Cat Action Trust 1977 - Ayrshire
Rehoming Cats & Kittens: East Ayrshire, Glasgow, North Ayrshire & South Ayrshire
This wee toerag came into our care about a month ago after being found on the street in an emaciated state. It had been raining pretty constantly but her coat told us that she hadn't been out there for a long time before being abandoned. She hadn't been getting food for some time and every rib, every bone, was sticking out of her undernourished, underweight, wee body. No-one came looking for her, which is just as well because they would have had a fight on their hands and some explaining to do. Despite the neglect she'd experienced, Matilda is the sweetest, friendliest, wee girl who now looks just like a kitten her age should. Just last week she had her first set of vaccinations, weighing in at 2.5kg, with the vet being so pleased at just how well she's come on. From just wanting to eat and sleep a month ago, Matilda now goes from nought to sixty in 0.3 seconds, zooming across floors after her toys like a tornado that's taken the roof off a factory that produces high powered vitamins and set them to work. Getting a photo of her beautiful wee face was a bit of a challenge but I did get quite a few of her backside, her tail or the dust in her wake.When Matilda does finally collapse through sheer exhaustion into a sleep state it has to be on my knee or, better still, around my neck. if I happen to be around at the time. The peace doesn't last long, though, before the "I'm awake!" signal goes out. and off she goes again. This girl is more entertaining than the telly. She has many hobbies, none of them of a sedentary nature, but her favourite is helping me catch up on admin work. Keen to find out all about computers, she'll often send off my half-written emails with a special personalised message of her own, usually reading something along the lines of isriwn94naveodfera' r;6am, which I then have to follow with an explanation after ejecting her from the room. Matlida is due to have her spaying op around May 8th, at which point she'll also be microchipped and have her second set of vaccinations and be ready to find her new family. It's really important to Matilda that we find her a home where she'll be able to get out to play once very well settled as she's just as determined to get into our garden as I am to stop her. Although she was really scared when she first saw our two dogs from the safety of my arms, she soon got their 'too laid back to be bothered' measure and isn't worried at all now. She could be homed where there's a cat-friendly quiet dog and would just love it if there was already another cat, or cats, to annoy – Oh……I mean play with. 
  • Status:Homed
  • Gender: Female
  • Fur colour:Tortoiseshell
  • Fur length:Shorthaired
  • Breed: Moggy
  • Age(When Added):6 Month(s) Old
  • Neutered/Spayed:Due to be neutered
  • Indoor/OutdoorAccess to Outdoors
  • Can live with children: Yes
  • Can live with dogs: Yes
  • Can live with other cats: Yes
When contacting us, please mention that you found us through our Cat Chat Homing Page - thank you!