Cat Action Trust 1977 - Ayrshire
Rehoming Cats & Kittens: East Ayrshire, Glasgow, North Ayrshire & South Ayrshire
I mentioned when writing up Madelaine's profile that she had a real bond with another of the cats taken from the negligent situation back in April and May of this year, and that cat is Moira. These girls were obviously close, but then they all got on so well, even before Madelaine had her kittens on May 16th, but it was only then that it became just how close they actually were. If I hadn't known Madelaine was pregnant I honestly couldn't have been able to tell which of the girls was the mother because Moira would lie with the kittens, loving and caring for them, while Madelaine stayed outwith the bed. In fact, I had to put up a camera to actually capture Madelaine feeding her kittens because she would move out of the bed as soon as I appeared. The set-up seemed to be that Madelaine would do the feeding and Moira would then move in and take over the washing and cuddling in part of the sister/motherhood. It was just beautiful to watch just how much love and care Nanny Moira lavished on those babies but it also made me really sad as I did wonder if she had had a litter not long before I caught her and her babies had all died. She, and all the others, were so underweight and malnourished that I don't doubt that most of the kittens born there died very quickly. Even now that the kittens are four months old, Moira still often has at least one of them cuddling in beside her at nap times. I hope anyone thinking of offering a home to any of these cats will understand why we would love them to go in pairs and why Madelaine and Moira, especially, should never be separated. Moira is as tiny as Madelaine, weighing just enough to have her spaying op a couple of weeks ago. They get plenty of food here, of course, so no problem there - they're just such wee girls! As with the others, we would be open to the idea of these cats being homed as outdoor cats with kind people who would really care about their welfare, making sure they never went hungry again and had comfortable places to take those vital cat naps.
  • Status:Homed
  • Gender: Female
  • Fur colour:Black & White
  • Fur length:Shorthaired
  • Breed: Moggy
  • Neutered/Spayed:Neutered
  • Can live with children: Not Sure
  • Can live with dogs: Not Sure
  • Can live with other cats: Yes
When contacting us, please mention that you found us through our Cat Chat Homing Page - thank you!