Cats Needing Homes - Tyne and Wear
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Second Chance Hartlepool Cat Rescue

6 month old female

Second Chance Hartlepool Cat Rescue

2 year old female

Callie & Collie
Second Chance Hartlepool Cat Rescue

3 year old bonded sisters

Second Chance Hartlepool Cat Rescue

8 month old female

New Beginnings Cat Rescue & Rehoming

Mature gentleman

New Beginnings Cat Rescue & Rehoming

Gorgeous fluffball

New Beginnings Cat Rescue & Rehoming

Handsome friendly chap

Helping Pets - North East

Romeo Robbie

Gemma & Grace
Helping Pets - North East

Gorgeous Gemma & Graceful Grace

Kia & Capri
Pawz for Thought

Young siblings looking for a loving, quiet home

New Beginnings Cat Rescue & Rehoming

Gentle George

New Beginnings Cat Rescue & Rehoming

Big Soft Boy

New Beginnings Cat Rescue & Rehoming

Adorable lad

Jesse and Jasper
New Beginnings Cat Rescue & Rehoming

Beautiful Siblings

New Beginnings Cat Rescue & Rehoming

Sweet gentle girl

Mindi and Adam
New Beginnings Cat Rescue & Rehoming

Sweet shy pair

Rosie & Ruby
Helping Pets - North East

Perfect pair

Loki & Luna
Helping Pets - North East

Perfect Pair

Cats 37 to 54 of 94 (6 Pages)
Most shelters across the country are full with cats needing a home, even if they have not yet been listed on Cat Chat! For details of shelters who will have cats needing homes in this area, click below.