed him until they were able to get him into rescue.  Obviously they were kept separately initially as neither was neutered.  Then one morning, after Nocka had lost her babies and Walter had been neutered, they accidentally met on the landing between their bedrooms.  Initially we rushed to separate them but then just stood and watched as they sniffed each other and started fussing around each other and very quickly made friends.  They've been there for each other, played together and groomed each other and wiled away the hours in rescue together waiting for it to be their turn to find a home.  We now feel that it would be right that they find a forever home together.

Nocka is a little shy when she first meets someone, but quite quickly becomes a little snuggle bug, frequently coming for cuddles.  Walter is a little more reserved but enjoys gentle head bumps and reaches out for your arm to give him attention.

They're both now in good health and have been neutered, microchipped and fully vaccinated.   They'd be happy in most family situations I think.  They've not had any experience of children whilst in rescue but we've no reason to believe that they wouldn't be fine with children who are able to treat them with appropriate respect. 

 They will need to be kept securely indoors for at least a month, until they're settled, but after that they will probably enjoy having access to a safe garden, well away from any busy roads. We strongly advise that all cats are kept indoors during hours of darkness.  It's safer  for them and for local wildlife.  

All our adoptions bring 5 weeks free insurance through Agria.

We always homecheck prior to adoption, and ask a minimum donation of £90 for each adult neutered cat.. There’s more about our adoption process here: http://www.8livescatrescue.org/adoption-process.html 

You’ll find some more photos and stories about our cats on our blog: https://8livescatrescue.wordpress.com/ and facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/8Lives/    

Please note that although we are listed on Cat Chat in both South Yorkshire and Derbyshire, we only rehome in Sheffield and just over the border into Derbyshire.

If you think yours might be the purrfect home for them please contact us at [email protected]
  • Status:Homed
  • Gender: 1 Male + 1 Female
  • Fur length:Shorthaired
  • Breed: Moggy
  • Age(When Added):1 Year(s) Old
  • Neutered/Spayed:Neutered
  • Indoor/OutdoorAccess to Outdoors
  • Can live with children: Not Sure
  • Can live with dogs: No
  • Can live with other cats: Not Sure
When contacting us, please mention that you found us through our Cat Chat Homing Page - thank you!