Consett Cat Rescue
Sat, 20 Jul 2019

NOTE: Our rescue does not believe in kittens going to new homes younger than aged 3 months old and most end up being 4 months old. This is because research is now showing kittens who stay with mum and/or with siblings are much better socialised and less likely to develop behavioural issues as they grow older. However it also means they are likely to have at least been fully vaccinated and chipped before they leave us and we will also neuter as many as possible before they go too, although we do pay for neutering once old enough even after adopted. (its all part of the adoption fee of £100
We have lots and lots of kittens in at present. Males and females, some ready now, some ready soon.

We are very strict with out adoption process because we want to find the right responsible owners who genuinely love their animals and treat them as family members. After all we are taking animals in from homes where it has not been right for them for some reason so we need to look for the right homes and get it right so they have a home for life and will not be passed from pillar to post. We also will provide support for you for the entire lifetime of the cat, we are always here for our adopters.

If you are interested in adopting a kitten, please get in touch and ask us for a questionnaire. Also note, we are very wary about adopting kittens to families with very small children because often kittens and kiddies do not mix well (usually to the detriment of the kitten), however if you have well brought up children who do not run riot and are not allowed to get away with blue murder, then we will consider you as we do treat every family individually.

If we haven't put you off with all of the above, then get in touch and I'm sure we can help you find the right cat for you and if we cannot help, we will help you find a rescue who can help.
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