Cat Action Trust 1977 - Ayrshire
Rehoming Cats & Kittens: East Ayrshire, Glasgow, North Ayrshire & South Ayrshire
Jess came into our care right at the beginning of January when I had a call from a man who had bought a house to refurbish and then re-sell. He explained that he had bought the house and moved in in August 2022 and that a cat had been constantly at his back door. He had seen her eat bread put out for the birds, so was clearly in need of some help, and started to feed her. Thank goodness he did the right thing and didn't just chase her away. The house had been occupied by tenants with a private landlord and it does look like the tenants moved on but left the cat sitting in the streets, confused and alone. The house now being ready to be put on the market the man had been trying to find a home or rescue for the cat as he couldn't take her with him but didn't want turn his back on her either. A foster place had just become available so I asked him to keep her with him and set off to collect her. Named Jess by her foster mum, this is the girl who hissed at Jade throught the barrier that separates them in their outdoor area runs but that didn't last longer than the first day and now there's no reaction to the sight of another cat at all. Like Jade, Jess is a bit of a purring machine. She's a confident, friendly girl, possibly thanks to the man who showed pity on her after being left to cope on her own. Again, we strongly suspect that Jess has already been spayed as she was around in the summer months and never been pregnant, but our vet will shave her side to check for any signs of a scar indicating her op has already been done and we'll take it from there. Jess won't be ready for a new home for about another month (mid-February), by which time she will have had all her vaccinations, been spayed if that hasn't already been done, and also microchipped. At that point she'll be delighted to find a family who will give her all the love she deserves. She hasn't been tested out with children, but she's a friendly wee soul so a home with gentle, older, chidren really shouldn't be a problem. Access to the outdoors would also be just great so a garden or other safe area away from busy roads to explore will definitely be ion Jess's wish list.
  • Status:Homed
  • Gender: Female
  • Fur colour:Black & White
  • Fur length:Shorthaired
  • Breed: Moggy
  • Age(When Added):4 Year(s) Old
  • Neutered/Spayed:Due to be neutered
  • Indoor/OutdoorAccess to Outdoors
  • Can live with children: Not Sure
  • Can live with dogs: Not Sure
  • Can live with other cats: Not Sure
When contacting us, please mention that you found us through our Cat Chat Homing Page - thank you!