Cats Needing Homes UK and Ireland

Help Animal Charities - Make A Difference

Are You MAD? What we mean is… are you Making A Difference?  

Helping an animal charity will directly Make A Difference to animal's lives. This could be anything from giving pet food to your local rescue centre, adopting a rescued animal, volunteering at your local shelter or ‘virtual volunteering’ on-line, supporting fundraising events or making a donation, and loads of things besides. Below are a few ideas we came up with, there is sure to be something to suit you…

Adopt a Rescued Animal

If you don't currently have a cat or other animal in your household, please consider rescuing. When you adopt from a rescue centre, you are helping two animals, because you free up that shelter place for another animal in need. See cats needing homes near you here: Cats for Adoption • Cat rescue and re-homing groups across the UK and Ireland here: Cat Rescue Listings •  To adopt dog, rabbit or other small animal, start here:  Animal Rescue Groups  

Donations - Stuff!

Most rescue shelters and rehoming groups need: Pet Food • Bedding • Blankets • Towels • Newspapers • Cat Litter • Litter Trays • Litter Scoops • Feeding Bowls • Cat Toys • Scratching Posts • Dog Leads • Pet Carriers • Pet Food money-off coupons • Bin Bags • Disinfectant • Stationery • Any good quality, clean items that could be sold for funds in support shops, boot sales, fetes and fairs etc. » Find your nearest Rescue Centres  

Donations - Monetary

Any not-for-profit organisation needs funds to be able to carry on their work. For rescue centres, funds are always needed to cover expenses such as food, toys, cat litter etc, but often the biggest expense for a rescue centre is veterinary bills! One-off donations are always appreciated, or you could set up a monthly standing order. Or ask your employer about payroll giving schemes such as Give As You Earn, operated by CAF (Charities Aid Foundation). If you are a taxpayer don't forget Gift Aid, as that can make your donation worth a whopping 25% more to the charity at no extra cost to you - just ask the charity for a gift aid form to sign, or you can include a declaration in with your donation stating that you are a taxpayer, (declarations must include your full name and address, and be signed and dated) » Find your local Rescue Organisations   Donations to Cat Chat enable us to help more cats out of shelters into homes, from rescue centres across the UK and Ireland. Our on-line rehoming services are free to rescue organisations large and small, which is why Cat Chat is often referred to as their 'rehoming lifeline' » Donate to Cat Chat here  

eBay for Charity

If you regularly use eBay, you can help your favourite causes too. With eBay for Charity, you can choose to donate a percentage to charity when you sell on eBay. You can also choose your chosen charities as 'Favourites' in your eBay account, which enables you to make an optional donation when you buy or sell on eBay. If you mainly buy on eBay rather than sell, check out auctions displaying the special ‘eBay for Charity’ ribbon. Details here » eBay for Charity

Holiday Bookings

When you book a holiday, or short break, you could help your favourite animal charity at the same time, without it costing you any extra. Many holiday companies and hotel chains belong to the Easyfundraising scheme, which means that if you book after clicking through from Easyfundraising, they will donate a percentage of the booking cost to your chosen charity, at no cost to you (ie Thomson, Thomas Cook, Travelodge,, and more). » Find out about Easyfundraising  

Legacies - a Gift in your Will

Legacies or bequests left to charities, particularly smaller organisations, make a huge contribution to their work. If you have pets, it's also a good idea to make provision for them in your will; Many people choose to name a local rescue or rehoming shelter in their will to become guardians of their pet(s), leaving a monetary gift as a legacy to help towards their care. Find out about leaving a legacy to charity here » Leaving a Gift in your Will


If you have a cat or dog, please make sure it is neutered! Neutering is the most humane and responsible way of preventing more unwanted litters in the years to come, as well as being better for your pet's health and wellbeing. This also directly helps your local rescue centre by reducing the number of animals they will need to find homes for in the future. Find out more and also how to get Low-Cost neutering if you are on low income » Neutering Information  

Petitions & Campaigns

Be a Voice for Animals: Signing petitions and supporting campaigns can make a real difference. Please be aware that some of the issues may be upsetting, but this is why they need our support » Animal Welfare Petitions & Campaigns  


Many charities and rescue centres can raise useful funds by recycling your unwanted items. Typical items which can be great fundraisers are: Old mobile phones • Used Printer & Fax Cartridges • Foreign Notes or Coins • Used Postage Stamps • Unwanted, or broken jewellery • Aluminium foil & drinks cans. Ask here » Cat Rescue Centres UK & Ireland  

Scrap Cars

Did you know that your rusty old banger can raise funds, to help rehome more rescued cats find homes? UK based social enterprise Giveacar will collect your old, unwanted car, van motorbike or lorry for free, and turn it into funds for Cat Chat. Details here » Giveacar - Recycling old cars for charity   

Shopping - at Support Shops

Many animal charities rely on support shops for vital funding. Help your local charity by donating good quality unwanted items. While you're there have a browse around, it's amazing what bargains you can pick up, from books and CD's to clothes and household items. Rescue organisations who don't have a support shop will usually still be glad of good quality items to sell at boot sales, stalls and fairs.  » Find your local rescue centre  

Shopping - at online Retailers

If you regularly shop online, there are several ways to help animals at the same time. Did you know you can help your favourite charity (including Cat Chat) at no cost to you, making the same online purchases that you do already? Easyfundraising has partnered with over 7,500 top retailers (Amazon, eBay, Argos, ToysRus, M & S, Tesco etc) to support charities like ours. It costs you nothing, and the retailer donates a percentage to the charity!  » Find out about Easyfundraising  

Shopping - online at charity webshops

Many charities run their own webshops, to raise extra funds. This is particularly useful for charities who don’t have actual shops on the high street. Check out the websites of your chosen charity, to see if they have an on-line shop.   Cat Chat has a small webshop where you will find some lovely cat-related items for you, and for your cat, many of which are exclusive to us, and can’t be found in shops! » Visit the Cat Chat webshop  

Sponsor an Animal

Many rescue centres and sanctuaries operate a 'sponsorship' scheme for their un-homeable residents. Animals who, for a variety of reasons cannot be re-homed, often live out their life in a rescue centre, and are very grateful for sponsors to contribute to their food and vet bills. Often you are able to visit your sponsored animal, or will receive updates on their progress. Animal sponsorship makes a unique and thoughtful gift for any animal lover.  

Volunteer - Cat Fostering

Would you like to care for a cat, but don't want the lifelong responsibility or expense that goes with it? Many rescues rely on cat foster homes to care for cats 'between homes'. Could you be a cat fosterer? Find out about cat fostering, and how to apply » Cat Fostering  

Volunteer - Hands-on with a Rescue Centre

Animal rescue centres are always glad of extra helpers. If they have a permanent shelter, volunteers are needed to feed and fuss the cats, change water and tidy up litter trays, and those who rescue dogs, always need dog-walkers. Other roles often filled by volunteers are: Drivers, Home-checkers, Foster carers, Shop Assistants / Stallholders, Administrators and Fundraisers. Find your nearest rescue centres  

Volunteer - Builders / Carpenters / Electricians

Many rescue shelters, particularly the smaller independent ones, are often in need of people with building or carpentry skills, plumbers or electricians. Shelter buildings and animal pens need maintaining, repairing or improving, so skilled volunteers are welcomed. » Find your local rescue centre  

Volunteer - At home, On-line (Virtual Volunteering)

Being web-based, Cat Chat sometimes has ‘virtual volunteer’ opportunities available. If you would like to help cats and rescue shelters across the UK and Ireland, have good, basic computer skills, and a computer at home that you would be willing to use for helping out, keep an eye out for vacancies here » Cat Chat Volunteers page

Many rescue organisations also need help on-line, to maintain a web page, a Facebook or Twitter page, or even their Cat Chat Homing Page! If you are computer literate, and could offer help on-line, contact your Local Rescue Centre

Not Sure Who to Support? Find Animal Rescue & Welfare Organisations here...
Cat Rescue & Rehoming Organisations » UK Cat Shelters
Support Cat Chat, the Cat Rescue Resource » Support Us
Other Animal Welfare & Rescue organisations » Animal Charities  

Cats Needing Homes UK and Ireland