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Below are a few 'extra special' stories of cats homed after being seen on Cat Chat.
If YOU have homed a cat with Cat Chat’s help, we'd love to know! If you have adopted a cat after seeing them on Cat Chat, or shelters who have re-homed a cat with Cat Chat's help, please email us as follows (with a photo if possible): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and they could star on our "Roll of Honour"!

Annie, Gizmo and Zorro

Annie, Gizmo and Zorro, from Little Paws Cat Haven, Wolverhampton, homed through Cat ChatSiblings Annie, Gizmo and Zorro (one) have found a wonderful home - they were seen on Cat Chat by a couple who had just moved in to a new home, and they wanted to home three siblings, though not kittens - they fell in love with these three, and we are over the moon that they have adopted them. Annie (left) and her two brothers Gizmo (middle) and Zorro (right) are totally bonded, sleep, play and eat together, so could not be parted.  They are very clean and absolutely adorable.  All like nothing more than to cuddle down on your lap making biscuits.

Little Paws Cat Haven, Wolverhampton


Kian and Kedi from Eight Lives Cat Rescue, homed through Cat ChatWe're delighted to let you know that after almost a year in rescue kitten Kian (left) has gone to her new home, and amazingly mum Kedi has found a long-term foster home. Many thanks for your help. Kedi arrived with us in August 2023, heavily pregnant and not very well, having lived on the street for some time. She gave birth to five kittens a few days later. She's been one of the most patient, loving mums we've ever had and has taken excellent care of her kittens. But she was diagnosed with a chest infection and asthma. The infection was quickly cleared up with antibiotics but her asthma remains. She's been using an inhaler which she accepts as part of her daily routine. We were aware that her health issues could get in the way of her adoption, so we were looking for a long-term foster home, where Eight Lives will cover her vet care, hopefully with a view to adoption if her health issues settle down. She needed somewhere with minimum stress to give her the best chance of her health improving - a quiet(ish) home with no other pets or young children.  Her kitten Kian is playful, affectionate, and confident. She's got on well with her mum and siblings but has been afraid of any of the other cats so we thought she'd be best either going to a new home with mum or being an only cat. She'll be fine with kids who are old enough to treat a cat with respect and are aware that kittens do have sharp edges! They were both spotted on Cat Chat.

Eight Lives Cat Rescue, Sheffield


Jonesey from Whinnybank Cats Sanctuary, homed through Cat ChatGreat news - Jonesey has now gone to his new forever home after being spotted on our Cat Chat page. Many thanks, as always. Jonesey is a ginger Arabian Mau, extremely friendly with people and he loves sitting on your knee. He’s got a chunk out of his ear and had to have the tip of his tail amputated a couple of years ago as he got trapped in a window and gnawed the end of his tail in distress. He will spend a lot of time outside if it’s sunny but will opt to be indoors when it rains. He is quite a vocal cat and will let you know when he wants outside. He doesn't like other cats, and he is not a fan of babies or toddlers as he's scared of them, but older children would be OK. He is also very scared of the hoover! Overall he is a gorgeous, affectionate cat and deserved to be with a family who love him and give him all of the affection he deserves.

Whinnybank Cat Sanctuary, Newburgh


Matilda from Maesteg Animal Welfare Society, homed through Cat ChatJust to let you know Matilda, now called Tilley, has found a wonderful home after being spotted on Cat Chat. She was bought as a kitten and her owners let her breed for profit. Despite her young age (1 year) she had already had 2 litters. Her owners were evicted, leaving her behind to fend for herself. Luckily for her, a neighbour started feeding her but she was pregnant again. When the kits were born they all came to us. Matilda was a very protective mother and very wary of us to begin with. However, when she knew she was safe she became very friendly, but she was ill due to giardia infestation. Once she had a completely clean bill of health, she was looking for that home where she could have a better life than she'd had previously. She doesn't like other cats, probably because of so many toms after her. She deserved the best! She'd had an awful start in life but thanks to Cat Chat she will now be loved. Thank you.

Maesteg Animal Welfare Society, Bridgend


Coconut, from Maesteg Animal Welfare Society, Bridgend, homed through Cat ChatBeautiful Coconut, who has been with us for over one year, has finally found a loving home after a lady saw another cat on Cat Chat. She came to view Oscar but also felt she could not leave Coconut behind after reading her story - Coconut was badly abused, but has now found an owner that understands her. Her owner says her house is now complete, all thanks to Cat Chat. Two homes found together. Thank you.

Maesteg Animal Welfare Society, Bridgend


Jammie & Silver from Thanet Cat Club, homed through Cat ChatJammie and Silver were homed through being seen on Cat Chat. Many thanks. Jammie (right) is an absolutely gorgeous 13 year old, who was looking for his fur-ever home, having been with us for a few months. He has previously had skin cancer, hence his ears are cropped. He loves cuddles and likes his food. He needed access to a garden as he is used to going out but he'd have to have special attention to his ears especially in the summer, and sun cream applied, and grooming on a regular basis. Silver is a gorgeous big black fluffy boy with a pinch of white in his bib. He came to us when his previous owner unfortunately went into the hospice for end of life care. He loves his food and needed access to a safe and secure garden as he is used to going out.

Thanet Cat Club, Broadstairs

Maisie & Mavis

Maisie & Mavis, from Strawberry Persian Cat Rescue, Malvern, homed through Cat ChatMaisie & Mavis have been rehomed. Maisie (left) is a chatty, chubby, ten year old Persian with one blue and one orange eye. Great with other cats. Very very loving. She has had to have a shortish lion cut as very very matted and had long claws. Poor Mavis (right) is an older cat who was in a terrible state when rescued by Strawberry. She had been fed on dog food and was thin, had fleas, a mouth full of rotten teeth with bleeding gums, and ulcerated corneas due to entropion (where the eyelids roll inwards, causing the eyelashes to scratch the eye). She is now recovering from entropion surgery and can open her eyes without pain for the first time in many years. She is a squeaky and loving little girl, finally free of pain after so long! Their new home was completely down to you at Cat Chat - huge thanks as a pair of oldies are so hard to home!!!!

Strawberry Persian Cat Rescue, Malvern


Pumpkin, from Precious Paws Cat Rescue, York, homed through Cat ChatThis very beautiful three year old girl has been homed thanks to Cat Chat. She was advertised free online and for collection only - a very dangerous thing to do because home checks are so important to make sure cats will find their forever homes where they will be loved, cared for and also respected. Many people lie - and some animals end up in very dangerous predicaments - so when one of our lovely home visitors flagged the advert to us we felt we must try to help poor Pumpkin. We have to say that Pumpkin was totally terrified initially but with the love and great care from one of our amazing foster carers she made a great recovery.

Precious Paws Cat Rescue, York


Pippie from Precious Paws Cat Rescue, York, homed through Cat ChatPippie was noticed on Cat Chat.  She is like a teddy bear not only in looks (she has no tail) but in enjoying cuddles. She loves being a lap cat and will lie on your knees with her head resting on your arm. She also likes sitting on you to watch birds through the window. She is great company for people, but not so keen on other cats. Pippie came to us as her owner said her personality had changed but that she was perfectly fit and well - however she was actually in pain and so she had to have her tail amputated! After that was done she showed what a lovely cat she really was. She'd had a tough time but now has her wonderful, forever home. Many thanks for your help as always.

Precious Paws Rescue, York


Kojo, from Precious Paws Cat Rescue, Rickmansworth, homed through Cat ChatOur little Kojo was spotted on Cat Chat and found herself a lovely new home and owners. She was very feisty when she first arrived, as you can see from her expression in the photo - this was taken day 2!  Kojo has now settled and loves any attention she can get - she loves to sit on your lap and loves food!

Precious Paws Cat Rescue, Rickmansworth


Sooty from Feline Network Cat Rescue, Paignton, homed through Cat ChatGreat news: Sooty was spotted on Cat Chat and is now king of his new home! A quiet cat, who takes his time to trust, he had not had the best life: neglected, hit with spoons, and who knows what else. We thought he'd benefit from a home with older children and maybe a secure garden, but he would be quite happy as an indoor cat.

Feline Network Cat Rescue, Paignton



Dave from Maesteg Animal Welfare Society, Bridgend, homed through Cat ChatDave, now homed thanks to Cat Chat, had a bad start with people who threw him out like rubbish. He has a lovely nature, mostly very placid, but he had been with the rescue for some time as he could be a little aggressive at times, probably because he had had to fend for himself. He has now settled into a fantastic home and has become a lovable boy.

Maesteg Animal Welfare Society, Bridgend


Lulu from Whinnybank Cat Sanctuary, homed through Cat ChatJust to let you know that Millie has now found a new home after being spotted on our Cat Chat page. Millie is 7 years old and had had a really tough time. She came from a dirty and disgusting environment so she had to be trained to use a litter tray as she didn’t know what one was, and she still prefers torn-up newspaper to litter. Millie has always been a house cat and has never looked to venture out but that’s not to say that later on, if there was a garden, she may want to go out. Millie is so loving and friendly and loves company. Thanks for all you do!

Whinnybank Cat Sanctuary, Newburgh


Lazarus & Feral Mark from Cat's Guidance Rescue, homed through Cat ChatWe just wanted to let you know that these two boys were seen on your Overlooked section and we have just homed them. Thank you SO much!!!  The magnificent black Lazarus, thought to be feral, is in fact a hunky, chunky love machine. He's FIV positive but is in good health at the moment, enjoying life with his friend Feral Mark. Mark came from a feral colony and had some serious ear polyps/infections and other health problems but after ear surgery and recovery was happy and fit for homing with his friend Lazarus.They were looking for a home indoors with a catio, or as outdoor cats on isolated land with a house, warmth and fluffy beds to retreat to. Their new owner would be covered for vet bills but would have to catch/trap them if they show any signs of illness to get them to a vet asap. They now have the most amazing home!

Cat's Guidance Rescue, Wigan


Bob from Burton upon Stather Cat Rescue, homed through Cat ChatBeth was re-homed having been seen on Cat Chat. Despite her difficult start in life, having had at least three litters of kittens at a relatively young age, Beth is the sweetest natured girl. She has now gone to live in a quiet home with a lady who loves her to bits. When the time comes for her to go outdoors she has a lovely garden to explore, such a contrast to the busy road where she had lived previously. We’re over the moon for this special girl who has found her perfect home which she so much deserves.

Burton upon Stather Cat Rescue, Scunthorpe



Ru, from Ceredigion Cat Rescue, Lampeter, homed through Cat ChatJust wanted to let you know Ru has now found a home!! Ru first came into the rescue back in February last year as a kitten and he cannot quite believe that there have been no suitable enquiries for him as he needs a special home. He can be unpredictable - happy to cwtch in your lap one moment and the next biting your arm or hand, but generally he gets a Minxy look to give you some warning. He has calmed down greatly since being in our care and it is hoped he will improve with an understanding home where he can have lots of attention and have access to outside to tire himself out. Having said that he is a big boy so if he really wanted to hurt someone then he could and he rarely leaves a mark, so it doesn't appear to be malicious, rather over excitement/playing or not getting his own way. He enjoys watching the world go by in his catio and is keen to have more access to the outside world. He is a very handsome boy who hasn’t had an easy time of it in his short life having come from a difficult domestic situation. He is quite the climber and shows no fear of heights. He is an outgoing cat and will approach anyone and flash them his belly.... which may be a trick! Ru was spotted on Cat Chat. 

Ceredigion Cat Rescue, Lampeter


Seth & Sidney from Bushy Tail Cat Aid, homed through Cat ChatYes, Seth (left) and Sidney have been rehomed thanks to Cat Chat's support. Seth was born on the street and was found covered in dirt, flies, and on the verge of dying. Sidney had experience of living outdoors too, until he was beaten up to the point of losing his eyesight, and dumped in a garbage bin. What a start to life! Both boys, Egyptian Maus, came into our care at the same time and they became best friends. But no-one seemed to want a nearly blind cat and we never had any interest in these boys. Yet, they are such sweet and affectionate creatures with so much love to give! Although they had some health problems in the past and Sidney has little sight, they have had thorough vet checks and received a clean bill of health. They needed an indoor home with windows and balcony secured, a catio or a secured garden. We are extremely grateful, and their adopter is absolutely amazing. Well worth waiting a year!

Bushy Tail Cat Aid, Watford


Thank you so much - Ruby was noticed via Cat Chat which definitely helped. She is a gem of a cat with one beautiful eye. She came to us as a mum living on an industrial estate with her kittens. Now her kittens have got homes and her injured eye was removed she is showing her true personality. She is lively, playful and affectionate with tortietude. She will let you know when she wants attention by tapping your hand! She is very quick with her paws when playing. She can be a bit unsure of hands coming to her from her blind side but this does not stop her hunting flies! She is absolutely full of fun - likes to be involved in everything and would make a wonderful addition to the right home. She is very quick and active so we do think she would like to go outside if safe to do so.

Precious Paws Cat Rescue, York


Coco from Strawberry Persian Cat Rescue, homed via Cat ChatCoco is a female Persian chinchilla rescued with 9 other cats from a breeder's locked shed. They were in a terrible state, and poor Coco had to recover from being very thin and having her horrendous mats removed. Shy but tolerant, she loves other cats and really came round to humans, eventually letting her fosterers clean her eyes. She very much got a home via Cat Chat - we have them listed there first of all.

Strawberry Persian Cat Rescue, Malvern


George, from Maesteg Animal Welfare Society, Bridgend, homed through Cat ChatGeorge, five, was spotted on Cat Chat and now has a wonderful home as a result of this site. George is a lovely Bengal cross.  He has the iciest blue eyes and loves to play.  We collected him from our local vet, he had a cat bite but the owners refused to pay for treatment.  The cat bite left him with a disability to his leg. It affected the tendons in such a way that the leg turned inwards.  It was a decision of whether to amputate the leg or see if it got better, which it has. 

Maesteg Animal Welfare Society, Bridgend


Ferguson, from Bushy Tails Cat Aid, Watford homed through Cat ChatFerguson has now been rehomed after being spotted on Cat Chat! Five-year-old Ferguson is a very intelligent cat with a huge personality. He knows how to communicate with humans, and he knows how to charm them.  When Ferguson came into our care, he was is a bad shape, riddled with fleas, dirty, he smelled terribly and needed a big and expensive dental. He’d been living on the streets for ages, because nobody bothered to microchip him. Or neuter him. Or look for him. We can’t thank you enough for helping him! Thank you for all you do, it really makes a difference!

Bushy Tail Cat Aid, Watford


Barney-LittleCottageRescue1.jpgAnother homed via Cat Chat - thank you. Barney is a very special tabby cat.  Aged about 7 years, he is a funny little chap about whom we know very little. He'd been living with an older lady who had to be taken into care and Barney was discovered in a dark bedroom where he had apparently been living for 5 years on his own. He had been fed well but seemed to have been deprived of any attentive, human company for most of that time. He has a deformed back leg, which does not bother him in the slightest. As you can see from his picture, he thinks he is perfect, which he really is. Very gentle and unassuming, he was delighted to see his fosterer and other cats on a daily basis and he loved to lie in a puddle of sunshine in his pen. Because of his disadvantaged background, we really needed to find him a home where he could take his time to recover from such a long time on his own.

Little Cottage Rescue, Luton


Saffy, from Little Cottage Rescue, Luton, homed through Cat ChatSo pleased to say after two weeks on Cat Chat Saffy, our little deaf girl, has found the perfect home. Little Saffy is a petite, pure white girl with two black lines on top of her head, which make her look very impish.  Totally deaf, Saffy was looking for an indoor home or a home with an enclosed garden or catio where she could have some fresh air in safety. Thank you again.

Little Cottage Rescue, Luton


MooMoo from Toe Beans Cat Rescue, homed through Cat ChatMooMoo has found her ideal home through Cat Chat. She is so loving and friendly - a true lap cat. She came into our rescue having been badly neglected as the photo on the left of the "before and after" shot shows, but she's a transformed cat. She took a while to trust people, but proved to have a beautiful nature: very playful, loves people and she will bring you the treats bag to show you she'd like some, please! She does not like other cats so had to be homed so that she could rule the roost.Thank you Cat Chat!

Toe Beans Cat Rescue, Saffron Walden


tilly-southoxheyar.jpgJust to let you know the good news that Tilly has found her new home via Cat Chat. Sadly Tilly’s owner died, and as she was being put into a carrier to go to another rescue she panicked and escaped. Left running the streets for a while she got into a very poorly state. Luckily when found she was so hungry that she willingly went into a carrier, and once she was fit and well she was eager to give someone or two all her love. Tilly is a very gentle soul and loves strokes and cuddles and being brushed. She is an active girl and will play once she feels relaxed. She needed a quiet home without children or other pets so she could have all the attention, with human company for at least part of the day if possible. With her new home she has landed on her feet and couldn't want for better.

South Oxhey Animal Rescue, Watford


tommy-preciouspaws.jpgIt took a while, but Tommy has been homed through Cat Chat. Every day Tommy would put his bow tie on ready for someone to ask about him but just like all the days before, nobody did. He asked his foster mum, "Why does nobody want me, mum? Is it because I’m black and white? Is it because I'm nervous of men? Is it because I’m 8?" She said, "Tommy, you have SO many good points: you could possibly live with dogs and cats, you are so well behaved, you lost your beloved owner then spent a year helpless on the streets, so you are resilient. You are beautiful inside and out.” We agree he is adorable. He's now found the right person to love him - and he is lovable.

Precious Paws Cat Rescue, York

Noella Tripod & Luna

Noella & Luna from Toe Beans Cat Rescue, homed throughCat ChatDelighted to say that Noella (left) and Luna (right) have been rehomed after being seen on Cat Chat - many thanks. Noella came into rescue as the victim of a road accident. Her back leg was too badly fractured to be saved. She's a cute girl who craves attention and purrs non-stop. She miaows and chirrups the day away. She loves to play and is happy on three legs - she doesn't know she's disabled and just gets on with life!
Lovely Luna's owners reluctantly had to rehome her - she adores a lap and isn't shy of new people. We love black cats and Luna is up there with the best of them.

Toe Beans Cats Rescue, Saffron Walden

Harry & Louis

Harry & Louis from All Animal Rescue, Southampton, homed through Cat ChatThanks to you wonderful people, the lovely Harry (left) and Louis, 3 months old when adopted, have gone to their new home. They came in to the rescue with their 2 siblings after being found dumped in a box, sick and fighting for their lives. Sadly their sister passed away on arrival and the boys, anaemic from parasites, had a rollercoaster of a ride to health. They are now healthy, the only lasting sign of their trauma being a sensitive tummy, so they need a high quality diet. Harry and Louis are both confident characters who love to play. 

All Animal Rescue, Southampton


Beau, from Maesteg Animal Welfare Society, Bridgend, homed through Cat ChatGreat news: Beau the deaf cat that has been with us for so long has now been homed via Cat Chat.  How can anyone resist those crystal blue eyes?  Unfortunately Beau was completely deaf so he needed that very special home where he had to adapt to hand signals.  He was young, playful and had lots of energy, but also loved comfort and deserved another chance.

Maesteg Animal Welfare Society, Bridgend


Ginge, from Lancashire Paws Cat Rescue, Bolton, homed through CatChatOur dear old man, Ginge who is around 17, has been adopted! This was as a result of being seen on Cat Chat. The odds for us finding him a suitable home weren't really in his favour because of his age, and as he also had kidney disease. However, his new owner is experienced with cats with various health conditions and just wanted to give an older cat the very best life possible for however long this turns out to be. His home is a very beautiful one, with two resident hens. He's seen them through windows so far! This dear old boy is pretty laid back and may not bother with them once he's weighed them up. I hope to hear more about this in time. He is a very quietly natured old man, with simple needs, namely food (renal), loads of strokes and cuddles, lots of company and very likely a knee to curl up on as often as one is available. They all deserve the best of everything of course but knowing this beautiful old man is going to be pampered for the rest of his life, after all the neglect he endured and living outside for a long time, is really fantastic and brings tears to my eyes. Huge thanks to everyone at Cat Chat, again, for the service you offer to all of us, definitely this small rescue. Thank you very much for all your help and support.

Lancashire Paws Cat Rescue, Bolton


Wanda, from Lulubells Rescue, Enfield, homed through Cat ChatHi, I wanted to share a recent homing success story we have had through your platform: Wanda, a beautiful calico cat, was abandoned by her family when they moved away and left her behind. The kind neighbours looked after her, fed her and made sure she had shelter from the cold and rain but she became untrusting of any other humans and was nervous and scared. We received a call late one evening explaining that Wanda had just given birth outside to 4 kittens and they were really concerned for her. Our volunteers attended immediately but sadly one of the kittens had already passed away. Wanda was taken to a fantastic foster home where she had her own room away from anyone else, a warm bed and plenty of food to build up her strength and help her feed her nursing kittens. Unfortunately another one of her kittens passed overnight and we could see Wanda was incredibly sad. Wanda and her remaining two kittens continued to grow and thrive, her babies were soon adopted into a fantastic furever home but Wanda remained. She was nervous and spent most of her time hiding but the fosterer was patient and Wanda has now found her furever home where she will at last be pampered and cared for.

Lulubells Rescue, Enfield

Pablo & Jake

Pablo & Jake, from North Notts Cat Rescue, Nottingham, homed through CatChatPablo and Jake were homed through CatChat. Thank you! Pablo had been straying for quite some time, being fed by a kind lady. This boy came into the rescue in quite a sorry state. Following castration, dematt, worm treatment, flea and eye cream, Pablo is a transformed boy. Jake came into the rescue having been left behind like so many of our cats. We cannot understand this as he is the most loving, laid back chap you could wish for.

North Notts Cat Rescue, Nottingham


Zeus, from Bushy Tail Cat Aid, Watford, homed through CatChatHello! Zeus has been adopted. Two year old Zeus is a very friendly and cuddly cat who had been living in the garden of a kind lady for months. He was a former pet; unwanted and abandoned. He’s very charming and gentle, and despite of the sad circumstances, he’s remained positive, playful and appreciative of the kindness and care he’s received.

Bushy Tail Cat Aid, Watford


Jaffa, from Cats Protection Farnham Camberley & Districts, Farnham, homed through Cat ChatBeautiful Jaffa was homed via Cat Chat. She was a very special girl, needing a very special home. She had Cerebellar Hypoplasia (wobbly cat syndrome) so she needed an indoor home to keep her safe. She was a very loving affectionate cat, who loved a fuss and being brushed.

Cats Protection Farnham Camberley & Districts, Farnham


Charlotte, from Independent Cat Rescue, Manchester, homed through Cat ChatCharlotte has been homed through Cat Chat. At only 12 to18 months old, she came into rescue after being dumped on a field in Harpurhey. She was filthy and skinny and had tremors which we were concerned about. She improved massively while in care, her tremors were no longer as bad but they were still present as she was diagnosed with Cerebellar Hypoplasia, also known as wobbly cat syndrome. She was also completely deaf. Thank you so much for all your help.

Independent Cat Rescue, Manchester


Marvin, from  Cat & Kitten Rescue, Watford, homed through Cat ChatMarvin was spotted on Cat Chat. He came to us as a stray. He was in a terrible state - filthy, skinny and had a huge abscess. He was a lovely boy and loved his food and a cuddle on his terms! 

Cat & Kitten Rescue, Watford


Denzil, from Cat Action Trust 77, Doncaster South, homed through Cat ChatDenzil was a stray with a serious heart condition - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This means the walls of his heart are thickened and his heart finds it more difficult to work properly. This can be a severely life limiting condition. Lovely Denzil was rehomed after being spotted on Cat Chat. His condition will continue to be looked after by our vet and this will be funded by us.

Cat Action Trust 77, Doncaster South


Spock, from I'm pleased to let you know that Spock left for his new home. His enquiry came from a lady who'd seen him on CatChat. Spock is a cat who weighed in at 9kgs (17lbs) when he first came in, having lived for entire 8 years in a 2nd floor flat. He had a problem with his patella due to being overweight and having had no exercise. He had never been outside or seen a garden. His new home in Dorking has a wonderful garden, and I'm hoping that when the weather is warmer he may venture outside.  CP - Crawley, Reigate & District, Crawley, homed through CatChatI'm pleased to let you know that Spock has left for his new home. His enquiry came from a lady who'd seen him on Cat Chat. Spock is a cat who weighed in at 9kgs (17lbs) when he first came in, having lived his entire 8 years in a 2nd floor flat. He had a problem with his patella due to being overweight and having had no exercise. He had never been outside or seen a garden. His new home in Dorking has a wonderful garden, and I'm hoping that when the weather is warmer he may venture outside.

CP - Crawley, Reigate & District, Crawley


Solo, from Whinnybank Cat Sanctuary, Newburgh, homed through CatChatWe are extremely happy to report that Solo has now been homed after being spotted on our Cat Chat overlooked cats listing, many thanks.

Whinnybank Cat Sanctuary, Newburgh


Lennox, from The Cat House Rescue, Bradford, homed through CatChatLennox was rehomed thanks to the CatChat overlooked page. He came here after he was found living as a stray. He had ear mites so bad, they itched so much and he ended up scratching his ears raw. On top of all that he had cat flu too. We took him to the vets and treated his ears and made him all better again.

The Cat House Rescue, Bradford

Jessie, Mirabel, Phoebe and more…

Jessie, Mirabel, Phoebe and more… , from BBJ Cat Rescue (working with North Notts Cat Rescue, NottinghamThis gorgeous trio, as well as another eight lovely cats, have been rehomed thanks to Cat Chat. Jessie (left) was a kitten bought on a whim and then discarded onto the streets. Despite this, Jessie was the most beautiful friendly lap cat you could wish for. Mirabel (middle) was handed in by her owners as no longer wanted. We cannot understand how people can discard their pets without a second thought. Beautiful Phoebe (right) was obviously someone's loved pet until they became bored. Thrown out into the streets, Phoebe soon became pregnant and produced two beautiful babies who have since been homed.

BJ Cat Rescue (working with North Notts Cat Rescue), Nottingham


Rolly, from All Animal Rescue, Southampton, homed through CatChatThanks to CatChat, Rolly was rehomed. Rolly came in to the rescue as a stray in a very poor matted and emaciated state. After a lot of investigation work we found out that his owners had moved away and left him behind 7 years ago when he was just two years old! For 7 years Rolly lived the life of a semi feral male cat, fighting for food and the ladies. He managed to find many homes that would feed him, however this was good and bad, as many of them (thinking they were helping) would flea treat and worm him, this meant the poor boy was massively overdosed for over 7 years! When he arrived at the rescue he was in a lot of pain, his coat was extremely matted, his organs hurt from the overdosing and his mouth was badly in need of a good dental. With a lot of TLC from the rescue Rolly has now been given a clean bill of health by the vets and with all the TLC he has remembered what it is like to a be a loved, owned cat.

All Animal Rescue, Southampton


Churchill, from Lulubells Rescue, Enfield, homed through Cat ChatChurchill was rehomed through Cat Chat. We are absolutely thrilled that this has happened, and all down to Cat Chat !!! Eight-year-old Churchill had been living on the streets for many years until he came in to the rescue, battle scarred and in pain - he was found to have a hernia and twisted bowel.

Lulubells Rescue, Enfield

Ely & Smudge

Eli & Smudge, from Barnsley Animal Rescue Charity, Yorkshire, homed through Cat ChatGreat news about Ely and Smudge, they’ve been rehomed after being spotted on Cat Chat! Ely (left) & Smudge (right) were adorable brother and sister. Sadly they were needing a home due to their owners moving. Ely only had 3 legs, however this didn’t cause him any problems. He was a very affectionate boy and loved human attention. Smudge was a little more nervous but soon came round for a fuss.

Barnsley Animal Rescue Charity, Yorkshire


Marcus, from Bushy Tail Cat Aid, Watford, homed through Cat ChatSix-year old Marcus has been rehomed thanks to Cat Chat! When Marcus came into our care, he looked like a skeleton in a fluffy coat. He had a body of an elderly cat, which didn't match his young white teeth. He was unneutered and not microchipped, and most likely dumped by an owner. He had no clue how to source out food, and due to his long coat, his ribcage wasn't visible unless he'd been touched. He would have starved to death. He was friendly and very cute, not demanding and he knew how to entertain himself. He slept through the night, wan't destructive and he liked to hang out in the living room with humans and resident cats. Thank you for your invaluable help!

Bushy Tail Cat Aid, Watford


Polly, from Canny Cats, Newcastle, homed through Cat ChatA lovely happy ending for young mum Polly: Little Polly was rescued by Canny Cats in Newcastle from a railway embankment with her three kittens. She was dirty and had wounds on her face. At only a year old she was still a kitten herself when she gave birth. The rescue said: "She was extremely scared and hid away in her box for the first couple of weeks. Slowly she has come to trust us and although still very nervous, she likes to be fussed and to sit on knees. She can also be quite talkative." The great news is that Polly has now been rehomed after being spotted on Cat Chat.

Canny Cats, Newcastle


Lolita, from Springfield Animal Rescue, homed through CatChatLolita is a very affectionate, friendly girl. She's very sweet and gets around very well. She loves being fussed, but panics a little when picked up which is understandable being completely blind. Lolita was rehomed through Cat Chat, thanks so much, she has a perfect home!

Springfield Animal Rescue, Chelmsford


Glen, from CP - Stranraer & District, homed through CatChatYou kindly added Glen (who was found with gun pellets in him) to your overlooked cats page and within a few days he was spotted on that page by someone who had recently lost their cat and was not going to replace it. But after seeing Glen's appeal on overlooked cats, they couldn't resist him. This has secured him the home we've been waiting for, for so long. So many thanks for promoting his plight on overlooked cats!

CP - Stranraer & District, Stranraer

Helga (now Hans!)

Helga, from Burton Joyce Cat Welfare, homed through CatChatI have some fantastic news, Cat Chat has found our very sad and confused blind Helga (who turned out to be Hans!), a lovely home with a couple who wanted to adopt a disabled cat. He has settled in straight away.

Burton Joyce Cat Welfare, Nottingham

Alfie & Ollie

Alfie & Ollie, from Lancashire Paws Cat Rescue, homed through CatChatAlfie (left) and Ollie (right) have been adopted as a result of them being seen on Cat Chat. I am overjoyed for these beautiful, 'quirky' boys of course; I love them so much and I know their new owners will do the same and give them a fabulous, loving home at last. HUGE thanks to Cat Chat for all your support and amazing help.

Lancashire Paws Cat Rescue, Bolton


Jasper, from Lancashire Paws Cat Rescue, homed through CatChatJasper is now with a wonderful young lady who appears to understand him. She accepts that he is really a feral cat. I have taken in other feral cats, not the wisest move but heads and hearts don't always agree, and those I have now are scared yes, but nothing like as much as Jasper has been, and they have all made more progress than he had. I feel that, fingers crossed, he now has the chance of the kind of life that really suits his needs. Where he is now, his surroundings seem ideal. Jasper was seen on Cat Chat again and it is this that led to his second homing. Your organisation is amazing in so many ways.

Lancashire Paws Cat Rescue, Bolton


Frisbee, from Springfield Animal Rescue, Chelmsford, homed through Cat ChatFrisbee is a male ginger three-legged cat aged 11 years. He’s very friendly and affectionate, and loves to be the centre of attention. Although he has lived with other cats he would prefer to be an only cat, as he likes to chase others away and can go pretty fast on those three legs! Frisbee has now been homed via Cat Chat.

Springfield Animal Rescue, Chelmsford

cats needing homes section