Street Animals & Pix ’n’ Mix Pedigree Rescue
Before adopting an indoor cat from us
Fri, 15 Feb 2019
Before adopting, please consider all the pros & cons for having a cat. Cats cost money, do you have wiggle room in your budget for a cat? Good quality food, veterinary care, toys & treats, they all add up. Cats take considerable time and deserve to be made part of the family. From the first moment their little paws touch the floor, will you have time to change litter trays, play with toys and give them plenty of snuggle time. Does everyone in your family agree to getting an indoor only cat. This means windows need to be kept closed or cat proofed. As it's important the cat/s are safe in their home and don't get out. These questions need honest answering. If you are unsure about committing to an indoor cat for the rest of his/her life, regardless of whether you might one day move, change jobs or get a divorce, please rethink your decision to adopt a cat. CATS ARE A LIFETIME COMMITMENT, THIS IS ADOPTION, IT IS FOR THE REST OF THE CATS LIFE. Rescue cats have experienced enough turmoil in their lifes, what they need and deserve is security and stability in their new adopted homes. If after thoughtful consideration you feel ready to welcome one of these precious babies into your home please email us for an application form. Please also leave your number.
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