Friends of Felines
Rehoming Cats & Kittens: Essex
Hi, and how are you? I’m Kira and I’m a one-year-old member of the Black Panthers and mum to three: Kiki, Pika and Hikari. Our names? They are all Japanese words related to being sparkly/shiny, just like our coats. Yes, unsurprisingly we were named by Chris the Web Guy. He really is a geek. But he’s not wrong – we do sparkle. Who said black cats are dull?

I was rescued from a chaotic house full of unneutered cats. Getting out of there and into the rescue centre was such a relief, and it allowed me to bring up my babies in safety. They are big enough not to need me now though, and I’d really like to get out of here and into my first real forever home.    

The whole experience has left me without a load of self-confidence and I do like to do a hide if possible, but I’m not at all hissy and I do actually like a head scritch…as long as I get fair warning and you are careful. If you have some patience with me, I’ll soon come out of my shell and be purring loudly. I do have ambitions to be a lap cat, but it just might take a while.

If you have a place in your home for a potential cuddle bug, could you consider me? I’d be so very grateful and we would soon be best friends.  
  • Status:Homed
  • Gender: Female
  • Neutered/Spayed:Neutered
When contacting us, please mention that you found us through our Cat Chat Homing Page - thank you!