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Need to Rehome Your Cat?

There are many reasons why people consider rehoming their cat. Some situations are sadly unavoidable, but in many cases rehoming can be avoided with a little help and information, enabling you to keep your cat. On this page we aim to give advice for both situations:

Part 1: AVOIDING Rehoming Your Cat

Part 2: REHOMING a Cat Successfully

Part 1 - Avoiding the Need to Rehome Your Cat

Could rehoming your cat be avoided? Before you begin the rehoming process, please consider if there could be a way round the problem, that could avoid rehoming. Below are some possible solutions to some of the most common reasons for rehoming a cat, which may help you to keep your cat...

AllergiesRenting: the 'No Pets' ClauseEmigrationPregnancyNew BabyBehavioural Problems

Allergies / Allergic Reactions

If a member of the household becomes allergic, many people assume the only solution is to rehome the cat. This is not necessarily so. If your symptoms are asthmatic in nature, consider whether they are being brought on by the cat litter you are using, rather than the cat. Changing to a dust free litter may reduce, or in some cases alleviate symptoms entirely. Some people may develop allergic symptoms when living with a cat for the first time, but find that after a few weeks their symptoms subside, and often disappear once their system gets used to contact with the particles of allergen. Reduce risk of reaction by making sure the cat is regularly de-flea'd and don't groom puss inside the house. It can even help to wipe a damp cloth over the carpet after vacuuming, and even over the cat!

Vacuum every day, limit the amount of soft furnishings in your home, switch from carpets to solid flooring such as laminate or tiles, replace curtains with solid blinds, regularly wash any bedding that your cat sleeps on. An air purification appliance may also help. Some people find their allergic reaction is less by reducing or removing dairy products from their diet, (which reduces the amount of histamines the body produces), perhaps by switching to goats milk or a plant based milk such as soya or oat milk. There is also a pet cleanser called 'PetAlCleanse', which neutralises the allergen. Approved by Allergy UK it is available online, or from chemists such at Boots, pet supply shops and some larger supermarkets. For more information, call the Pet Allergy Helpline: 01608 686626 or visit:

More information can be found on our blog: Allergic to Your Cat?

Rented Accommodation / the 'No Pets' clause

pets in rented accommodation - advice for tenants and landlordsOne of the main reasons we hear of for people giving up their pets, is due to moving into rented accommodation with a 'no pets' rule in the tenancy contract. However, many landlords use a 'standard' contract with this rule in, whereas in fact they might be flexible on this issue, if asked. We have even heard of landlords who didn't realise that there was a 'no pets' rule in the contract!

Remember too, that this rule is put in place based on a 'worst case scenario' to safeguard landlords from pets who might leave mess everywhere and damage their carpets or furnishings. So if you are prepared to make certain guarantees in this regard, that rule can often be changed, at least for the duration of your tenancy.

It's a good idea also, to check your tenancy agreement, to see if your landlord uses the Government's 'Model Tenancy Agreement'. This agreement was updated in January 2021, so that landlords using it are no longer able to impose a blanket ban on pets. Instead, consent for pets will be the default position. Use of the agreement is voluntary though, so not all landlords use it.

Cats Protection Purrfect Landlords campaignCats Protection's Purrfect Landlords campaign aims to enable more people to keep their pets when renting. Their advice pages have guidance for Tenants, when negotiating with Landlords and Letting agents, and information for Landlords about the the benefits of having responsible, cat owning tenants - details here: 

Some things that can help to persuade a landlord to relax the 'no pets' rule, could include: Providing a reference for your pet from a previous landlord (were they well behaved? did they cause any mess? etc.), offering to pay a higher deposit or offering to pay for the property to be professionally cleaned when you move out. For more in-depth advice about negotiating with Landlords to consider allowing cats, visit our Renting with Cats page.

Also, there are some good tips here: Top Tips for Finding Accommodation with Your Pet.
Further advice for both tenants and landlords on the Dog's Trust 'Lets With Pets' site:

Emigrating Abroad

If you are emigrating abroad, you may still be able to take your cat with you. If the cat is elderly or has a medical condition, you may consider the journey might be too much for them, and decide rehoming would be the best option (in which case, see the 'Rehoming your Cat' section further down this page). But, if they are in good health and you would like to take them with you, you can get advice and information from DEFRA's Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) helpline - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call: 0870 241 1710 or, visit their website: 

For transporting cats by air: PBS Pet Travel:, Animal Airways:, Fetchapet:, PetAir UK: or AirPets:

For transporting cats by land or air travel: IPATA (International Pet and Animal Transportation Association): .


The risk of contracting toxoplasmosis from animal faeces is extremely low and completely avoidable, but is still sadly, a common reason why many cats are put up for rehoming when someone becomes pregnant. The most common way to pick up toxoplasmosis is from eating raw, cured or under-cooked meat, or by ingesting contaminated soil (such as when gardening, or eating un-washed fruit or vegetables). It's also worth noting the huge benefits to baby of having a pet in the home during its early years (see New Baby in the Home below).

If the following basic rules of hygiene are observed, there is no need at all to give up your cat;

  • Wear rubber gloves when cleaning litter trays, or ask a non-pregnant family member to do litter duty!
  • Clear poo from the litter tray daily.
  • Wear rubber gloves when gardening, or when handling raw meat.
  • Wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly to remove any soil traces.
  • Avoid eating cured or uncooked meats such as salami, and unpasteurised dairy products, including goat’s milk.
  • Wash hands thoroughly after contact with soil.
  • Also, ensure that your cat's vaccinations up to date, and that they are regularly de-wormed and de-flea'd.

Further advice for cat owners expecting a baby:
Cats & Babies: Living in Harmony – Cat Chat blog
Cats & Pregnant Women - Cats Protection guide

New Baby in the Home

If simple sensible precautions are taken, there is no need to consider rehoming purely due to the arrival of a baby. And indeed, having a cat (or dog) in the family can be of immense benefit to the child's development, allowing them to form an early bond with an animal, learning to respect and care for them, and quite possibly laying the foundations of a lifelong love for animals. Also, clinical studies have shown that living with pets during the first year of life can build up a child's antibodies leading to a reduced risk of asthma and allergies.

Take precautions such as: closing the nursery door when baby is on her own, keep litter trays out of reach of babies at the crawling and toddling stage, keep baby food and pet food separate, clean litter trays regularly and always wash your hands or wear rubber gloves, ensure your pet's vaccinations are current and that they are regularly de-wormed and de-flea'd.

For more advice to keep both your baby and your cat safe and happy, check out our blog post: Cats & Babies: Living in Harmony.

Behavioural Problems

Many common behavioural problems can be exasperating if the cause is not apparent. Sometimes this can lead to people feeling that the problem is insurmountable and that rehoming is the only solution, but help is out there! Your vet will usually be happy to advise on behavioural issues, or may be able to refer you to a behaviourist if needed. Additionally these pages linked below may be helpful: 

Cat Chat advice pages: Inappropriate Toileting / Spraying • Miaowing at NightOther help pages 
International Cat Care advice pages: Soiling indoorsScratching/Clawing indoorsAggression in cats
More Links to Pet Behaviour Websites

Part 2 - Successfully Rehoming Your Cat

The 'Do's and Don't's of rehoming your cat, if that is the only solution...

Rescue Centres • Direct RehomingRehoming Pedigree CatsRehoming Privately  

NEVER Advertise YOUR PET as "FREE to a GOOD HOME"!

Avoid classified ads & never give your cat away free:

We strongly advise against advertising pets as being 'free to a good home'. Firstly, and most worryingly, the widespread, cruel activity of illegal dog-fighting has led to a demand by these criminals for cats, kittens and small dogs to use as 'bait' in fight training. Animals offered for free are sometimes obtained by deception, through this type of advert, either in local papers or through on-line classified websites. There have also been cases of cats being obtained in this way by animal abusers, the details of which are too upsetting to include here.  

Secondly, you have no guarantee of what kind of home they will go to, whether they will be cared for long term, or if they will end up being dumped. Apart from the high risk factor, some people who are simply after a free cat, may not have considered any other expenses such as veterinary bills, and flea & worm treatments, so might not be in a position to cover them. Giving your pet away free often means a very uncertain future for them.

It is much safer to go through a Rescue and Rehoming centre, as detailed below...

Rescue Centres & Rehoming Organisations

Our preferred option when needing to rehome your cat, is to go through a rescue centre or rehoming group. Our website lists around 1,200 shelters, cat rescue centres, rehoming organisations & branches, and independent rescue groups all over the UK, so there will be more than one which covers your area. Find the Rescue and Rehoming Organisations near you here: Cat Rescue Centres Directory - UK and Ireland (or click the map below).

Find Cat Rescue Centres across the UK and IrelandThree good reasons to contact a Rehoming Centre

  1. Rehoming centres help cats because they love them and have their best interests at heart.
  2. They will do their best to ensure each cat goes to a home which is suited to their individual needs and personality, either by carrying out a home-visit or by an ‘interview and matching’ process - some rescues do both. This ensures they have the best chance of finding the right home for each cat.
  3. Rehoming centres will be able to offer advice to the new owners, if there are any 'settling in' issues, and will usually take the cat back into their care if the home doesn't work out.

Things to remember - when contacting a rehoming centre

  • Before signing your cat over, first check that the rescue has a 'non destruction' or 'no kill' policy, which means that they will never put a healthy animal to sleep, regardless of age, temperament etc.
  • When rescue centres are at their busiest, such as in kitten season (April - November), they may operate a waiting list for cats needing to come in. They will need to prioritise the more urgent cases such as homeless strays and mums with kittens, so let them know what your timescale and situation is.
  • Many rescues are run largely/solely by volunteers, so please be patient if they can't help straight away.

Direct Rehoming (with a rescue organisation's help)

If you can keep your cat until a home is found, many rehoming organisations will help you with a 'Direct Rehoming', which is where the rescue sources the home for you, without needing to take the cat into their care. If a rescue centre is operating a waiting list of cats needing to come in, and cannot accommodate your cat straight away, Direct Rehoming can often be a good solution for the rescue centre too. Direct Homing can also be easier for the cat, as he only has to 'move house' once. Find out about Direct Rehoming here: Direct Homing Information  

Rehoming Pedigree Cats

Although any rescue centre may help find a home for a pedigree cat, there are also a number of rehoming organisations specialising in particular breeds. These specialist rescues often have experienced homes already waiting for that particular breed. Pedigree rescues are listed on our shelter listings (shown alphabetically by breed), here » Specialist Breed Rescues. There is also information on rehoming pedigrees on the Governing Council of Cat Fancy rehoming page.

Most pedigree rescue groups, will assist with a 'Direct Rehoming', which is where the rescue will source the home for you, but you keep the cat until the home is found, rather than being taken into their care. More about Direct Rehoming here: Direct Homing Information  

Rehoming Privately to Friends, Family or Colleagues

Rehoming your cat yourself, without experienced help can be fraught with problems, both during and after the rehoming. This is why we don't feature 'private rehomings' on Cat Chat. Our preferred option is always to go through a rescue centre or rehoming group as detailed above. However if you decide to try to rehome your cat privately, the suggestions (and precautions) below may help:

First, ask around people you know and trust, such as friends, relatives, and close work colleagues. You may find that even if they cannot take the cat themselves, they may start thinking of people they know and trust who might consider adopting a new cat. Speak to any prospective new owners first to find out if they are serious, that they are prepared for costs such as vet bills, and that they realise it's a long term commitment, and aren't just adopting 'on a whim'.

Some points to consider:

  1. Ask one of your local Rescue organisations or Cats Protection or RSPCA branch if they will carry out a 'home-visit' to assess the suitability of the prospective new owners and their home - they will be experienced in what to look for, and will ask questions you probably hadn't thought of.
  2. If you decide to do the home visit yourself, never go alone, and take a check-list of questions to ask the prospective new owners.
  3. DO NOT take the cat with you on the first visit - you should be satisfied first that it is the right home, before returning to hand the cat over.
  4. NEVER rehome your cat privately without having thoroughly checked the home. It is sadly not uncommon for cats or kittens to be obtained by deception, for use in illegal dog-baiting.
  5. Ask if the new owners will agree to give you updates / photos of your cat during the first year after rehoming. If they won't, that is a cause for concern.
  6. The new home should not be too close to their old home. Cats have been known to travel great distances to get back to their old home, risking getting lost or killed on the road. If the new home is quite close, the cat should be kept indoors for 3 - 4 weeks, to reinforce it as being 'home' and prevent it from straying back to the old house.

Other useful contacts:

National RSPCA Helpline: 0300 1234 555
National Cats Protection Helpline: 03000 12 12 12
Cats Protection's Purrfect Landlords:
Dog's Trust 'Lets with Pets' website: