Stray Cat Rescue Team West Midlands
Rehoming Cats & Kittens: West Midlands
Aria came into foster with her 3 older kittens and heavily pregnant with another litter.  She was incredibly scared and protective of her babies but not aggressive towards people unless she felt threatened.  After delivering her kittens, her playful side started to come out and she was caught leaping in the air and playing on the ring camera.

She will take food nicely from your hand and loves to chase laser pens and dangling toys. She also likes to sit just out of reach on the sofa or the arm of the chair.  She is used to a very quiet dog but will give the dog a smack if it gets too close so no reactive dogs please.   She is used to a quiet 11 year old and has never shown aggressive behaviour but if a child were to get too close, she would possibly react so older, quieter kids should be fine.  She is used to other cats and has occasionally bopped them but more as a warning than to fight.

If you can give Aria the perfect home then please complete our adoption enquiry form which can be completed online at Adoption Enquiry - Adoption Enquiry - Stray Cat Rescue Team (  - you will also find our adoption policy which please read prior to completing your form - Adoption Policy - Stray Cat Rescue Team (
Home checks and fees apply.  Your new kitty will need to be kept in for at least 6 months and a catproofed garden or catio is preferred - please no busy roads.

  • Status:Homed
  • Gender: Female
  • Fur colour:Tabby & White
  • Fur length:Shorthaired
  • Age(When Added):4 Year(s) Old
  • Neutered/Spayed:Neutered
  • Indoor/OutdoorAccess to Outdoors
  • Can live with children: Yes
  • Can live with dogs: Not Sure
  • Can live with other cats: Yes
When contacting us, please mention that you found us through our Cat Chat Homing Page - thank you!