Lina`s Cat Rescue
2014 figures for Lina's Cat Rescue are 'Excellent'
Thu, 01 Jan 2015

Lina's end-of-year figures have now been released, and they show just how much hard work has been done by everybody in 2014. Here is a statement from the director, Sheryl Leonardi.

313 cats and kittens successfully adopted.
57 cats neutered through our new neutering scheme which only started in September.

Annual income £26,845
£21,111 spent on vet bills which includes just under £1,500 on the neutering scheme.
Remaining spent on flea/worm treatment, food and various other things such as advertising, equipment, etc.

We never have over £600 in the bank which I make sure we always have for emergencies, our income is spent almost as soon as it comes in.

It's amazing to think that such a small charity, which works entirely through volunteers, has rehomed 313 cats this year! These cats have been rescued from the street, from 'free to a good home' ads and as private rehomes from owners that can no longer keep them.

Our new neutering scheme was only begun in September, and enables anybody to get free neutering, regardless of whether they are on benefits or with a low income. This is unique among local neutering schemes, and all we ask in return is as much as you can afford to give towards it. And since September, this scheme has contributed to the neutering of nearly 60 cats- thats one every two days for the time it has been running!

We would like to thank all of our fosterers, fundraisers, volunteers and friends for all of their support
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