Health A - Z Advice for cat owners: International Cat Care's information on care & welfare for cat owners and those who work with cats.
Cat Health & Care guides available from Cats Protection’s ‘Essential Guides’ series.
All About Pets: the Blue Cross pet care information service. Free dog, cat, horse and small pet care leaflets available to view and download.
Free Symptom Checker created by vets, and Ask a Vet Forum
Useful pet advice section on the Wood Green website - filter by animal (cats, dogs etc)
Advice from other cat lovers in this helpful cat community
Plenty of advice and help available from Purrs in our Hearts Forum members.
Information regarding the different allergies that may affect cats and dogs.
Learn how to spot the early signs of feline arthritis, and improve your cat's comfort and wellbeing.
Blind and one-eyed cats - some helpful tips when living with or adopting a blind or one-eyed cat.
Caring for a blind cat. See how well blind cats can cope with getting around, check out the videos at Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary in North Carolina.
Every day cats and dogs just like yours need blood transfusions. Find out more about Cat Blood Donors, and how to register your cat as a donor.
Every day cats and dogs just like yours need blood transfusions. Find out more about Dog Blood Donors, and how to register your dog as a donor.
CH Kitty Club offers worldwide support for Cerebellar Hypoplasia Cats and their humans.
Wobbly Cats - What is Cerebellar Hypoplasia? - Cat Chat blog about feline Cerebellar Hypoplasia (Wobbly Cats) and how to care for them.
Cerebellar Hypoplasia Cats & Kittens: About CH cats, CH Kitty FAQ, Adopt a CH cat, CH news.
Adopting and adapting to life with a deaf cat. Tips to make life easier for deaf cats.
Declawing is illegal in many countries including the UK, but is still practiced in the USA and elsewhere. Help to solve the issue of problem scratching. Cruelty-free alternatives to declawing.
Stacks of Links about de-clawing facts. If you need any convincing not to declaw, here are links to an overwhelming amount of evidence, articles and veterinary opinions against declawing, and alternative cruelty-free ideas.
FelineDiabetes.com is a complete pet health guide to treatment of diabetes mellitus in cats. Help, support, information, advice, message board.