Hounslow Animal Welfare Society
  • Tel: 020 8560 5443
  • Email: Please use the online application form on our website, linked below
  • Website: www.haws-animals.org.uk
  • Registered Charity No: 1065060
Rehoming Cats & Kittens: London (West) & Surrey

Himala is Filipino for Miracle (see her mother Miracle's section for the story of how she hid her pregnancy). 

Sweet little Mala is incredibly affectionate and now her siblings have all been adopted, she is a young Velcro cat to her human!  Currently her favourite place to sit is in front of the computer monitor to ensure you are working correctly and so she can keep your cursor in line. 

Mala was initially unsure about humans and took some one on one work to gain her confidence.  She loves humans she knows now but is very nervous of new people and will hide.  However, once Mala is relaxed, she loves to play, particularly with things that fly, jumping very high and somersaulting as needed! 

She also loves her little mice toys and will actively play fetch with them and you. She has her mother's penchant for climbing high and is regularly found on top of the wardrobe or doors or inside the drying clothes on the heated clothes horse. 

Mala sweetly chirrups when she wants some love and has a loud cute purr, curling up in the crook of your arm, or under your knees. She has also been found hiding under the covers on the sofa!

 Due to Mala's tendency to timidity and running away from sudden movements and noise, she needs to be adopted into a home where any children are teenagers or older, so they understand being empathetic to gain her trust.  She also needs to be adopted with her mother, Miracle who she is often curled up with. 

Mala is fully vaccinated, chipped and neutered.  

For more photos and videos please go to her foster Mum's Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MissSkimbleshanks/ 

  • OK with older children
  • Garden required
  • Himala has been neutered, microchipped and has started vaccinations
  • Status:Needs Home
  • Gender: Pair - Females
  • Fur colour:Calico & White
  • Fur length:Shorthaired
  • Age(When Added):11 Month(s) Old
  • Neutered/Spayed:Neutered
  • Indoor/OutdoorAccess to Outdoors
When contacting us, please mention that you found us through our Cat Chat Homing Page - thank you!