Precious Paws Cat Rescue
Rehoming Cats & Kittens: Hertfordshire
Peppa & Inky
These two rascals are not related but were put together as playmates and play they definately do. Both came to us separately only days apart and there is about 1 week in age between them approximately. As one didn't like being alone and became quite withdrawn we paired them together and it has worked a treat now two confident kittens.  They were a little unsure to begin with but this was totally understandable as they have been through a lot in their short lives.  You would think that these two were sisters they really are best of buddies now.  They are constantly play fighting, in and out of tunnels, zoomies all over the place and then they drop exhausted and sleep some well deserved time out. They love to sleep on you and have strokes when they are still enough for long enough!! Both very friendly.
  • Status:Needs Home
  • Gender: Female
  • Fur colour:Black
  • Fur length:Shorthaired
  • Age(When Added):12 Week(s) Old
  • Neutered/Spayed:Due to be neutered
  • Indoor/OutdoorAccess to Outdoors
  • Can live with children: Yes
  • Can live with dogs: Not Sure
  • Can live with other cats: Yes
When contacting us, please mention that you found us through our Cat Chat Homing Page - thank you!